VBA to automate calculation


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Apr 7, 2023
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Dear Experts,

Need your help in achieving on task for automate the calculation. I have an excel work book with two sheets, in which there is one calculation sheet naming as "calculation" and another is database sheet naming as "lbp". I am trying to achieve one task so that whenever a user update the lbp sheet which is a database to keep a record and then user navigate to calculation and click on update button, then it automatically fetch out the data from lbp sheet and calculate the data and provide the data on calculation sheet. The code checks for the previous month data and then just after leaving 2 rows it update the data below the previous month data along with previous month data as per the currencies but for the new month, which you can see how the calculation I am doing manually. I am not so expert in VBA, but I tried somewhat to achieve the task but it is throwing some error and somehow the calculation is also not going on for all months as how I want to do which you can refer the images on how currency and data are coming to the next month and year and so on, apart from it formatting is also challenging for me. So, please help me out in achieving the task. For better understanding you can refer the below images and code for example on what I am trying to achieve. Any help will be highly appreciated.

Below is the LBP sheet where user use to update the data on monthly basis.


Below is the calculation sheet where user needs to update the data on monthly basis by pressing the update button and clear button is used to clear all the data.


Below is the code, through which I am trying to achieve the task. Some what I am able to achieve, but still there is serial number issue, proper calculation of data issue, and formatting is not happening.

VBA Code:
Sub UpdateCalculationSheet()
    Dim wsLBP As Worksheet
    Dim wsCalc As Worksheet
    Dim lastRowLBP As Long
    Dim lastRowCalc As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Dim feePercent As Double
    Dim startDate As Date
    Dim endDate As Date
    Dim daysDiff As Long
    Dim ccssFee As Double
    Dim monthName As String
    Dim yearValue As Integer
    Dim currencyCode As String
    Dim currencyList As Variant
    Dim monthList As Variant
    Dim amountFormula As String
    Dim found As Boolean
    Dim prevMonthData As Collection
    Dim prevMonthBorrower As String
    Dim prevMonthAmount As Double
    Dim prevMonth As String
    Dim prevYear As Integer
    ' Prompt user for month and year
    monthList = Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
    monthName = Application.InputBox("Select the month (e.g., Jan, Feb, etc.):", Type:=2, Default:=monthList(0))
    yearValue = InputBox("Enter the year (e.g., 2024):")
    ' Prompt user for currency code with dropdown list
    currencyList = Array("TAK", "INR")
    currencyCode = Application.InputBox("Select the currency code (TAK or INR):", Type:=2, Default:=currencyList(0))
    ' Set the worksheets
    Set wsLBP = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lbp")
    Set wsCalc = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("calculation")
    ' Find the last row in the LBP sheet
    lastRowLBP = wsLBP.Cells(wsLBP.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    ' Find the last row in the Calculation sheet
    lastRowCalc = wsCalc.Cells(wsCalc.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    If lastRowCalc > 1 Then
        lastRowCalc = lastRowCalc + 4
    End If
    ' Set the header
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 1).Value = "CLIENT COVERAGE SUPPORT SERVICE (CCSS) FEE FOR THE MONTH OF " & UCase(monthName) & " " & yearValue & " - NDC BRANCH"
    wsCalc.Range("A" & lastRowCalc & ":J" & lastRowCalc).Merge
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 1).Value = "Sr.No"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 2).Value = "GCIF"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 3).Value = "Name of Customer"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 4).Value = "Date"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 5).Value = "Currency"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 6).Value = "Balance"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 7).Value = "No. of days"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 8).Value = "Fee %"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 9).Value = "CCSS Fee"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 10).Value = "Total CCSS Fee"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 2, 1).Value = "Foreign Currency Loans - " & currencyCode
    wsCalc.Range("A" & lastRowCalc + 2 & ":J" & lastRowCalc + 2).Merge
    ' Format the header
    With wsCalc.Range("A" & lastRowCalc & ":J" & lastRowCalc)
        .Interior.Color = RGB(255, 165, 0) ' Orange background
        .Font.Bold = True
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
        .Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
    End With
    With wsCalc.Range("A" & lastRowCalc + 1 & ":J" & lastRowCalc + 1)
        .Interior.Color = RGB(230, 230, 255) ' Whitish purple background
        .Font.Bold = True
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
        .Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
    End With
    With wsCalc.Range("A" & lastRowCalc + 2 & ":J" & lastRowCalc + 2)
        .Interior.Color = RGB(204, 255, 204) ' Whitish green background
        .Font.Bold = True
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
        .Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
    End With
    ' Initialize the last row in the Calculation sheet
    lastRowCalc = lastRowCalc + 3
    amountFormula = "=SUM("
    ' Initialize collection for previous month data
    Set prevMonthData = New Collection
    ' Determine the previous month and year
    If monthName = "Jan" Then
        prevMonth = "Dec"
        prevYear = yearValue - 1
        prevMonth = monthList(Application.Match(monthName, monthList, 0) - 1)
        prevYear = yearValue
    End If
    ' Loop through the LBP sheet and copy data to the Calculation sheet
    found = False
    For i = 2 To lastRowLBP
        ' Check if the row matches the selected currency
        If wsLBP.Cells(i, 5).Value = currencyCode Then
            ' Check if the execution date is within the selected month and year
            If Month(wsLBP.Cells(i, 4).Value) = Month(DateValue("1 " & monthName)) And Year(wsLBP.Cells(i, 4).Value) = yearValue Then
                ' Copy data to the Calculation sheet
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 1).Value = wsLBP.Cells(i, 1).Value ' Sr. No
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 3).Value = wsLBP.Cells(i, 2).Value ' Borrower
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 4).Value = wsLBP.Cells(i, 4).Value ' Execution Date
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 4).Value = DateSerial(yearValue, Month(DateValue("1 " & monthName)) + 1, 0) ' Last date of the month
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 5).Value = wsLBP.Cells(i, 5).Value ' CURR
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 6).Value = wsLBP.Cells(i, 6).Value ' Amount
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 6).Value = wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 6).Value ' Amount
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 7).Value = wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 4).Value - wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 4).Value + 1 ' No. of days
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 8).Value = "0.125%" ' Fee %
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 9).Formula = "=ROUND(F" & lastRowCalc & "*H" & lastRowCalc + 1 & "*G" & lastRowCalc + 1 & "/360, 2)" ' CCSS Fee
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 10).Formula = "=I" & lastRowCalc + 1 ' Copy CCSS Fee to Total CCSS Fee
                ' Update the amount formula
                If amountFormula = "=SUM(" Then
                    amountFormula = amountFormula & "F" & lastRowCalc
                    amountFormula = amountFormula & "+F" & lastRowCalc
                End If
                ' Update the last row in the Calculation sheet
                lastRowCalc = lastRowCalc + 2
                found = True
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    ' If no matching data found, stop the code
    If Not found Then
        MsgBox "No matching data found for the selected month, year, and currency."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Close the amount formula
    amountFormula = amountFormula & ")"
    ' Calculate totals
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 6).Formula = amountFormula
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 10).Formula = "=SUM(J5:J" & lastRowCalc - 1 & ")"
    ' Format the data range
    With wsCalc.Range("A4:J" & lastRowCalc)
        .Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
    End With
    ' Format the total calculation row
    With wsCalc.Range("A" & lastRowCalc & ":J" & lastRowCalc)
        .Font.Bold = True
        .Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 153) ' Yellowish background
    End With

