I'll just say this...
Everyone knows there is a risk of getting killed (or killing someone else) when you get into a Car. But we do it anyway right? Why, because we choose to.
I see no difference between that, and a person's choice to smoke. Even the second hand smoke killing other non smokers. You can be killed by a car even if you're not in one. Second hand smoke is a load of crap anyway. There is more harmfull stuff in the air from the Industrial world than from cigarrettes.
And don't say you have no choice but to drive a car. Bull. You could get an apartment closer to where you work, then walk to work. It would probably be good for you. Driving a car is a choice, no different from smoking. There are thousands (probably millions) of people in the major cities like New York and LA who don't own cars. They walk, ride bikes etc. to get around. Yes it's possible, we did it before the car was invented..
Sure, you should probably not smoke in your house or car with children present...That's about as far as I'm willing to go. But if you try to tell me you're going to get cancer from going to a restaraunt or Bar where people are smoking for a couple hours, you're full of it.
I'm fine with smoking outside at work, sure no problem. Becuase other people who work there are nearly forced to be around the smoke. But not at a restaraunt or bar. If you don't like the smoke, don't come in.
Maybe I'll even go this far, Restaraunt and bar owners can make the choice, hey this is a Smoking or Non Smoking restaraunt. Maybe even alternate, 1 week smoking, 1 week NON...That's probably silly, but just a thought...Then each person can choose weather the want to go in or not. But the government shouldn't make it illegal alltogether..
Anyway, that's my peace...