I maintain a listing of all workstations and servers purchased by my company. I have each workstation and server broken out by description. A standard (workstation) configuration may look as follows;
Book1, Sheet1
A2 - ACME 700Mhz, P3, 256k
A4 - 64MB Voodoo video card
A5 - CD Writer
A6 - 104 Standard KB
A7 - 17" LR Monitor
A8 - 2 Button Serial Mouse
I double-check my configuration list against the lists maintained by computer tech's (who physically receive the equipment) to ensure that we have accounted for the same number of computer configurations. (Note:The tech's always give me a count of how many configurations they have listed on their list). Many times, i spend "a lot" of time finding that out of 50 or 60 individual configurations i've checked, only 1 or 2 differ.
The following code (Many thanks to Anupam!!) does a search between my sheet1 configuration (A2:A8) and a co-worker workbook Book2, Sheet1, B2:B1000.
(1) I cannot quickly add new config's in my sheet1, colmn A to be search. The code makes you specify the number of lines within your config.
(2) The code will only match the two config's if the config in Book2 has 1 space above and below it separating the config from other data. If the config lines run together with other data, it will not find the config match. I would like to have the code modified so it will simply look for a "consecutive configuration" match no matter what data is above or below it.
Here is the code;
Sub doit()
Dim blnFoundMatch As Boolean
Dim counter As Integer
Dim arrMyconfig(1 To 7) As String
Dim strSheetname As String
Dim strMySheetname As String
blnFoundMatch = False
counter = 0
strMySheetname = "Sheet1"
'This is my data workbook
arrMyconfig(1) = Range("A2")
arrMyconfig(2) = Range("A3")
arrMyconfig(3) = Range("A4")
arrMyconfig(4) = Range("A5")
arrMyconfig(5) = Range("A6")
arrMyconfig(6) = Range("A7")
arrMyconfig(7) = Range("A8")
'This is the woorkbook you get from you co -workers
For i = 2 To 1000 Step 7 'You will have to change the counter base on how many rows you have (1000 for 1000 rows in Book 5)
If Range("B" & i).Value = arrMyconfig(1) Then
If Range("B" & i + 1).Value = arrMyconfig(2) Then
If Range("B" & i + 2).Value = arrMyconfig(3) Then
If Range("B" & i + 3).Value = arrMyconfig(4) Then
If Range("B" & i + 4).Value = arrMyconfig(5) Then
If Range("B" & i + 5).Value = arrMyconfig(6) Then
If Range("B" & i + 6).Value = arrMyconfig(7) Then
blnFoundMatch = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If blnFoundMatch Then
counter = counter + 1
blnFoundMatch = False
End If
Next i
Range("B2").Value = counter
End Sub
This message was edited by Noir on 2002-09-11 06:14
Book1, Sheet1
A2 - ACME 700Mhz, P3, 256k
A4 - 64MB Voodoo video card
A5 - CD Writer
A6 - 104 Standard KB
A7 - 17" LR Monitor
A8 - 2 Button Serial Mouse
I double-check my configuration list against the lists maintained by computer tech's (who physically receive the equipment) to ensure that we have accounted for the same number of computer configurations. (Note:The tech's always give me a count of how many configurations they have listed on their list). Many times, i spend "a lot" of time finding that out of 50 or 60 individual configurations i've checked, only 1 or 2 differ.
The following code (Many thanks to Anupam!!) does a search between my sheet1 configuration (A2:A8) and a co-worker workbook Book2, Sheet1, B2:B1000.
(1) I cannot quickly add new config's in my sheet1, colmn A to be search. The code makes you specify the number of lines within your config.
(2) The code will only match the two config's if the config in Book2 has 1 space above and below it separating the config from other data. If the config lines run together with other data, it will not find the config match. I would like to have the code modified so it will simply look for a "consecutive configuration" match no matter what data is above or below it.
Here is the code;
Sub doit()
Dim blnFoundMatch As Boolean
Dim counter As Integer
Dim arrMyconfig(1 To 7) As String
Dim strSheetname As String
Dim strMySheetname As String
blnFoundMatch = False
counter = 0
strMySheetname = "Sheet1"
'This is my data workbook
arrMyconfig(1) = Range("A2")
arrMyconfig(2) = Range("A3")
arrMyconfig(3) = Range("A4")
arrMyconfig(4) = Range("A5")
arrMyconfig(5) = Range("A6")
arrMyconfig(6) = Range("A7")
arrMyconfig(7) = Range("A8")
'This is the woorkbook you get from you co -workers
For i = 2 To 1000 Step 7 'You will have to change the counter base on how many rows you have (1000 for 1000 rows in Book 5)
If Range("B" & i).Value = arrMyconfig(1) Then
If Range("B" & i + 1).Value = arrMyconfig(2) Then
If Range("B" & i + 2).Value = arrMyconfig(3) Then
If Range("B" & i + 3).Value = arrMyconfig(4) Then
If Range("B" & i + 4).Value = arrMyconfig(5) Then
If Range("B" & i + 5).Value = arrMyconfig(6) Then
If Range("B" & i + 6).Value = arrMyconfig(7) Then
blnFoundMatch = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If blnFoundMatch Then
counter = counter + 1
blnFoundMatch = False
End If
Next i
Range("B2").Value = counter
End Sub
This message was edited by Noir on 2002-09-11 06:14