I tested this one. The other one may not work as is. Fix it by downloading the command line utility and looking at the syntax. This will simply zip up one file and email it to the address defined.<pre>Option Explicit
Sub SendFiles()
Dim SendAddress As String, ZipFile As String, ZipList As String
Dim ShellString As String, FileToZip As String
'full path of the file you will be zipping up
FileToZip = "the full path of the file you want to zip"
'full path of the zip file you will be creating
ZipFile = "the full path of the zip file"
'defining the full argument to pass to the following shell function
ShellString = "C:Program FilesWinZipwzzip.exe " & ZipFile & " " & FileToZip
'run the shell on winzip's command line utility. Zips up all of the files in the
'list file into one zip file
Shell ShellString
'define the address you will be mailing to
SendAddress = "tstom@hotmail.com"
If Not send_mail(SendAddress, "Subject Here", "Body Here", ZipFile) Then MsgBox "Failed"
End Sub
Public Function send_mail(sendto As String, subject As String, _
text As String, AttachPath As String) As Boolean
'Add The MAPI Components and
'add a MAPI Session and MAPI mail control to your form
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Unload UserForm1
With UserForm1.MAPISession1
.DownLoadMail = False
.LogonUI = True
UserForm1.MAPIMessages1.SessionID = .SessionID
End With
With UserForm1.MAPIMessages1
.RecipAddress = sendto
.AddressResolveUI = True
.AttachmentPathName = AttachPath
.MsgSubject = subject
.MsgNoteText = text
.Send False
End With
Unload UserForm1
send_mail = True
Exit Function
End Function</pre>