End Sub
Dear Experts,

Need your help in achieving on task for automate the calculation. I have an excel work book with two sheets, in which there is one calculation sheet naming as "calculation" and another is database sheet naming as "lbp". I am trying to achieve one task so that whenever a user update the lbp sheet which is a database to keep a record and then user navigate to calculation and click on update button, then it automatically fetch out the data from lbp sheet and calculate the data and provide the data on calculation sheet. The code checks for the previous month data and then just after leaving 2 rows it update the data below the previous month data along with previous month data as per the currencies but for the new month, which you can see how the calculation I am doing manually. I am not so expert in VBA, but I tried somewhat to achieve the task but it is throwing some error and somehow the calculation is also not going on for all months as how I want to do which you can refer the images on how currency and data are coming to the next month and year and so on, apart from it formatting is also challenging for me. So, please help me out in achieving the task. For better understanding you can refer the below images and code for example on what I am trying to achieve. Any help will be highly appreciated.

Below is the LBP sheet where user use to update the data on monthly basis.

View attachment 121200

Below is the calculation sheet where user needs to update the data on monthly basis by pressing the update button and clear button is used to clear all the data.

View attachment 121201

Below is the code, through which I am trying to achieve the task. Some what I am able to achieve, but still there is serial number issue, proper calculation of data issue, and formatting is not happening.

