Here are a few for the British from an American.
1) You have something you call ice cream, but it is in no way ice cream. It is more like cold cool whip.
2) Some British eat toast for breakfast with a beef bullion paste called Marmite. This is not quite as bad as tasting a fisherman's friend, but it comes pretty darn close.
3) As soon as you open your mouth and utter a sentence, it can be determined where you live within a few blocks.
4) A public school is really a private school, but what then is a government run school called?
5) It makes me smile when I hear the British say; Aluminum, Privacy, Vitamin, and schedule.
6) British have the best sense of humor, or is that humour.
7) If you ever get an American dentist, you will never have had such clean teeth.
8) Americans don't understand how and when you change your Prime Ministers.
9) We love to see Parliament in session and all the heckling that goes on.
10) The UK music charts are about six months ahead of the US, and the BBC news tries the hardest not to show their bias. They may be the only news source left where the idea of true journalism is still a worthy goal.