As a beginner bordering on low-intermediate (in my good moments) I confess to utter sympathy with experienced users whose investment in their expertise often does and should earn them a few shillings...that's why they're in the business.
Frankly, I'm amazed -and grateful- for the real value of the help I have received. I would like some way to pay back. One way I ATTEMPT to do this is to scan for questions to which I think I know the (or "an") answer, posted by those who are even more helpless than me. Assuming that I actually get it right sometimes, perhaps that helps reduce the load on the real experts. On the other hand, when I get it wrong -or not as right as it could be- it may aggravate the situation; so I try to be selective.
That said, the moment some kind of payment enters the picture, there will likely be a higher expectancy on the part of the buyer; the relationship changes.
It occurs to me that most all of us are pretty good at SOMEthing. I'm weak in Excel, but **** good in other areas and could possibly be able to assist, with, say, insurance matters. Or graphic design. Or gardening -or, whatever. What if there were a section of this site, or maybe our profiles, where we posted our strengths and, if willing, offered to opine and advise should anyone on the board pose a question in our areas of expertise? It would do my heart good to tell Jonmo, for example, how to arrange his insurance coverage or whip up a first class home-made pizza.
Meanwhile, if this is a "help" site, then that is what it is. No one is forced to ask or answer. And the motives of the askers will vary whether they pay or not; some want to learn and understand, others just want to get it done. INHO.
Frankly, I'm amazed -and grateful- for the real value of the help I have received. I would like some way to pay back. One way I ATTEMPT to do this is to scan for questions to which I think I know the (or "an") answer, posted by those who are even more helpless than me. Assuming that I actually get it right sometimes, perhaps that helps reduce the load on the real experts. On the other hand, when I get it wrong -or not as right as it could be- it may aggravate the situation; so I try to be selective.
That said, the moment some kind of payment enters the picture, there will likely be a higher expectancy on the part of the buyer; the relationship changes.
It occurs to me that most all of us are pretty good at SOMEthing. I'm weak in Excel, but **** good in other areas and could possibly be able to assist, with, say, insurance matters. Or graphic design. Or gardening -or, whatever. What if there were a section of this site, or maybe our profiles, where we posted our strengths and, if willing, offered to opine and advise should anyone on the board pose a question in our areas of expertise? It would do my heart good to tell Jonmo, for example, how to arrange his insurance coverage or whip up a first class home-made pizza.
Meanwhile, if this is a "help" site, then that is what it is. No one is forced to ask or answer. And the motives of the askers will vary whether they pay or not; some want to learn and understand, others just want to get it done. INHO.