VBA Code:
Sub UpdateCalculationSheet()
    Dim wsLBP As Worksheet
    Dim wsCalc As Worksheet
    Dim lastRowLBP As Long
    Dim lastRowCalc As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Dim feePercent As Double
    Dim startDate As Date
    Dim endDate As Date
    Dim daysDiff As Long
    Dim ccssFee As Double
    Dim monthName As String
    Dim yearValue As Integer
    Dim currencyCode As String
    Dim currencyList As Variant
    Dim monthList As Variant
    Dim amountFormula As String
    Dim found As Boolean
    Dim prevMonthData As Collection
    Dim prevMonthBorrower As String
    Dim prevMonthAmount As Double
    Dim prevMonth As String
    Dim prevYear As Integer
    ' Prompt user for month and year
    monthList = Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
    monthName = Application.InputBox("Select the month (e.g., Jan, Feb, etc.):", Type:=2, Default:=monthList(0))
    yearValue = InputBox("Enter the year (e.g., 2024):")
    ' Prompt user for currency code with dropdown list
    currencyList = Array("TAK", "INR")
    currencyCode = Application.InputBox("Select the currency code (TAK or INR):", Type:=2, Default:=currencyList(0))
    ' Set the worksheets
    Set wsLBP = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lbp")
    Set wsCalc = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("calculation")
    ' Find the last row in the LBP sheet
    lastRowLBP = wsLBP.Cells(wsLBP.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    ' Find the last row in the Calculation sheet
    lastRowCalc = wsCalc.Cells(wsCalc.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    If lastRowCalc > 1 Then
        lastRowCalc = lastRowCalc + 4
    End If
    ' Set the header
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 1).Value = "CLIENT COVERAGE SUPPORT SERVICE (CCSS) FEE FOR THE MONTH OF " & UCase(monthName) & " " & yearValue & " - NDC BRANCH"
    wsCalc.Range("A" & lastRowCalc & ":J" & lastRowCalc).Merge
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 1).Value = "Sr.No"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 2).Value = "GCIF"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 3).Value = "Name of Customer"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 4).Value = "Date"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 5).Value = "Currency"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 6).Value = "Balance"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 7).Value = "No. of days"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 8).Value = "Fee %"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 9).Value = "CCSS Fee"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 10).Value = "Total CCSS Fee"
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 2, 1).Value = "Foreign Currency Loans - " & currencyCode
    wsCalc.Range("A" & lastRowCalc + 2 & ":J" & lastRowCalc + 2).Merge
    ' Format the header
    With wsCalc.Range("A" & lastRowCalc & ":J" & lastRowCalc)
        .Interior.Color = RGB(255, 165, 0) ' Orange background
        .Font.Bold = True
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
        .Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
    End With
    With wsCalc.Range("A" & lastRowCalc + 1 & ":J" & lastRowCalc + 1)
        .Interior.Color = RGB(230, 230, 255) ' Whitish purple background
        .Font.Bold = True
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
        .Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
    End With
    With wsCalc.Range("A" & lastRowCalc + 2 & ":J" & lastRowCalc + 2)
        .Interior.Color = RGB(204, 255, 204) ' Whitish green background
        .Font.Bold = True
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
        .Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
    End With
    ' Initialize the last row in the Calculation sheet
    lastRowCalc = lastRowCalc + 3
    amountFormula = "=SUM("
    ' Initialize collection for previous month data
    Set prevMonthData = New Collection
    ' Determine the previous month and year
    If monthName = "Jan" Then
        prevMonth = "Dec"
        prevYear = yearValue - 1
        prevMonth = monthList(Application.Match(monthName, monthList, 0) - 1)
        prevYear = yearValue
    End If
    ' Loop through the LBP sheet and copy data to the Calculation sheet
    found = False
    For i = 2 To lastRowLBP
        ' Check if the row matches the selected currency
        If wsLBP.Cells(i, 5).Value = currencyCode Then
            ' Check if the execution date is within the selected month and year
            If Month(wsLBP.Cells(i, 4).Value) = Month(DateValue("1 " & monthName)) And Year(wsLBP.Cells(i, 4).Value) = yearValue Then
                ' Copy data to the Calculation sheet
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 1).Value = wsLBP.Cells(i, 1).Value ' Sr. No
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 3).Value = wsLBP.Cells(i, 2).Value ' Borrower
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 4).Value = wsLBP.Cells(i, 4).Value ' Execution Date
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 4).Value = DateSerial(yearValue, Month(DateValue("1 " & monthName)) + 1, 0) ' Last date of the month
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 5).Value = wsLBP.Cells(i, 5).Value ' CURR
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 6).Value = wsLBP.Cells(i, 6).Value ' Amount
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 6).Value = wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 6).Value ' Amount
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 7).Value = wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 4).Value - wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 4).Value + 1 ' No. of days
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 8).Value = "0.125%" ' Fee %
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 9).Formula = "=ROUND(F" & lastRowCalc & "*H" & lastRowCalc + 1 & "*G" & lastRowCalc + 1 & "/360, 2)" ' CCSS Fee
                wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc + 1, 10).Formula = "=I" & lastRowCalc + 1 ' Copy CCSS Fee to Total CCSS Fee
                ' Update the amount formula
                If amountFormula = "=SUM(" Then
                    amountFormula = amountFormula & "F" & lastRowCalc
                    amountFormula = amountFormula & "+F" & lastRowCalc
                End If
                ' Update the last row in the Calculation sheet
                lastRowCalc = lastRowCalc + 2
                found = True
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    ' If no matching data found, stop the code
    If Not found Then
        MsgBox "No matching data found for the selected month, year, and currency."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Close the amount formula
    amountFormula = amountFormula & ")"
    ' Calculate totals
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 6).Formula = amountFormula
    wsCalc.Cells(lastRowCalc, 10).Formula = "=SUM(J5:J" & lastRowCalc - 1 & ")"
    ' Format the data range
    With wsCalc.Range("A4:J" & lastRowCalc)
        .Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
    End With
    ' Format the total calculation row
    With wsCalc.Range("A" & lastRowCalc & ":J" & lastRowCalc)
        .Font.Bold = True
        .Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 153) ' Yellowish background
    End With

End Sub
Quite easily possible but can you submit a resonable sized sheet of data using XL2BB so that this data can be used by developers to create a solution.
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