Given where I live (Santa Cruz Mountains south of San Francisco), the land of fruits and nuts, I've been pondering a few (if any of you are vegetarians you'd best have a sense of humor about now
). These were all brought on by a little diesel Jeep Liberty I saw the other day sporting a small window sticker: "Relax hippie, it's bio-diesel!"
Meat is Murder...Sweet, Sweet Murder...
If God didn't want us to eat animals he wouldn't have made them out of meat...
Support Beef, run over a chicken... (an old West Texas feedlot bumper sticker)
And a few I came up with:
Vegetarians...Bet you can't eat just one...
Vegetarians...The other white meat...
Save a cow, eat a vegetarian...
Vegetarians, not just for breakfast anymore..
OK, I'm going to go defrost some steaks now dammit!