Hi Terry,
While TsTom is taking a look on Outlook / Outlook Express via MAPI there exist other alternatives as well.
I recently finished a work where the client preferred to use a total different approach.
<FONT color=blue>Sub </FONT>Send_Mail_ComMail()
<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>wbBok<FONT color=blue> As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Workbook</FONT>
<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>wsBlad<FONT color=blue> As</FONT> Worksheet
<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>rnOmrade<FONT color=blue> As</FONT> Range
<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>RetVal<FONT color=blue> As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Double</FONT>
<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>stTill<FONT color=blue> As</FONT><FONT color=blue> String</FONT>, stFran<FONT color=blue> As</FONT><FONT color=blue> String</FONT>, stComMailexe<FONT color=blue> As</FONT><FONT color=blue> String</FONT>
<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>stBodyText<FONT color=blue> As</FONT><FONT color=blue> String</FONT>, stHost<FONT color=blue> As</FONT><FONT color=blue> String</FONT>, stBilagaNamn<FONT color=blue> As</FONT><FONT color=blue> String</FONT>
<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>stMailVard<FONT color=blue> As</FONT><FONT color=blue> String</FONT>, stArende<FONT color=blue> As</FONT><FONT color=blue> String</FONT>
<FONT color=blue>Set </FONT>wbBok = ThisWorkbook
<FONT color=blue>Set </FONT>wsBlad = wbBok.ActiveSheet
<FONT color=#ff0000>'Mailsoftware
stComMailexe = "c:commail.exe"
<FONT color=#ff0000>'Mailhost
stMailVard = Range("F3").Value
<FONT color=#ff0000>'Senders e-mail
stFran = Range("F4").Value
<FONT color=#ff0000>'Recipient e-mail
stTill = Range("F5").Value
<FONT color=#ff0000>'Subject
stArende = Range("F6").Value
<FONT color=#ff0000>'Create attachment
stBilagaNamn = "c:Bilaga" &<FONT color=blue> Date</FONT> & ".xls"
<FONT color=blue>With </FONT>Application
.ScreenUpdating =<FONT color=blue> False</FONT>
.DisplayAlerts =<FONT color=blue> False</FONT>
<FONT color=blue>End With</FONT>
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs stBilagaNamn
<FONT color=#ff0000>'Create bodytext
Workbooks.Add -4167
Selection.PasteSpecial xlValues
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="c:Bodytext.txt", FileFormat:=xlTextMSDOS
<FONT color=#ff0000>'Create BAt-file
<FONT color=blue>Open </FONT>"XL.bat" <FONT color=blue>For </FONT><FONT color=blue>Output</FONT><FONT color=blue> As</FONT> #1
<FONT color=blue>Print </FONT>#1, stComMailexe & " " & "-host=" & stMailVard & " " & "-from=" & stFran & " " & "-to=" & stTill & " " & "-msg=c:bodytext.txt" & " " & "-subject=" & stArende & " " & "-attach=" & stBilagaNamn
<FONT color=blue>Close </FONT>#1
<FONT color=#ff0000>'Execute
RetVal = Shell("c:XL.bat", 0)
<FONT color=#ff0000>'Make a delay enablighs Shell to finish up
<FONT color=#ff0000>'and then kill some of files
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:10")
Kill "c:Bilaga" &<FONT color=blue> Date</FONT> & ".xls"
Kill "c:Bodytext.txt"
<FONT color=blue>With </FONT>Application
.ScreenUpdating =<FONT color=blue> False</FONT>
.DisplayAlerts =<FONT color=blue> False</FONT>
<FONT color=blue>End With</FONT>
<FONT color=blue>End Sub</FONT>
Instead of creating the attachmentfile as above You replace it with Your zip-file and the path to the zipfile.
In order to have it to work You need to download a small software - Command Mail - which is a freeware and can be downloaded from following site:
Kind regards,
Ps Propably some of the more regular posters may have objection with this solution - They are welcome :wink: Ds