Unable to run VBA code


New Member
Nov 22, 2024
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
Trying to create a schedule for my employees using VBA coding. This project right now is currently 70% completed. Scheduling from January to Oct has been done. I am just left with Nov. As this code was passed down to me, when I try to run the code I encountered error message" Run-time error '-2147221080(800401a8)': Automation Error"

The code was able to run perfectly and read through monday to friday. However I cannot run the code when passed to me

Please help Thank You!

The code:

VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Sub Employee()
    Dim path As String
    Dim tdate As Date
    Dim cellrange As Range
    Dim cellsrange As Range
    Dim found As Boolean
    Dim foundMon As Boolean
    Dim cella As Range
    Dim celli As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim tdatecell As Range
    Dim startcell As Range
    Dim endcell As Range
    Dim col As Integer
    Dim mon As Range
    Dim monfound As Range
    Dim afound As Range
    Dim ifound As Range
    Dim plannedlist() As Variant
    Dim unplannedlist() As Variant
    Dim startcol As Range
    Dim endcol As Range
    Dim counter1 As Long
    Dim newt As Long
    Dim cellt As Range
    Dim arow As Long
    Dim counter2 As Long
    Dim cellti As Range
    Dim irow As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Dim item As Variant
    Dim foundi As Boolean
    Dim foundu As Boolean
    Dim foundx As Boolean
    Dim foundy As Boolean
    Dim foundz As Boolean
    Dim cleanedCellValue As String
    Dim Source As Range
    Dim lastcol As Range
    Dim foundvalue As Range
    Dim agentrow As Long
    Dim cellend As Range
    Dim endfound As Range
    Dim endrow As Long
    Dim internrow As Long
    Dim checkcell As Range
    Dim celladd As Range
    Dim interncounter As Long
    Dim agentcounter As Long
    Dim counter3 As Long
    Dim counter4 As Long
    Dim counter5 As Long
    Dim agentcall As Long
    Dim interncall As Long
    Dim atrng As Long
    Dim itrng As Long
    Dim atrainfound As Range
    Dim cellatrain As Range
    Dim atrainrow As Long
    Dim agentontrain As Range
    Dim internontrain As Range
    Dim itrainfound As Range
    Dim itrainrow As Long
    Dim cellitrain As Range
    Dim trainagent As Range
    Dim trainintern
    Dim sheetName As String
    Dim pathinput As String
    Dim schedpath As Range
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim ws As Worksheet
  '  Dim weekrange As Range
  '  Dim startrow As Range
  '  Dim endweekrow As Range
  '  Dim path2input As String
  '  Dim wb2 As Workbook
  '  Dim sheetName2 As String
  '  Dim reportpath As Range
  '  Dim findfriday As Long
  '  Dim cellp As Range
  '  Dim celldate As Range
  '  Dim todaydatecell As Range
    plannedlist = Array("AL", "BL", "EL", "FFLM", "FFL", "ML", "RS", "SCL", "TRG", "UAL", "TO", "OIL")
    unplannedlist = Array("CL", "FCL", "HL", "SL", "NPL", "PL", "SCL", "UAL")
    ' Prompt for the file path
    pathinput = InputBox("Please enter the path. Example: C:\Users\hi\Downloads\VBA\Employees Schedule - 2024.xlsx", "SD Schedule File Path")
    ' Open the workbook
    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(pathinput, ReadOnly:=True)
'     Prompt for the sheet name
    sheetName = InputBox("Enter the sheet name:")

    path = "C:\Users\hi\Downloads\VBA\Employees Schedule - 2024.xlsx"
    Workbooks.Open path, ReadOnly:=True
    sheetName = InputBox("Enter the sheet name:")
    If WorksheetExists(sheetName) Then
        Set schedpath = wb.Worksheets(sheetName).Range("A1:AG42")
        MsgBox "Sheet not found."
    End If
    Set cellrange = Range("C4:AG4")
    'Set cellrange = Worksheets("sheetName").Range("C4:AH4")
    tdate = Format(Date, "dd-mm-yyyy")
    found = False
    For Each cell In cellrange
        If cell.value = tdate Then
            found = True
            Set tdatecell = cell
            Exit For
        End If
    Next cell
    If found = True Then
        MsgBox "Found " & tdate & " " & tdatecell.Address(False, False)
        Set startcell = Range("A3")
        Set endcell = tdatecell.Offset(0, -3)
        For col = endcell.column To startcell.column Step -1
            Set cell = cells(3, col)
            If cell.value = "Fri" Then
                Set monfound = cell
                foundMon = True
                Exit For
            End If
        Next col
        If foundMon Then
            MsgBox "Fri found at " & monfound.Address(False, False)
            MsgBox "No Fri found "
        End If
        If Not foundMon Then
            Set Source = Worksheets("Nov 24")
            ' Find the last column in row 3 of the other source sheet
            lastcol = Source.cells(3, Source.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).column
            ' Loop backwards through the columns in row 3 of the other source sheet
            For col = lastcol To 1 Step -1
                If Source.cells(3, col).value = "Fri" Then
                    foundvalue = Source.cells(3, col).value
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next col

