I came accross MrExel in 2006.
I was (still am) working at a call center. I was just an average Joe on the phone doing customer service for an unnamed client. My manager asked if I was good at Excel. I said I was, but in fact was not. My extent of knowledge at the time was that I knew Excel COULD do really cool stuff, but I didn't have the first clue how. I think at the time the best I knew how to do was a SUM formula. I had created a Paycheck calculator that summed my hours and multiplied by my wage, minus taxes. Pretty basic formulas. But I knew it could do much more, but never had a need to do more, so never learned it.
But then my manager got me into a new position where I would use use excel for statistics like Call Volume and Agent Performance Metrics. Fortunately the stuff I was doing was spreadsheets that someone else had already created, but that person left the company. So I just had to continue processing the spreadsheets. I caught on pretty quick by looking at the formulas and reading the code. And everyone thought I was a "Guru". Even at that point of about 6 months in the new position I was still just a novice. I learned on my own things like Vlookup / Conditional Formatting and using the Macro Recorder.
I think the first question I had that led me to MrExcel.Com was how to make a macro run when a value in a specific cell is changed. I thought it was going to be impossible, boy was I wrong. That just opened a floodgate to all the possiblilites of Excel. And I've been pretty much LIVING on MrExcel.Com ever since. Everything I've learned beyond Vlookup and the Macro Recorder I owe to this forum. Kudos.
Now I spend most of my extra time Reading and Learning stuff on the forum. And alot of time spent answering questions. For me that is the best way to learn, by helping others.
Anyway, that's my story. And I'm sticking to it.