Modify a cell value if two other cells contain certain value


Active Member
Dec 27, 2021
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
I need to modify some excel files, if column K contains "AO", "COVER", and column N contains "Tampa"
then any "Riser", "Cone", 'Top slab" (column K) with the same item label (column B) gets the letter J at the end of the value in column D
so in the screenshot below, rows 2 and 3 will be: F14632J and F14824J

I have a partially working code that does exactly this if N contains Tampa, how do I modify my code to have it look for AO COVER in column K ?


VBA Code:
Sub CityOfTampa()
    Dim c As Variant
    For Each c In Range("N2:N" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(3).Row)
        If c Like "*Tampa*" Or _
           c Like "*Tampa*" Then Tampa = c.Offset(, -9)
        For Each d In Range("K2:K" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(3).Row)
            If d Like "*4'*" And d Like "*Riser*" Or _
               d Like "*4'*" And d Like "*Top Slab*" Or _
               d Like "*4'*" And d Like "*Cone*" Or _
               d Like "*5'*" And d Like "*Cone*" Then
                If d.Offset(, 3) Like "*Tampa*" Then
                    If Right(d.Offset(, -7), 1) <> "J" Then
                        d.Offset(, -7) = d.Offset(, -7) & "J"
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next d
    Next c
End Sub


  • 1672954906257.png
    197.5 KB · Views: 19
Dictionary may be higher level for VBA beginners.
Another approach, without dic, but using variant array with 3 columns
Temp(1 to last row, 1 to 3)
with column 1 for string found, column 2 for AO COVER found, and column 3 for original column D
Then loop the Temp array, combine column 3 with "J" where col 1 was found in col 2
I believe this solution is not slower MUCH than dictionary
VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Sub Tampa()
Dim lr&, i&, j&, data, temp()
lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row ' define last row
data = Range("B2:O" & lr).Value ' data array from column B to last column
ReDim temp(1 To UBound(data), 1 To 3) ' this array to store temporary data
For i = 1 To UBound(data)
    temp(i, 3) = data(i, 3) ' store original Str#
    If data(i, 10) & data(i, 13) Like "* AO COVER* Tampa" Then temp(i, 2) = data(i, 1) ' store Str# where "AO COVER" found
    If data(i, 3) Like "*J" Then
    ElseIf data(i, 10) Like "*4'*Riser*" Or data(i, 10) Like "*4'*Top Slap*" Or _
        data(i, 10) Like "*4'*Cone*" Or data(i, 10) Like "*5'*Cone*" Then temp(i, 1) = data(i, 1) ' store Str# where string found
    End If
For i = 1 To UBound(temp)
    If Not IsEmpty(temp(i, 1)) Then
        For j = 1 To UBound(temp)
            If temp(i, 1) = temp(j, 2) Then
                temp(i, 3) = temp(i, 3) & "J"
                Exit For
            End If
    End If
Range("D2").Resize(UBound(data), 1).Value = Application.Index(temp, 0, 3)
End Sub
Upvote 0
Dictionary may be higher level for VBA beginners.
Another approach, without dic, but using variant array with 3 columns
Temp(1 to last row, 1 to 3)
with column 1 for string found, column 2 for AO COVER found, and column 3 for original column D
Then loop the Temp array, combine column 3 with "J" where col 1 was found in col 2
I believe this solution is not slower MUCH than dictionary
VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Sub Tampa()
Dim lr&, i&, j&, data, temp()
lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row ' define last row
data = Range("B2:O" & lr).Value ' data array from column B to last column
ReDim temp(1 To UBound(data), 1 To 3) ' this array to store temporary data
For i = 1 To UBound(data)
    temp(i, 3) = data(i, 3) ' store original Str#
    If data(i, 10) & data(i, 13) Like "* AO COVER* Tampa" Then temp(i, 2) = data(i, 1) ' store Str# where "AO COVER" found
    If data(i, 3) Like "*J" Then
    ElseIf data(i, 10) Like "*4'*Riser*" Or data(i, 10) Like "*4'*Top Slap*" Or _
        data(i, 10) Like "*4'*Cone*" Or data(i, 10) Like "*5'*Cone*" Then temp(i, 1) = data(i, 1) ' store Str# where string found
    End If
For i = 1 To UBound(temp)
    If Not IsEmpty(temp(i, 1)) Then
        For j = 1 To UBound(temp)
            If temp(i, 1) = temp(j, 2) Then
                temp(i, 3) = temp(i, 3) & "J"
                Exit For
            End If
    End If
Range("D2").Resize(UBound(data), 1).Value = Application.Index(temp, 0, 3)
End Sub
Bebo, thank you. I will run a few tests with this
Upvote 0
I understand that the dictionary is perceived as being not for beginners but if you spend just a little time coming to grips with it I think you will find that it is fact much easier to understand the code than keeping track of multiple arrays and looping through the entire array repeatedly.
Happy to walk you through any bits you get stuck on.
Your example is actually an ideal starting point test case since although a dictionary consists of an index / key AND a value (like a 2 columns array) for this exercise you don't even need the value and all you want is a single column list (aka dictionary key) that you can then access directly using that key to see if it exists.
Upvote 0
I understand that the dictionary is perceived as being not for beginners but if you spend just a little time coming to grips with it I think you will find that it is fact much easier to understand the code than keeping track of multiple arrays and looping through the entire array repeatedly.
Happy to walk you through any bits you get stuck on.
Your example is actually an ideal starting point test case since although a dictionary consists of an index / key AND a value (like a 2 columns array) for this exercise you don't even need the value and all you want is a single column list (aka dictionary key) that you can then access directly using that key to see if it exists.
Alex, allow me some time to absorb the dictionary concept, I will get some practice this weekend, if I have any questions I will ask :)
Upvote 0
I understand that the dictionary is perceived as being not for beginners but if you spend just a little time coming to grips with it I think you will find that it is fact much easier to understand the code than keeping track of multiple arrays and looping through the entire array repeatedly.
Happy to walk you through any bits you get stuck on.
Your example is actually an ideal starting point test case since although a dictionary consists of an index / key AND a value (like a 2 columns array) for this exercise you don't even need the value and all you want is a single column list (aka dictionary key) that you can then access directly using that key to see if it exists.
Alex, here are a few questions, see comments in the code

