Excel 2010 Status Bar disappeared


Board Regular
Jun 26, 2009
From time to time, the status bar in excel 2010 is not showing (I don't mean the information is not showing, I mean the bar is not there at all). In previous versions I would go to view>status bar...

how do I get the status bar back in excel 2010?

Thanks, but it didn't work.

What part of the process failed? Were you able to open the VBE? Were you able to open the Immediate Window? Sometimes it's docked in a position where it's hard to see. Or was it just that you needed to change the TRUE to FALSE?

Looks like you're new here, so please don't take this as chastisement - just advice so folks here can better help you going forward. ;) "That didn't work" or "that doesn't work" is a response that while seen thousands upon thousands of times around here has yet to be helpful once. It's much better if you can be specific about what parts of the process you were able to execute and what were the results and where you think the process may have gone off track.
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Excel Facts

How to fill five years of quarters?
Type 1Q-2023 in a cell. Grab the fill handle and drag down or right. After 4Q-2023, Excel will jump to 1Q-2024. Dash can be any character.
Thanks, it works for both off and on. I had spacing I shouldn't have had in the Immediate Window.

I am new here.
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I hit alt F11; then ctrl G to get the Immediate Window. I pasted your code into the Immediate Window, and pressed enter. Thecursor just dropped down to the next line every time I hit enter.

What am i doing wrong?
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Click somewhere in the code line, then press enter. The statusbar should return
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I am experiencing exactly the same issue.

in the immediate box i paste in the code provided and press return. It takes me to the next liune and when I exit and go back to excel spreadsheet I still have no status bar.

Can you explain what I am doing wrong?

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Make sure the cursor is somewhere within that line of code and then press enter
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application.DisplayStatusBar = True

I have entered the above code in twice. I am always on the line or within the code when i press enter.

I have tried removing the spaces either side of the equals sign, just to see if this helped and I still do not appear to be doing this correctly?
any suggestions
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No that should work. Perhaps try running it as a macro just to be sure. Paste this into a new module in your workbook:
Sub ResetStatusBar()
application.DisplayStatusBar = True
End Sub
then run it from the macros dialog (alt+f8) and see if that helps.
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Entered new code but nothing happens when i press ALT and F8 at the same time?

Also now when I press entre it tells me I havea complie error, invalid in immediate pane?

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That code needs to go in a module, not in the Immediate Window.
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