Hi all,
So I used the record macro to import a table, by web query. I then build a dynamic link, placed it in and altered the code around it. Then provided a basic loop to repeat it for each value in the dynamic range. The problem I'm having is that it creates the page, and connection but it doesn't import the table onto the sheet. Is there some issue that VBA has when following importing web queries? Or can someone find how it's wrongly coded? Appologies if my code, or references are wrong or unjustly named - I'm quite new to this part of Excel.
Any input would be appriciated;
Sub populatedata()
'get dates
Dim linkdatefrom As Date
linkdatefrom = range("Control!$C$3").Value
'split string for use as a date within a dynamic link
Dim ddlinkdatefrom As String
ddlinkdatefrom = Left(linkdatefrom, 2)
'yyyylinkdatefrom is the year
Dim yyyylinkdatefrom As String
yyyylinkdatefrom = Right(linkdatefrom, 4)
Dim mmlinkdatefrom As String
mmlinkdatefrom = Mid(linkdatefrom, 4, 2)
'split dates to into three pieces
Dim linkdateto As Date
linkdateto = range("Control!$C$3").Value
Dim ddlinkdateto As String
ddlinkdateto = Left(linkdateto, 2)
Dim mmlinkdateto As String
mmlinkdateto = Mid(linkdateto, 4, 2)
Dim yyyylinkdateto As String
yyyylinkdateto = Right(linkdateto, 4)
'split timefrom into pieces
Dim linktimefrom As Date
linktimefrom = range("control!$b$5").Value
Dim hhtimefrom As String
Dim mmtimefrom As String
Dim sstimefrom As String
hhtimefrom = Left(linktimefrom, 2)
mmtimefrom = Mid(linktimefrom, 4, 2)
sstimefrom = Right(linktimefrom, 2)
'split timeto into pieces
Dim linktimeto As Date
linktimeto = range("control!$c$5").Value
Dim hhtimeto As String
Dim mmtimeto As String
Dim sstimeto As String
hhtimeto = Left(linktimeto, 2)
mmtimeto = Mid(linktimeto, 4, 2)
sstimeto = Right(linktimeto, 2)
'create the import code
'Create dynamicURL1
'part for dynamic login
Dim counter As Integer
counter = 8
Dim dynamicloginpartofURL As String
Dim part1 As String
Dim part2 As String
Dim part3 As String
Dim part4 As String
Dim part5 As String
Dim part6 As String
Dim secondrylinkpart As String
secondrylinkpart = "pick-history.cgi?attribute=PickerId&value="
part1 = "https://bhx1-portal.amazon.com/fc-cgi/picking/pick-history.cgi?attribute=PickerId&value="
'Variable Login
part2 = "&from="
part3 = "%2F"
part4 = "+"
part5 = "%3A"
part6 = "&to="
Do Until ThisWorkbook.Sheets("control").Cells(counter, 1).Value = ""
dynamicloginpartofURL = range("A" & counter).Value
Dim dynamicURL1 As String
dynamicURL1 = part1 & dynamicloginpartofURL & part2 & mmlinkdatefrom & part3 & ddlinkdatefrom & part3 & yyyylinkdatefrom _
& part4 & hhtimefrom & part5 & mmtimefrom & part5 & sstimefrom & part6 _
& mmlinkdateto & part3 & ddlinkdateto & part3 & yyyylinkdateto & part4 _
& hhtimeto & part5 & mmtimeto & part5 & sstimeto
MsgBox (dynamicURL1)
Dim dynamicpart2 As String
dynamicpart2 = secondarylinkpart & dynamicloginpartofURL & part2 & mmlinkdatefrom & part3 & ddlinkdatefrom & part3 & yyyylinkdatefrom _
& part4 & hhtimefrom & part5 & mmtimefrom & part5 & sstimefrom & part6 _
& mmlinkdateto & part3 & ddlinkdateto & part3 & yyyylinkdateto & part4 _
& hhtimeto & part5 & mmtimeto & part5 & sstimet
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add.Name = dynamicloginpartofURL
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"URL;dynamicURL1" _
, Destination:=range("$A$1"))
.Name = dynamicpart2
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False
.FillAdjacentFormulas = False
.PreserveFormatting = True
.RefreshOnFileOpen = False
.BackgroundQuery = True
.RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
.SavePassword = False
.SaveData = True
.AdjustColumnWidth = True
.RefreshPeriod = 0
.WebSelectionType = xlAllTables
.WebFormatting = xlWebFormattingNone
.WebPreFormattedTextToColumns = True
.WebConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne = True
.WebSingleBlockTextImport = False
.WebDisableDateRecognition = False
End With
counter = counter + 1
End Sub
So I used the record macro to import a table, by web query. I then build a dynamic link, placed it in and altered the code around it. Then provided a basic loop to repeat it for each value in the dynamic range. The problem I'm having is that it creates the page, and connection but it doesn't import the table onto the sheet. Is there some issue that VBA has when following importing web queries? Or can someone find how it's wrongly coded? Appologies if my code, or references are wrong or unjustly named - I'm quite new to this part of Excel.
