Because competitions and teams can be...basically anything, and even the nation prefix (England, Spain, Germany, etc) is fairly fixed but could be a long list, you really need a delimiter between the sections of data.
If that isn't possible, you'll really need a hefty list to tell the workbook what to look for. Something like
=left([cell], 5)
Then do a quick match/lookup to see if those first 5 characters are "Champ" or "Europ" or "Engla" or "Germa", and from there, you could code to (1) deduce what that first intro value is and how long that entry should be, then you determine when the next entry will start.
However, you quickly get into the issue of identifying the clubs themselves. If you're talking about just the first 4 tiers of the Big Five (England, Spain, Germany, France, Italy), that would be some 450ish teams. But because we have Champions League, you'd also need to include the entire First Tier of basically every club in UEFA, and probably the 2nd tier & 3rd tier if you'd like it to work for several years. That list would get VERY long, indeed.
Is there another source of the match results that does include delimiters?