Greg Truby
MrExcel MVP
- Joined
- Jun 19, 2002
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Yup, this is one of those bits of wisdom that I am prepared to take 100% on faith and have 0% inclination to find out for myself...... and painful, I am told.
Yup, this is one of those bits of wisdom that I am prepared to take 100% on faith and have 0% inclination to find out for myself...... and painful, I am told.
Yup, this is one of those bits of wisdom that I am prepared to take 100% on faith and have 0% inclination to find out for myself...... and painful, I am told.
sub dont_whizz_on_the_Electric_Fence()
dim item as person
dim item2 as garment
for each item in world.people
if item.whizzing = true and item.whizzing.on = "Electric Fence" then
for each item2 in
if item2.type = scaMaille then
msgbox item.firstname & " " & item.lastname & " is whizzing on an electric fence while Paul Sasur is wearing a Chain Maille " &
exit for
end if
exit for
next item2
end if
next item
end sub
I had fun manipulating this photo. I have an old straw cowboy hat from a backyard wedding. Best wedding I've been to. Anyway it's a self photo done in the bathroom mirror, and I used the tools on good old Microsoft photoeditor to get the old time effect. Yeah, it's me.
No offense to Cyndi intended but: that Calvin icon was *hard* to get?Note: as for mine, Cyndi worked hard enough to get Calvin, she said she ain't doing schiznit for another one. I'll see what I can do.