Any input would be appriciated;
Sub populatedata()
'get dates
Dim linkdatefrom As Date
linkdatefrom = range("Control!$C$3").Value
'split string for use as a date within a dynamic link
Dim ddlinkdatefrom As String
ddlinkdatefrom = Left(linkdatefrom, 2)
'yyyylinkdatefrom is the year
Dim yyyylinkdatefrom As String
yyyylinkdatefrom = Right(linkdatefrom, 4)
Dim mmlinkdatefrom As String
mmlinkdatefrom = Mid(linkdatefrom, 4, 2)
'split dates to into three pieces
Dim linkdateto As Date
linkdateto = range("Control!$C$3").Value
Dim ddlinkdateto As String
ddlinkdateto = Left(linkdateto, 2)
Dim mmlinkdateto As String
mmlinkdateto = Mid(linkdateto, 4, 2)
Dim yyyylinkdateto As String
yyyylinkdateto = Right(linkdateto, 4)
'split timefrom into pieces
Dim linktimefrom As Date
linktimefrom = range("control!$b$5").Value
Dim hhtimefrom As String
Dim mmtimefrom As String
Dim sstimefrom As String
hhtimefrom = Left(linktimefrom, 2)
mmtimefrom = Mid(linktimefrom, 4, 2)
sstimefrom = Right(linktimefrom, 2)
'split timeto into pieces
Dim linktimeto As Date
linktimeto = range("control!$c$5").Value
Dim hhtimeto As String
Dim mmtimeto As String
Dim sstimeto As String
hhtimeto = Left(linktimeto, 2)
mmtimeto = Mid(linktimeto, 4, 2)
sstimeto = Right(linktimeto, 2)
'create the import code
'Create dynamicURL1
'part for dynamic login
Dim counter As Integer
counter = 8
Dim dynamicloginpartofURL As String
Dim part1 As String
Dim part2 As String
Dim part3 As String
Dim part4 As String
Dim part5 As String
Dim part6 As String
Dim secondrylinkpart As String
secondrylinkpart = "pick-history.cgi?attribute=PickerId&value="
part1 = "https://bhx1-portal.amazon.com/fc-cgi/picking/pick-history.cgi?attribute=PickerId&value="
'Variable Login
part2 = "&from="
part3 = "%2F"
part4 = "+"
part5 = "%3A"
part6 = "&to="
Do Until ThisWorkbook.Sheets("control").Cells(counter, 1).Value = ""
dynamicloginpartofURL = range("A" & counter).Value
Dim dynamicURL1 As String
dynamicURL1 = part1 & dynamicloginpartofURL & part2 & mmlinkdatefrom & part3 & ddlinkdatefrom & part3 & yyyylinkdatefrom _
& part4 & hhtimefrom & part5 & mmtimefrom & part5 & sstimefrom & part6 _
& mmlinkdateto & part3 & ddlinkdateto & part3 & yyyylinkdateto & part4 _
& hhtimeto & part5 & mmtimeto & part5 & sstimeto
MsgBox (dynamicURL1)
Dim dynamicpart2 As String
dynamicpart2 = secondarylinkpart & dynamicloginpartofURL & part2 & mmlinkdatefrom & part3 & ddlinkdatefrom & part3 & yyyylinkdatefrom _
& part4 & hhtimefrom & part5 & mmtimefrom & part5 & sstimefrom & part6 _
& mmlinkdateto & part3 & ddlinkdateto & part3 & yyyylinkdateto & part4 _
& hhtimeto & part5 & mmtimeto & part5 & sstimet
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add.Name = dynamicloginpartofURL
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"URL;dynamicURL1" _
, Destination:=range("$A$1"))
.Name = dynamicpart2
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False
.FillAdjacentFormulas = False
.PreserveFormatting = True
.RefreshOnFileOpen = False
.BackgroundQuery = True
.RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
.SavePassword = False
.SaveData = True
.AdjustColumnWidth = True
.RefreshPeriod = 0
.WebSelectionType = xlAllTables
.WebFormatting = xlWebFormattingNone
.WebPreFormattedTextToColumns = True
.WebConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne = True
.WebSingleBlockTextImport = False
.WebDisableDateRecognition = False
End With
counter = counter + 1
End Sub