Nice to see someone searching, doing a little leg-work on their quandary.
As for mismanaging timelines, I must point out that sometimes our timelines are dictated by someone else. It's not always the case, but it is common.
Right, quite often, in my experience. And while some members use this forum as a 911 relief-centre, the situation at hand really has little to with our members/volunteers trying to provide assistance. This is why I use the word 'manage'. One has to manage expectations, especially in an environment where one is accountable.
Coming here and expecting free, immediate, ISO 9000 certified solutions or to kick the proverbial dog around on the board is no solution to this dilemma; it exasperates the problem, really. Having said that, however, if you do get an immediate solution, more power to you and they do come, often... When I engage in a thread, I generally try to stay with the quandary at-hand, one way or another...
Again, it's about managing expectations... In this case, yours.
I worked for 35 years repairing high voltage generators testing at 80,000 volts of electricity. Imagine telling a new guy just read the book and you can figure it out.
Well, with all due respect, aren't we comparing apples and oranges, here? Volunteer participation in a technical forum is not the same thing as collaborating with a professional colleague, within the same professional association, on a common, mission-critical endeavour.
A co-pilot telling another pilot, in-flight, to 'read the manual' is not the same as asking a random group of individuals, whom they've never even met, something like "How do I do a 3-d SumIf without any VBA or Morefunc.xla? Oh, and I want it now!" Only to hear, "You can't, RTM."
The latter seems reasonable to me; it's different ball game, all together...
But, to be fair, at 71, I might want an immediate solution as well, time might be of the essence!