        End If
        ' Check the value two rows below monfound      IsEmpty(monfound.Offset(2, 0).value) Or
        If Not IsNumeric(monfound.Offset(2, 0).value Like "*[!0-9]*") Then
            ' Look at the column before monfound       Not IsEmpty(checkcell.Offset(2, 0).value) And
            Set checkcell = monfound.Offset(0, -1)
            If Not IsNumeric(checkcell.Offset(2, 0).value Like "*[!0-9]*") Then
                Set celladd = Range(checkcell.Address)
                MsgBox "theres no numeric values in this column"
            End If
            MsgBox "Value two rows below " & monfound.Address(False, False) & " is numeric."
        End If
        MsgBox tdate & " not found."
    End If
    Set cellsrange = Range("A1:A100")
    Set startcol = Range(monfound.Address)
    Set endcol = Range(tdatecell.Address)
    For newt = startcol.column To endcol.column - 1
    counter1 = 0
    counter2 = 0
    counter3 = 0
    counter4 = 0
    counter5 = 0
        For Each cella In cellsrange
            If Not IsEmpty(cellsrange) Then
                If cella.value = "A" Then
                    Set afound = cella
                    arow = afound.Row
                            Exit For
                       ' End If
                End If
            End If
        Next cella
        For Each celli In cellsrange
            If Not IsEmpty(cellsrange) Then
                If celli.value = "I" Then
                    Set ifound = celli
                    irow = ifound.Row
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        Next celli
        For Each cellend In cellsrange
            If Not IsEmpty(cellsrange) Then
                If cellend.value = "Email Coordinator" Then
                    Set endfound = cellend
                    endrow = endfound.Row
                          '  Debug.Print "Email corrdinator found at " & endrow
                        Exit For
                End If
            End If
        Next cellend
        agentcounter = 0
        atrng = 0
        For agentrow = arow To irow - 1
            Set agentontrain = cells(agentrow, 1)
            For Each cellatrain In agentontrain
              '  If Not IsEmpty(cellatrain) Then
                    If cellatrain.value = "T" Then
                       ' cellendfound = True
                        Set atrainfound = cellatrain
                        atrainrow = atrainfound.Row
                   '     Debug.Print "training found at " & atrainrow
                        'Exit For
                  '  Else
                   '     Debug.Print "Finding T is a issue"
                  '      Debug.Print "this is atrainrow " & atrainrow
                   '     Debug.Print "this is newt " & newt
                        Set trainagent = cells(atrainrow, newt)
                        If Not IsEmpty(trainagent) Then
                            atrng = atrng + 1
                    '        Debug.Print atrng
                            atrng = atrng + 0
                     '       Debug.Print atrng
                        End If
                End If
               ' End If
            Next cellatrain
            Set cellt = cells(agentrow, newt)
            If Not IsEmpty(cellt) Then
                agentcounter = agentcounter + 1
                    cleanedCellValue = CleanAlpha(cellt.value)
                    '  Debug.Print "agents: " & agentcounter
                      'Initialize the found flag
                    foundi = False
                    foundu = False
                      ' Check if any item from plannedlist is a substring of the cleaned cell value
                    For Each item In unplannedlist
                        If InStr(cleanedCellValue, item) > 0 Then
                            foundi = True
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    Next item
          'unplanned list
                If foundi Then
                     ' Debug.Print "Found agent unplanned list " & cellt.Address & " with cleaned value: " & cleanedCellValue
                      counter1 = counter1 + 1
                    '  Debug.Print "Unplanned list " & counter1
                   '   Debug.Print "No match for cell: " & cellt.Address & " with cleaned value: " & cleanedCellValue
                End If
            For Each item In plannedlist
                If InStr(cleanedCellValue, item) > 0 Then
                      foundu = True
                      Exit For
                End If
            Next item
                                        ' Planned list
              If foundu Then
                '  Debug.Print "Found agent  planned list " & cellt.Address & " with cleaned value: " & cleanedCellValue
                  counter2 = counter2 + 1
               ' Debug.Print "Planned list " & counter2
            '  Else
               '   Debug.Print "No match for cell: " & cellt.Address & " with cleaned value: " & cleanedCellValue
              End If
                agentcounter = agentcounter + 0
            End If
        Next agentrow
        interncounter = 0
        itrng = 0
        For internrow = irow To endrow - 1
            Set internontrain = cells(internrow, 1)
            For Each cellitrain In internontrain
                  '  If Not IsEmpty(cellatrain) Then
                If cellitrain.value = "T" Then
                           ' cellendfound = True
                    Set itrainfound = cellitrain
                    itrainrow = itrainfound.Row
               '     Debug.Print "training found at " & itrainrow
                            'Exit For
                      '  Else
                       '     Debug.Print "Finding T is a issue"
                   '  Debug.Print "this is itrainrow " & itrainrow
                    ' Debug.Print "this is newt " & newt
                     Set trainintern = cells(itrainrow, newt)
                     If Not IsEmpty(trainintern) Then
                         itrng = itrng + 1
                   '      Debug.Print "this is the interns trng: " & itrng
                         itrng = itrng + 0
                    '    Debug.Print "no interns: " & itrng
                        'Exit For
                     End If
                End If
                   ' End If
            Next cellitrain
           ' Debug.Print "interns: " & interncounter
           Set cellti = cells(internrow, newt)
           If Not IsEmpty(cellti) Then
                interncounter = interncounter + 1
                cleanedCellValue = CleanAlpha(cellti.value)
           '     Debug.Print "interns: " & interncounter
                ' Initialize the found flag
                foundx = False
                foundy = False
                ' unplannedlist
                For Each item In unplannedlist
                    If InStr(cleanedCellValue, item) > 0 Then
                       foundx = True
                       Exit For
                    End If
                Next item
                ' Debug output
                If foundx Then
    '                Debug.Print "Found intern unplanned list " & cellti.Address & " with cleaned value: " & cleanedCellValue
                    counter3 = counter3 + 1
                    'Debug.Print "No match for cell: " & cellti.Address & " with cleaned value: " & cleanedCellValue
                End If
                 For Each item In plannedlist
                    If InStr(cleanedCellValue, item) > 0 Then
                         foundy = True
                         Exit For
                    End If
                 Next item
                    ' Debug output
                 If foundy Then
      '               Debug.Print "Found intern planned list " & cellti.Address & " with cleaned value: " & cleanedCellValue
                     counter4 = counter4 + 1
                     ' Debug.Print "No match for cell: " & cellti.Address & " with cleaned value: " & cleanedCellValue
                 End If
                            'BTS list
                foundz = (InStr(cleanedCellValue, "BTS") > 0)
                    ' Debug output
                 If foundz Then
                '     Debug.Print "Found intern BTS " & cellti.Address & " with cleaned value: " & cleanedCellValue
                     counter5 = counter5 + 1
                     ' Debug.Print "No match for cell: " & cellti.Address & " with cleaned value: " & cleanedCellValue
                 End If
                interncounter = interncounter + 0
            End If
        Next internrow
        agentcall = agentcounter - counter1 - counter2 - atrng
        interncall = interncounter - counter3 - counter4 - counter5 - itrng
      '  Debug.Print "agents unplanned list: " & counter1
     '   Debug.Print "agents planned list: " & counter2
     '   Debug.Print "agents on call: " & agentcall
    '    Debug.Print "agents on training: " & atrng
     '   Debug.Print "interns on training: " & itrng
     '   Debug.Print "interns unplanned list: " & counter3
     '   Debug.Print "interns planned list: " & counter4
     '   Debug.Print "interns bts: " & counter5
     '   Debug.Print "interns on call: " & interncall
      '  Debug.Print interncounter & " This is the total interns"
      '  Debug.Print agentcounter & " This is the total agents"
        Dim myArray1() As Variant
        Dim a As Integer
         ' Dim userInput As String
          ' Initialize the array with some numbers
        myArray1 = Array(agentcall, atrng, counter2, counter1, interncall, itrng, counter4, counter3, counter5)
          ' Loop through the array
        For a = LBound(myArray1) To UBound(myArray1)
              ' Print the current index
            Debug.Print myArray1(a)
        Next a
   ' Debug.Print agentcall
    Next newt
    wb.Close SaveChanges:=False ' Change to True if you want to save changes
    Dim weekrange As Range
    Dim startrow As Range
    Dim endweekrow As Range
    Dim path2input As String
    Dim wb2 As Workbook
    Dim sheetName2 As String
    Dim reportpath As Range
    Dim findfriday As Long
    Dim cellp As Range
    Dim celldate As Range
    Dim todaydatecell As Range
    Dim matchdate As Range
    Dim tdates As Date
    Dim daterange As Range
    Dim founddate As Boolean
    Dim celld As Range
    Dim tdatecells As Range
    Dim cols As Long
    Dim startcells As Range
    Dim endcells As Range
    Dim cellc As Range
    Dim monsfound As Range
    Dim readrow As Long
  '  Dim startrow As Range
    Dim colilm As Long

