Hmmm, this is the first board where I have even considered using my real name. And that, only after a number of months answerring questions and getting a feel for how professional the core group is. I have to admit that when I start E-Mailing files back and forth with people I am trying to help from the board, I feel a little awkward having to explain that my very official looking signature:
Paul Sasur
Sr. Mechanical Test Engineer (WP&OGA System)
Hamilton Sundstrand
Space, Land & Sea
Phone (860) xxx-xxxx
Fax (860) xxx-xxxx
Goes with the Hatman persona here on the board. Obviously, people take it in stride, but it still gives me some pause... I have the illusory anonymity of moniker like Hatman and every once in a while I end up sharing that information anyway when I exchange E-Mails off-board. And as Erik pointed out in some earlier thread, I actually posted the better part of personal info on a Chain Maille board, that I no longer frequent anyway.
I guess I'm just rambling now. Perhaps, when things slow down at work next year, and I start spending a slew of time here again, I'll take the time to have my screen-name changed... right now, I just plain can't be bothered.
BTW, for anyone who cares, Hatman was the first nickname I got when I went away to college... the first nickname I had been dubbed that I didn't take to be a snide insult. I was dubbed so due to an Aussie Bush Hat that I had picked up in Cairns the summer after High School... which has been replaced once (so far) in the intervening 15 years (I can't believe how OLD I'm getting... we no longer have a child... we now have KIDS!)
Oh, and Patience, CONGRATULATIONS. Marriage to the right person is such an amazing experience. And a question... how does one actually pronounce Bryony?