Removing the need of a helper column


Board Regular
Nov 27, 2023
Office Version
  1. 2021
  1. Windows
Good morning, yesterday I posed a question regarding the attached image and Stephen Crump kindly gave me the perfect solution.


What has got me thinking is the solution doesn't reference column C at all and as column D is a helper column that refers to Column C, is it possible to "cut out the middle man" completely, meaning I could dispense with the helper column? It would be a great boon if so as the several helper columns (60 in all) really slow the workbook down.

The formula in D3 is =IF(($A3="League")*($B3="H"),IF($C3="W",SUM(1,D2),0),N(D2))

Copied down

Many thanks for any help offered and if it can't be done, so be it. Just wondered.


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That's it working in Row 4. Attempting Row 5 leads to the resources error.

Cobblers test.xlsm
4ALLALL11107/04/1900621983, 26/02/2011741972, 1985, 1988, 17/10/199228103/10/190829128/12/1965
5H05121/03/1981621985 & 200254128/01/092816113/10/1900
6A622004 & 2015421913 & 199416127/10/190619127/03/195940101/09/1926
Cell Formulas
C4:K4C4=LET(loc, $B4, src, ALL!$B$2:$M$7000, t, $A$2:$Q$17, a, INDEX(t, , 1), idxCon, MATCH("Consecutives", a, 0), idxLR, MATCH("Longest Runs", a, 0), curridx, ROW() - ROW(INDEX(a, 1)) + 1, dyna, INDEX(a, SEQUENCE(curridx)), mt, INDEX(dyna, XMATCH(TRUE, dyna <> "", 0, -1)), ct, IF(curridx >= idxLR, "Longest Runs", "Consecutives"), oc_input, IF(curridx >= idxLR, INDEX(t, idxLR, COLUMN()), INDEX(t, idxCon, COLUMN())), oc, XLOOKUP(oc_input, {"W","NO L","D","NO D","L","NO W","GF","NO GA","GA","NO GF"}, {"W","L","D","D","L","W","S","S","S","S"}), sect, IFS(OR(oc_input = {"W","D","L","NO L","NO D","NO W"}), 1, OR(oc_input = {"GF","NO GF"}), 2, OR(oc_input = {"GA","NO GA"}), 3), fsrc_cols, CHOOSE(sect, {1,4,9,10}, {1,4,9,11}, {1,4,9,12}), fsrc, FILTER(src, INDEX(src, , 10) <> ""), data, INDEX(fsrc, SEQUENCE(ROWS(fsrc)), fsrc_cols), allr_data, SEQUENCE(ROWS(data), , 1, 0), loc_ary, IF(loc = "All", allr_data, INDEX(data, , 2) = loc), mt_ary, IF(mt = "All", allr_data, INDEX(data, , 3) = mt), fd, FILTER(INDEX(data, SEQUENCE(ROWS(data)), {1,4}), loc_ary * mt_ary), allr_fd, SEQUENCE(ROWS(fd)), oc_col, IFS(sect = 1, INDEX(fd, , 2), OR(sect = 2, sect = 3), IF(INDEX(fd, , 2) > 0, "S", "N")), revfd, IF(SWITCH(ct, "Consecutives", oc_col = oc, "Longest Runs", oc_col <> oc), CHOOSE({1,2}, INDEX(fd, allr_fd, 1), oc_col), {"|","|"}), rstr, CONCAT(INDEX(revfd, , 2)), rary, IFERROR(FILTERXML("<x><y>" & SUBSTITUTE(rstr, "|", "</y><y>") & "</y></x>", "//y"), ""), ls, LEN(rary), maxs, MAX(ls), nmaxs, SUM(--(ls = maxs)), csum_ls, MMULT(--(SEQUENCE(1, ROWS(ls)) <= SEQUENCE(ROWS(ls))), ls), idxs_ls, FILTER(SEQUENCE(ROWS(ls)), ls = maxs), idxs_dts, INDEX(csum_ls, idxs_ls), seds, INDEX(FILTER(INDEX(revfd, , 1), INDEX(revfd, , 1) <> "|"), idxs_dts), dt_comp, TEXTJOIN(", ", , IFERROR(TEXT(INDEX(seds, SEQUENCE(nmaxs - 1)), "yyyy"), ""), TEXT(INDEX(seds, nmaxs), "dd/mm/yyyy")), finres, IF(maxs = 0, {"none","",""}, CHOOSE({1,2,3}, maxs, nmaxs, dt_comp)), finres)
