I’m trying to display any negative currency as $0.00 thru code.
I can successfully show any negative values (currency) as $0.00 by right
clicking the cells and formatting using this custom format: $#,##0.00;”$0.00”
But I can’t successfully put this into code:
Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;"$0.00""
It errors stating the $ sign is an invalid character
I’ve tried double quotes.
Does anyone know how to properly code this format?
Any help appreciated.
Thank you,
I can successfully show any negative values (currency) as $0.00 by right
clicking the cells and formatting using this custom format: $#,##0.00;”$0.00”
But I can’t successfully put this into code:
Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;"$0.00""
It errors stating the $ sign is an invalid character
I’ve tried double quotes.
Does anyone know how to properly code this format?
Any help appreciated.
Thank you,