Choose your flag in your profile, it will be displayed next to your location.
Not sure who to ask as administrator of the mrexcel website.
I started to use the mozilla firefox web browser and noticed that the "tooltips" for each user's flag (country) did not appear in the mozilla browser but did in explorer. I received this answer from a mozilla forum:
Most likely, you are experiencing the situation where ALT attributes don't become tooltips when you hover over an image. This is because this way of handling ALT attribute is incorrect. ALT text should only be shown as an alternative to the image, not as well as the image. To have the text display in the tooltip in all graphical browsers, the TITLE attribute should be used. Contact the site administrator to have it fixed.
Could you forward this to the administrator of mrexcel website.
Thank you,
Chas Weber
p.s. I am not sure how to contact the administrator so I also sent a PM to Juan and von pookie, sorry for the duplication.