C5C5=LET(loc, $B4, src, ALL!$B$2:$M$7000, t, $A$2:$Q$17, a, INDEX(t, , 1), idxCon, MATCH("Consecutives", a, 0), idxLR, MATCH("Longest Runs", a, 0), curridx, ROW() - ROW(INDEX(a, 1)) + 1, dyna, INDEX(a, SEQUENCE(curridx)), mt, INDEX(dyna, XMATCH(TRUE, dyna <> "", 0, -1)), ct, IF(curridx >= idxLR, "Longest Runs", "Consecutives"), oc_input, IF(curridx >= idxLR, INDEX(t, idxLR, COLUMN()), INDEX(t, idxCon, COLUMN())), oc, XLOOKUP(oc_input, {"W","NO L","D","NO D","L","NO W","GF","NO GA","GA","NO GF"}, {"W","L","D","D","L","W","S","S","S","S"}), sect, IFS(OR(oc_input = {"W","D","L","NO L","NO D","NO W"}), 1, OR(oc_input = {"GF","NO GF"}), 2, OR(oc_input = {"GA","NO GA"}), 3), fsrc_cols, CHOOSE(sect, {1,4,9,10}, {1,4,9,11}, {1,4,9,12}), fsrc, FILTER(src, INDEX(src, , 10) <> ""), data, INDEX(fsrc, SEQUENCE(ROWS(fsrc)), fsrc_cols), allr_data, SEQUENCE(ROWS(data), , 1, 0), loc_ary, IF(loc = "All", allr_data, INDEX(data, , 2) = loc), mt_ary, IF(mt = "All", allr_data, INDEX(data, , 3) = mt), fd, FILTER(INDEX(data, SEQUENCE(ROWS(data)), {1,4}), loc_ary * mt_ary), allr_fd, SEQUENCE(ROWS(fd)), oc_col, IFS(sect = 1, INDEX(fd, , 2), OR(sect = 2, sect = 3), IF(INDEX(fd, , 2) > 0, "S", "N")), revfd, IF(SWITCH(ct, "Consecutives", oc_col = oc, "Longest Runs", oc_col <> oc), CHOOSE({1,2}, INDEX(fd, allr_fd, 1), oc_col), {"|","|"}), rstr, CONCAT(INDEX(revfd, , 2)), rary, IFERROR(FILTERXML("<x><y>" & SUBSTITUTE(rstr, "|", "</y><y>") & "</y></x>", "//y"), ""), ls, LEN(rary), maxs, MAX(ls), nmaxs, SUM(--(ls = maxs)), csum_ls, MMULT(--(SEQUENCE(1, ROWS(ls)) <= SEQUENCE(ROWS(ls))), ls), idxs_ls, FILTER(SEQUENCE(ROWS(ls)), ls = maxs), idxs_dts, INDEX(csum_ls, idxs_ls), seds, INDEX(FILTER(INDEX(revfd, , 1), INDEX(revfd, , 1) <> "|"), idxs_dts), dt_comp, TEXTJOIN(", ", , IFERROR(TEXT(INDEX(seds, SEQUENCE(nmaxs - 1)), "yyyy"), ""), TEXT(INDEX(seds, nmaxs), "dd/mm/yyyy")), finres, IF(maxs = 0, {"none","",""}, CHOOSE({1,2,3}, maxs, nmaxs, dt_comp)), finres)
Dynamic array formulas.
Upvote 0
The formula should be copied from a working cell (such as C4) and then pasted into C5...or better yet, delete everyhing in C5:C9. Then select C4, and look closely for a small green dot/square in the lower right corner of C4. "Grab" that square by clicking on it and holding down the mouse button and drag the formula down through cells C5:C9. The loc, $B4 reference should automatically udate to $B5, then $B6, etc. And when posted using XL2BB, you wouldn't see two different formulas...just one applied to a larger range.
Upvote 0
That's it copied down in the manner you suggested. When moving to F4 got the resources error. The workbook is painfully slow once the formula is entered, just deleting a single cell is taking several seconds.