VBA Code:
Sub CityOfTampa()

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim rng As Range, arr As Variant
    Dim lastRow As Long, lastCol As Long, i As Long
    Dim descr As String 'dictionary always have key and item, descr is the item ?
    Set ws = ActiveSheet
    With ws
        lastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
        lastCol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 'What is the purpose of defining the last column?
        Set rng = .Range(.Cells(2, "A"), .Cells(lastRow, lastCol))
        arr = rng.Value
    End With
    Dim dictItemLbl As Object, dictKey As String 'is it a good practice to always define dictionary item as Object ?

    Set dictItemLbl = CreateObject("Scripting.dictionary")
    ' Load details range into Dictionary
    For i = 1 To UBound(arr) 'I was googling Ubound, but I am still not 100% clear on what the Ubound does in this subroutine.
        dictKey = arr(i, 2)
        descr = arr(i, 11)
        If arr(i, 14) Like "*Tampa*" And descr Like "*AO*" And descr Like "*COVER*" Then
            If Not dictItemLbl.exists(dictKey) Then
                dictItemLbl(dictKey) = i
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    ' Get Other rows for selected Items Labels and test for value
    For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
        dictKey = arr(i, 2)
        descr = arr(i, 11)
        If dictItemLbl.exists(dictKey) Then
            If arr(i, 14) Like "*Tampa*" Then               ' Not required if this is always the same for the Item Label
                If descr Like "*4'*" And descr Like "*Riser*" Or _
                    descr Like "*4'*" And descr Like "*Top Slab*" Or _
                    descr Like "*4'*" And descr Like "*Cone*" Or _
                    descr Like "*5'*" And descr Like "*Cone*" Then
                        arr(i, 4) = arr(i, 4) & "J"
                End If

