As in Canada we say "washroom" but in the states they say "restroom".
Despite you having, single-handedly, swerved the focus of this thread from knives, forks, spoons and bread to toilets, yes…. TOILETS!!!, I bare you no ill.
In fact I'm even prepared to do you a big favour and offer some friendly advice……..
If ever you should visit the UK and find yourself caught short, as in needing the toilet, don't go asking the whereabouts of the Washroom or the Restroom!!!
If you ask for the Washroom it will be assumed that you have soiled clothing to process and are actually looking for the Laundry Room.
If you ask for the Restroom it will be assumed that you are tired and in need of a lie down. Hence you will be directed to the Bedroom.
As neither of these will result in you reaching the toilet, it is likely that embarrassing disaster will ensue. In which case, you
will need to ask for the Washroom!!!
I do hope that is helpful information.
Once again, I urge the Moderators to keep a close watch on this thread in case we get any Aussies join in!!