Cobblers test.xlsm
6A622004, 16/01/2016
Cell Formulas
F4,C4:E9F4=LET(loc, $B4, src, ALL!$B$2:$M$7000, t, $A$2:$Q$17, a, INDEX(t, , 1), idxCon, MATCH("Consecutives", a, 0), idxLR, MATCH("Longest Runs", a, 0), curridx, ROW() - ROW(INDEX(a, 1)) + 1, dyna, INDEX(a, SEQUENCE(curridx)), mt, INDEX(dyna, XMATCH(TRUE, dyna <> "", 0, -1)), ct, IF(curridx >= idxLR, "Longest Runs", "Consecutives"), oc_input, IF(curridx >= idxLR, INDEX(t, idxLR, COLUMN()), INDEX(t, idxCon, COLUMN())), oc, XLOOKUP(oc_input, {"W","NO L","D","NO D","L","NO W","GF","NO GA","GA","NO GF"}, {"W","L","D","D","L","W","S","S","S","S"}), sect, IFS(OR(oc_input = {"W","D","L","NO L","NO D","NO W"}), 1, OR(oc_input = {"GF","NO GF"}), 2, OR(oc_input = {"GA","NO GA"}), 3), fsrc_cols, CHOOSE(sect, {1,4,9,10}, {1,4,9,11}, {1,4,9,12}), fsrc, FILTER(src, INDEX(src, , 10) <> ""), data, INDEX(fsrc, SEQUENCE(ROWS(fsrc)), fsrc_cols), allr_data, SEQUENCE(ROWS(data), , 1, 0), loc_ary, IF(loc = "All", allr_data, INDEX(data, , 2) = loc), mt_ary, IF(mt = "All", allr_data, INDEX(data, , 3) = mt), fd, FILTER(INDEX(data, SEQUENCE(ROWS(data)), {1,4}), loc_ary * mt_ary), allr_fd, SEQUENCE(ROWS(fd)), oc_col, IFS(sect = 1, INDEX(fd, , 2), OR(sect = 2, sect = 3), IF(INDEX(fd, , 2) > 0, "S", "N")), revfd, IF(SWITCH(ct, "Consecutives", oc_col = oc, "Longest Runs", oc_col <> oc), CHOOSE({1,2}, INDEX(fd, allr_fd, 1), oc_col), {"|","|"}), rstr, CONCAT(INDEX(revfd, , 2)), rary, IFERROR(FILTERXML("<x><y>" & SUBSTITUTE(rstr, "|", "</y><y>") & "</y></x>", "//y"), ""), ls, LEN(rary), maxs, MAX(ls), nmaxs, SUM(--(ls = maxs)), csum_ls, MMULT(--(SEQUENCE(1, ROWS(ls)) <= SEQUENCE(ROWS(ls))), ls), idxs_ls, FILTER(SEQUENCE(ROWS(ls)), ls = maxs), idxs_dts, INDEX(csum_ls, idxs_ls), seds, INDEX(FILTER(INDEX(revfd, , 1), INDEX(revfd, , 1) <> "|"), idxs_dts), dt_comp, TEXTJOIN(", ", , IFERROR(TEXT(INDEX(seds, SEQUENCE(nmaxs - 1)), "yyyy"), ""), TEXT(INDEX(seds, nmaxs), "dd/mm/yyyy")), finres, IF(maxs = 0, {"none","",""}, CHOOSE({1,2,3}, maxs, nmaxs, dt_comp)), finres)
Upvote 0
The words "Longest Runs" still need to be present in the first column of your summary table so the formula "knows" where each half of the table is located. Also, check your location column B entries...they need to match the results in the large data is it "H" or "Home", "A" or "Away"?
MrExcel_20240321 (version 1) (version 1).xlsx
5H522024, 29/02/20241113/02/2024
6A6110/03/2024132024, 2024, 27/02/2024
9A3126/02/2024132024, 2024, 27/02/2024
