Erik: this is a great quest! I just spent a while reading the whole thread, and as mentioned by a coupl eof other people: I have noticed more real faces in th elast few months than ever before.
Obviousky, I am a pretty recent addition to the MrExcel forum (compared to many of the venerable gurus who have graced not only this topic, but this forum in general), and I am finally starting to feel a little bit more like one of the gang. I have always felt that the most inviting posts have real live faces associated with them: it just seems more personal.
I guess I have always been a member of DRAFT and not known about it... started using this avatar back when I was a member of the Arador Armour Library ( but alas, the message board was hacked, and not been rebuilt.
Slightly more recently than Arador, but still pre-dating MrExcel is this:
I like the consistancy of using the same (life-like... yeah, that's me) avatar and username wherever I go... people know who I am and recognize me when they see on other forums... and if you really want to knw who I am, just look in my profile: it's no secret.