Thanks for the workbook.
Your workbook, Sheet1, contains 155,787 rows of raw data in columns A, and, B.
The output in column C will be 163,453 rows sorted ascending.
The macro run time on my Lenovo P500 laptop computer, with Windows 8.1, and, Excel 2007, was 8.031 seconds.
Sample raw data in worksheet Sheet1 (only 34 rows are shown for brevity):
Excel 2007 |
| A | B | C |
1 | column A | column B | |
2 | 0100000US54 | 0100000US54 | |
3 | 0100000US541 | 0100000US541 | |
4 | 0100000US5411 | 0100000US5411 | |
5 | 0100000US54111 | 0100000US54111 | |
6 | 0100000US541110 | 0100000US541110 | |
7 | 0100000US5411101 | 0100000US54119 | |
8 | 0100000US5411102 | 0100000US541191 | |
9 | 0100000US54119 | 0100000US541199 | |
10 | 0100000US541191 | 0100000US5412 | |
11 | 0100000US541199 | 0100000US54121 | |
12 | 0100000US5412 | 0100000US541211 | |
13 | 0100000US54121 | 0100000US541213 | |
14 | 0100000US541211 | 0100000US541214 | |
15 | 0100000US541213 | 0100000US541219 | |
16 | 0100000US541214 | 0100000US5413 | |
17 | 0100000US5412141 | 0100000US54131 | |
18 | 0100000US5412142 | 0100000US541310 | |
19 | 0100000US541219 | 0100000US54132 | |
20 | 0100000US5413 | 0100000US541320 | |
21 | 0100000US54131 | 0100000US54133 | |
22 | 0100000US541310 | 0100000US541330 | |
23 | 0100000US54132 | 0100000US54134 | |
24 | 0100000US541320 | 0100000US541340 | |
25 | 0100000US54133 | 0100000US54135 | |
26 | 0100000US541330 | 0100000US541350 | |
27 | 0100000US54134 | 0100000US54136 | |
28 | 0100000US541340 | 0100000US541360 | |
29 | 0100000US54135 | 0100000US54137 | |
30 | 0100000US541350 | 0100000US541370 | |
31 | 0100000US54136 | 0100000US54138 | |
32 | 0100000US541360 | 0100000US541380 | |
33 | 0100000US54137 | 0100000US5414 | |
34 | 0100000US541370 | 0100000US54141 | |
After the macro:
Excel 2007 |
| A | B | C |
1 | column A | column B | 0100000US54 |
2 | 0100000US54 | 0100000US54 | 0100000US541 |
3 | 0100000US541 | 0100000US541 | 0100000US5411 |
4 | 0100000US5411 | 0100000US5411 | 0100000US54111 |
5 | 0100000US54111 | 0100000US54111 | 0100000US541110 |
6 | 0100000US541110 | 0100000US541110 | 0100000US5411101 |
7 | 0100000US5411101 | 0100000US54119 | 0100000US5411102 |
8 | 0100000US5411102 | 0100000US541191 | 0100000US54119 |
9 | 0100000US54119 | 0100000US541199 | 0100000US541191 |
10 | 0100000US541191 | 0100000US5412 | 0100000US541199 |
11 | 0100000US541199 | 0100000US54121 | 0100000US5412 |
12 | 0100000US5412 | 0100000US541211 | 0100000US54121 |
13 | 0100000US54121 | 0100000US541213 | 0100000US541211 |
14 | 0100000US541211 | 0100000US541214 | 0100000US541213 |
15 | 0100000US541213 | 0100000US541219 | 0100000US541214 |
16 | 0100000US541214 | 0100000US5413 | 0100000US5412141 |
17 | 0100000US5412141 | 0100000US54131 | 0100000US5412142 |
18 | 0100000US5412142 | 0100000US541310 | 0100000US541219 |
19 | 0100000US541219 | 0100000US54132 | 0100000US5413 |
20 | 0100000US5413 | 0100000US541320 | 0100000US54131 |
21 | 0100000US54131 | 0100000US54133 | 0100000US541310 |
22 | 0100000US541310 | 0100000US541330 | 0100000US54132 |
23 | 0100000US54132 | 0100000US54134 | 0100000US541320 |
24 | 0100000US541320 | 0100000US541340 | 0100000US54133 |
25 | 0100000US54133 | 0100000US54135 | 0100000US541330 |
26 | 0100000US541330 | 0100000US541350 | 0100000US54134 |
27 | 0100000US54134 | 0100000US54136 | 0100000US541340 |
28 | 0100000US541340 | 0100000US541360 | 0100000US54135 |
29 | 0100000US54135 | 0100000US54137 | 0100000US541350 |
30 | 0100000US541350 | 0100000US541370 | 0100000US54136 |
31 | 0100000US54136 | 0100000US54138 | 0100000US541360 |
32 | 0100000US541360 | 0100000US541380 | 0100000US54137 |
33 | 0100000US54137 | 0100000US5414 | 0100000US541370 |
34 | 0100000US541370 | 0100000US54141 | 0100000US54138 |
Please TEST this FIRST in a COPY of your workbook (always make a backup copy before trying new code, you never know what you might lose).
1. Copy the below code
2. Open your NEW workbook
3. Press the keys
F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor
4. Press the keys
I to activate the Insert menu
5. Press
M to insert a Standard Module
6. Where the cursor is flashing, paste the code
7. Press the keys
Q to exit the Editor, and return to Excel
8. To run the macro from Excel press
F8 to display the Run Macro Dialog. Double Click the macro's name to Run it.
Sub GetUniquesSD()
' hiker95, 06/21/2014, ME785906
Dim lra As Long, lrb As Long
Dim arng As Range, brng As Range, c As Range
Dim k, i As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
lra = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set arng = Range("A2:A" & lra)
lrb = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
Set brng = Range("B2:B" & lrb)
ReDim k(1 To lra + lrb, 1 To 1)
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
For Each c In arng
If c <> "" Then
If Not .Exists(c.Value) Then
.Add c.Value, c.Value
i = i + 1
k(i, 1) = c.Value
End If
End If
Next c
For Each c In brng
If c <> "" Then
If Not .Exists(c.Value) Then
.Add c.Value, c.Value
i = i + 1
k(i, 1) = c.Value
End If
End If
Next c
End With
Range("C1:C" & UBound(k)) = k
Range("C1:C" & UBound(k)).Sort key1:=Range("C1"), order1:=1
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
You may have to add the
Microsoft Scripting Runtime to the
References - VBA Project.
With your workbook that contains the above:
Press the keys
F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor
In the VBA Editor, click on:
Put a checkmark in the box marked
Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Then click on the
OK button.
And, exit out of the VBA Editor.
Before you use the macro with Excel 2007 or newer, save your workbook, Save As, a macro enabled workbook with the file extension
Then run the
GetUniquesSD macro.