    ' Prompt for the file path
    path2input = InputBox("Please enter the path. Example: C:\Users\hi\Downloads\VBA\Employees Schedule - 2024.xlsx", "SD Schedule File Path")
    ' Open the workbook
    Set wb2 = Workbooks.Open(path2input, ReadOnly:=True)
    sheetName2 = InputBox("Enter the sheet name:")
    If WorksheetExists2(sheetName2) Then
        Set reportpath = wb2.Worksheets(sheetName2).Range("A1:AA56")
        MsgBox "Sheet not found."
    End If
    Set daterange = Range("B4:B70")
    tdates = Format(Date, "dd-mm-yyyy")
    founddate = False
    For Each celld In daterange
        If celld.value = tdate Then
            founddate = True
            Set tdatecells = celld
            Exit For
        End If
    Next celld
    If found = True Then
        Debug.Print "Found " & tdates & " " & tdatecells.Address(False, False)
    End If
    Set startcells = Range("A4")
    Set endcells = tdatecells.Offset(-1, 0)
    For cols = endcells.Row To startcells.Row Step -1
        Set cellc = cells(col, 1)
        If cellc.value = "Fri" Then
            Set monsfound = cell
            Debug.Print "Found friday at: " & monsfound.Address(False, False)
            foundMon = True
            Exit For
        End If
    Next cols
    Set startrow = Range(monfound.Address)
    For readrow = startrow.Row To endcell.Row Step 1
         For colilm = 17 To 25 ' Columns Q to Y
             Debug.Print "Value at " & wb2.cells(readrow, cols).Address(False, False) & ": " & wb2.cells(readrow, cols).value
         Next colilm
    Next readrow
End Sub

