dangerous promise ?Erik - don't fret, sometime soon I'll sort through some recent pic's and see if I can find any DRAFT-worthy ones...
Well, that's gonna depend... dangerous to whom? To myself? No - I hafta shave this face every day anyway (ok, maybe not on weekends nor during my bearded winter months). Dangerous to an unwitting mouser-by that stumbles across a thread I've posted on? Most definitely. Indeed I would suggest Bill consider taking out some type of insurance policy to protect against someone suing him for "pain and suffering" from seeing it or perhaps even "excessive anxiety" at even pondering the possibility. [If not to protect against me, then to protect me -- Petrulis has already shown his willingness to emblazon Helen Thomas across over two thousand posts -- a wreckless threat to the net-based citizenry that really should not go unchecked.]dangerous promise?
this is really sweet and niceWell, Erik, as promised (or as threatened, perhaps) I think perhaps I've found a picture that can be edited to a point where it won't scare off the newbies. My five-year-old daughter and myself on a boat ride a DisneyWorld a couple of weeks ago. Gonna miss ol' Fredrick Douglass though...