OK Tom
Here's what I've got.
It still need tidying up and isn't very high brow:
Sub EmailArchive()
On Error Resume Next
v = MsgBox("I am about to archive the file to the floppy disk drive(A

. It will be saved as Archive.zip. Please ensure an EMPTY disk is available in the drive. Label the disk as appropriate.", 49, "Archive?.")
If v <> 1 Then Exit Sub
datenow1 = Range("Index!n2")
datenow2 = Range("Index!n3")
dn1 = Right$(datenow1, 2)
dn2 = Right$(datenow2, 2)
savefile = "C:windowstempAr" + dn1 + "to" + dn2 + ".XLS"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs savefile
savefil = "C:acctspkpkzip -ex-& a:Archive.zip C:windowstempAr" + dn1 + "to" + dn2 + ".XLS"
RetVal = Shell(savefil, 1)
End Sub
Sub Send_Mail_ComMail()
Dim wbBok As Workbook
Dim wsBlad As Worksheet
Dim RetVal As Double
Dim stTill As String, stFran As String, stComMailexe As String
Dim stBodyText As String, stHost As String, stBilagaNamn As String
Dim stMailVard As String, stArende As String
Set wbBok = ThisWorkbook
Set wsBlad = wbBok.ActiveSheet
stComMailexe = "c:commail.exe"
stMailVard = UserForm17.TextBox1.Text
'Senders e-mail
stFran = UserForm17.TextBox2.Text
'Recipient e-mail
stTill = "online-impact@ntlworld.com"
stArende = "Emailed File"
'Create attachment
stBilagaNamn = "A:Archive.zip"
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
End With
'Create BAt-file
Open "XL.bat" For Output As #1
Print #1, stComMailexe & " " & "-host=" & stMailVard & " " & "-from=" & stFran & " " & "-to=" & stTill & " " & "-subject=" & stArende & " " & "-attach=" & stBilagaNamn
Close #1
RetVal = Shell("C:AcctsXL.bat", 0)
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
End With
End Sub
I may have a problem getting the A: drive to update to the fact it now holds the Archive as I occasionally get the message "A:Archive.zip not found" but it's still beta.
It's most likely to be my age!