Try formula on lets say 10, 20, 30 cell range:
AVERAGE, SMALL, ROUND and derivatives...
Then you can do it few times in few rows or columns. That way you have a filter.
But also I don't see what exactly you will use it for?
It can help us if we know why are you doing it...
Look here!
You got a temperature range in cells G6:M6
in M7 =AVERAGE(G6:M6) ...result 4,2857
in M8 =ROUNDDOWN(M7,0) ...result 4
Now you have round down.
So, next cell you are copying same formula to right and it will be... AVERAGE(G7:M7)...
Then you can in another row apply another be sure...
So probably it will be solid to smooth it that way.
So you can play with such combinations to do it, as you like.
But anyway try to explain us why are you doing it and will the data derived that way, not be wrong?