Please take a look at this image.
This spreadsheet contains a separate continuous sequence of numbers. Each sequence is present in a separate column and is completely independent from the other sequences.
What I will do is... I will highlight a value in the first column in yellow.
What I want Excel to do is... It should highlight the cells values (in blue) in remaining columns that are closest to the cell's value I highlighted in yellow
For example, please take a look at the image...
I highlighted 217.3 in Column A in Yellow. Now, In the remaining columns, B,C,D and E, the cells with closest value to 217.3 must be highlighted in e.g. Blue by excel .
How to achieve this? I want this to be able to dynamically update the sheet when I remove the highlight or add new highlights...
Please guide me...

This spreadsheet contains a separate continuous sequence of numbers. Each sequence is present in a separate column and is completely independent from the other sequences.
What I will do is... I will highlight a value in the first column in yellow.
What I want Excel to do is... It should highlight the cells values (in blue) in remaining columns that are closest to the cell's value I highlighted in yellow
For example, please take a look at the image...
I highlighted 217.3 in Column A in Yellow. Now, In the remaining columns, B,C,D and E, the cells with closest value to 217.3 must be highlighted in e.g. Blue by excel .
How to achieve this? I want this to be able to dynamically update the sheet when I remove the highlight or add new highlights...
Please guide me...