Interesting discussion you initiated here
I am interested to know out of all the languages you have used, which one have you preferred to use the most?
Crikey... big question. It completely depends on what you want to achieve I suppose.
MaxScript: Love it as it has a whole bunch of built in 3D functions, and the whole program is so open - you're working with real 3D objects and animation. You can create your own animation tools, manipulate mesh vertices, you name it. Also you can use ActiveX controls to build new and exciting interfaces, even integrate Macromedia Flash to create custom control panels...
PHP - Magic Quotes - just the most awesome things ever! Define a bunch of variables $name, $address, $color and print a string like so : print "$name lives at $address and his favourite color is $color"
Flash ActionScript 2 - Brilliant fun for just getting in there and making things move! Create some shapes, do some timeline animation, then add a bunch of interactivity - you can create some amazing stuff, games, applications, you name it! I'm quite into particles and autonomous objects (look for the fish on my site)
VBA - I must say I am loving automating Office!
JavaScript - **** this is just ubiquitous... DHTML, and now stuff like Scripting For After Effects, Photoshop, JSFL for Flash, etc. Last year I animated 3 hours of stuff for BBC (Beethoven Uncovered, BBC4) driven entirely from musical data (1st year I wrote it all in Excel, the next I wrote an app to log it) ... it was just great fun!
XML - Jeez, XML is my daily dose these days. It provides a geat method to get data into just about anything these days ... at the moment it's a Flash website for Sony.
My next thing is going to be C#. Got Visual Studio Express (free at the mo fro MS) and some kind of .NET Windows apps... once I've got all the other stuff out the way.
If you want to check out what I do... www [dot] pondskata [dot] com.
Crack on with some other languages my man - it really is the way forwards, opens up your mind and keeps you fresh.