Cell Formulas
C4:H9C4=LET(loc, $B4, src, All!$B$2:$M$7000, t, $A$2:$Q$17, a, INDEX(t, , 1), idxCon, MATCH("Consecutives", a, 0), idxLR, MATCH("Longest Runs", a, 0), curridx, ROW() - ROW(INDEX(a, 1)) + 1, dyna, INDEX(a, SEQUENCE(curridx)), mt, INDEX(dyna, XMATCH(TRUE, dyna <> "", 0, -1)), ct, IF(curridx >= idxLR, "Longest Runs", "Consecutives"), oc_input, IF(curridx >= idxLR, INDEX(t, idxLR, COLUMN()), INDEX(t, idxCon, COLUMN())), oc, XLOOKUP(oc_input, {"W","NO L","D","NO D","L","NO W","GF","NO GA","GA","NO GF"}, {"W","L","D","D","L","W","S","S","S","S"}), sect, IFS(OR(oc_input = {"W","D","L","NO L","NO D","NO W"}), 1, OR(oc_input = {"GF","NO GF"}), 2, OR(oc_input = {"GA","NO GA"}), 3), fsrc_cols, CHOOSE(sect, {1,4,9,10}, {1,4,9,11}, {1,4,9,12}), fsrc, FILTER(src, INDEX(src, , 10) <> ""), data, INDEX(fsrc, SEQUENCE(ROWS(fsrc)), fsrc_cols), allr_data, SEQUENCE(ROWS(data), , 1, 0), loc_ary, IF(loc = "All", allr_data, INDEX(data, , 2) = loc), mt_ary, IF(mt = "All", allr_data, INDEX(data, , 3) = mt), fd, FILTER(INDEX(data, SEQUENCE(ROWS(data)), {1,4}), loc_ary * mt_ary), allr_fd, SEQUENCE(ROWS(fd)), oc_col, IFS(sect = 1, INDEX(fd, , 2), OR(sect = 2, sect = 3), IF(INDEX(fd, , 2) > 0, "S", "N")), revfd, IF(SWITCH(ct, "Consecutives", oc_col = oc, "Longest Runs", oc_col <> oc), CHOOSE({1,2}, INDEX(fd, allr_fd, 1), oc_col), {"|","|"}), rstr, CONCAT(INDEX(revfd, , 2)), rary, IFERROR(FILTERXML("<x><y>" & SUBSTITUTE(rstr, "|", "</y><y>") & "</y></x>", "//y"), ""), ls, LEN(rary), maxs, MAX(ls), nmaxs, SUM(--(ls = maxs)), csum_ls, MMULT(--(SEQUENCE(1, ROWS(ls)) <= SEQUENCE(ROWS(ls))), ls), idxs_ls, FILTER(SEQUENCE(ROWS(ls)), ls = maxs), idxs_dts, INDEX(csum_ls, idxs_ls), seds, INDEX(FILTER(INDEX(revfd, , 1), INDEX(revfd, , 1) <> "|"), idxs_dts), dt_comp, TEXTJOIN(", ", , IFERROR(TEXT(INDEX(seds, SEQUENCE(nmaxs - 1)), "yyyy"), ""), TEXT(INDEX(seds, nmaxs), "dd/mm/yyyy")), finres, IF(maxs = 0, {"none","",""}, CHOOSE({1,2,3}, maxs, nmaxs, dt_comp)), finres)
Dynamic array formulas.
Upvote 0
I can't upload a mini-sheet on here now as it says its too big. However your formula works. Cells C4 through to K17 all give correct results.

The only problem is at every stage I am getting the resources error.

Note: In my formula I was only using a single instance of W, D, L, H, A, League, (the ones in pink). All formulas pointed to these whatever row they were in.
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