Function CleanAlpha(ByVal str As String) As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim result As String
    Dim c As String
    result = ""
    For i = 1 To Len(str)
        c = Mid(str, i, 1)
        ' Check if the character is a number
        If c Like "[0-9]" Then
            Exit For ' Stop processing if a number is encountered
        End If
        ' Check if the character is an alphabetic letter or a hyphen and not a space
        If (c Like "[A-Za-z]" Or c = "-") And c <> " " Then
            result = result & c
        End If
    Next i
    CleanAlpha = result
End Function

Function WorksheetExists(sheetName As String) As Boolean
    On Error Resume Next
    WorksheetExists = Not Worksheets(sheetName) Is Nothing
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Function WorksheetExists2(sheetName2 As String) As Boolean
    On Error Resume Next
    WorksheetExists2 = Not Worksheets(sheetName2) Is Nothing
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Last edited by a moderator:
How are you running the code and which line causes the error?

I can't see why you have two identical functions to check if a worksheet exists.
Upvote 0
How are you running the code and which line causes the error?

I can't see why you have two identical functions to check if a worksheet exists.

I believe that "Set startrow = Range(monfound.Address)" was the line that caused the error

What do you mean by having two identical functions to check if a worksheet exists? Sorry I am new to coding and vba overall.
Upvote 0
I believe that "Set startrow = Range(monfound.Address)" was the line that caused the error

What do you mean by having two identical functions to check if a worksheet exists? Sorry I am new to coding and vba overall.
Line 542*
Upvote 0
I believe that "Set startrow = Range(monfound.Address)" was the line that caused the error

What do you mean by having two identical functions to check if a worksheet exists? Sorry I am new to coding and vba overall.
Given that you have hundreds of lines of code there, "I believe that" is not really going to help. We need to know specifically which line causes the error.

The last two functions in the code are exactly the same other than their names, which seems pointless.
Upvote 0
Given that you have hundreds of lines of code there, "I believe that" is not really going to help. We need to know specifically which line causes the error.

The last two functions in the code are exactly the same other than their names, which seems pointless.
Hi! Ok I seem to have found the error.
There is suppose to be a prompt for 2 file paths
However, I was prompted for the first one only
How can I fix this issue
Appreciate the help/feedback that you have been giving me :)
Upvote 0
There are two InputBox functions there - one at the beginning and one at the end - and neither is inside a conditional block, so you should be prompted twice in total. There is a hardcoded path just below the first InputBox statement. I'm not sure I see the relevance to the line you highlighted originally.
Upvote 0

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