            End If
        End If

    Next i
    rng.Columns(4) = Application.Index(arr, 0, 4)
End Sub
Upvote 0
I understand that the dictionary is perceived as being not for beginners but if you spend just a little time coming to grips with it I think you will find that it is fact much easier to understand the code than keeping track of multiple arrays and looping through the entire array repeatedly.
Happy to walk you through any bits you get stuck on.
Your example is actually an ideal starting point test case since although a dictionary consists of an index / key AND a value (like a 2 columns array) for this exercise you don't even need the value and all you want is a single column list (aka dictionary key) that you can then access directly using that key to see if it exists.
I want to practice using dictionary a couple of times, and I think I can nail the concept pretty well.
the purpose of this block of code is simple: for anything with these values in column D, I need to make sure column E always says "No"
you think this would be a good dictionary practice ?
VBA Code:
Sub ChangeYesToNo()
    lastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    For i2 = 2 To lastRow
        'TS 58
        If Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14102*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14102M*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14102X*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14103*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14103G*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14103MX*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14103X*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14106*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14103M*" Then
            Range("E" & i2).Value = "No"
        End If
        'TS 64
        If Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14502*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14502C*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14502M*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14503*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14503G*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14503M*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14503MX*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14503X*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14503X36*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F12350*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14507*" Then
            Range("E" & i2).Value = "No"
        End If
        'TS 64X64
        If Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F12450*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F12450C*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F12450F*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F12450SVJ*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F12450BWI*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F12450M*" Then
            Range("E" & i2).Value = "No"
        End If
        'TS 64X94
        If Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13140*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13145*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13145R*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13145B*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13145C*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13145D*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13145E*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13145F*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13145SVJ*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13145BWI*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13145M*" Then
            Range("E" & i2).Value = "No"
        End If
        'TS 64X112
        If Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13240*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13245*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13245R*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13245C*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13245D*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13245E*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13245F*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13245G*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13245SVJ*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13245BWI*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13245M*" Then
            Range("E" & i2).Value = "No"
        End If
        'TS 76X76
        If Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13340*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13345*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13345R*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13345C*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13345D*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13345E*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13345F*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13345SVJ*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13345BWI*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13345M*" Then
            Range("E" & i2).Value = "No"
        End If
        'TS 88X88
        If Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13540*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13545*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13545R*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13545C*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13545D*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13545E*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13545F*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13545G*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13545SVJ*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13545BWI*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13545M*" Then
            Range("E" & i2).Value = "No"
        End If
        'TS 88X112
        If Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13640*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13645*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13645R*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13645B*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13645C*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13645D*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13645E*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13645F*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13645G*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13645H*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13645SVJ*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13645BWI*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13645M*" Then
            Range("E" & i2).Value = "No"
        End If
        'TS 112X112
        If Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13740*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13745*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13745R*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13745C*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13745D*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13745E*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13745F*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13745G*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13745H*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13745SVJ*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13745BWI*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F13745M*" Then
            Range("E" & i2).Value = "No"
        End If
        'TS 76 DIA
        If Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F15910*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F15920*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F15920R*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F15920C*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F15920F*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F15920M*" Then
            Range("E" & i2).Value = "No"
        End If
        'TS 88 DIA
        If Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F16910*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F16920*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F16920R*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F16920C*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F16920D*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F16920E*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F16920F*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F16920SVJ*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F16920BWI*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F16920X*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F16920M*" Then
            Range("E" & i2).Value = "No"
        End If
        'TS 116 DIA
        If Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F18910*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F18920*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F18920R*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F18920C*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F18920D*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F18920E*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F18920F*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F18920SVJ*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F18920BWI*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F18920M*" Then
            Range("E" & i2).Value = "No"
        End If
        'TS 144 DIA
        If Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F19910*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F19920*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F19920R*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F19920C*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F19920D*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F19920E*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F19920F*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F19920SVJ*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F19920BWI*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F19920M*" Then
            Range("E" & i2).Value = "No"
        End If
          'P TOPS
        If Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14016*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14017*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14015*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14009*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14011*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14013*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14012*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14010*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14020*" Then
            Range("E" & i2).Value = "No"
        End If
        If Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14318*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14318G*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14318X*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14319*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14324*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14324G*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14324X*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14324Y*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14325*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14332*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14332X*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14333*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14336*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14336G*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14336X*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14337*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14348*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14348G*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14348X*" Then
            Range("E" & i2).Value = "No"
        End If
        If Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14418*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14418G*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14418X*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14418Y*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14418Z*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14419*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14424*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14424G*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14424X*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14424Y*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14425*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14436*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14436G*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14436X*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14436Y*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14437*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14448*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14448G*" Or _
           Range("D" & i2).Value Like "*F14448X*" Then
            Range("E" & i2).Value = "No"
        End If
     Next i2
End Sub
Upvote 0
Dim descr As String 'dictionary always have key and item, descr is the item ?
Rich (BB code):
        dictKey = arr(i, 2)   ' Column 2 of your data "Type" is being used as the dictionary key -
        descr = arr(i, 11)    ' Column 11 is the description and since this is being tested in If statements multiple times it was clearer and shorter to identify the field
        dictItemLbl(dictKey) = i  ' "i" the row counter is being put in the item / value field of the dictionary but we are not using this for this application

Dim dictItemLbl As Object, dictKey As String 'is it a good practice to always define dictionary item as Object ?
Set dictItemLbl = CreateObject("Scripting.dictionary")
On the forum most people will do it this way because it requires less explanation.
You can define the dict variable as Dictionary but you would need to select the Scripting Reference under Tools > References
This will make it easier to write your code and run faster but can cause issues if you distribute the code to someone with a their DLLs stored in a different location or a different version (not usually a problem since your IT dept instals software in a standard manner).
Terminology Dim as Dictionary using the Reference library is called Early Binding, the CreateObject method is called Late Binding


For i = 1 To UBound(arr) 'I was googling Ubound, but I am still not 100% clear on what the Ubound does in this subroutine.
We are loading all the rows into an array. We then loop through the array from the first record aka "1" to the last.
We can get the last index number of the array using Ubound(array_name).
Upvote 0
you think this would be a good dictionary practice ?
Dictionary's only add value if there is an exact match and your example is all based on if statements using partial matches (wildcards).
In the original problem we were finding a description with AO COVER. The dictionary did not help with finding AO COVER.
What it helped with was the next stage. The row with AO COVER had a Type in Column B. We wanted to capture that type in the dictionary so that we could then loop through the rows a second time and further process any row that had that same type by checking the type for each row to see if we held it in the dictionary.
Upvote 0
We are loading all the rows into an array. We then loop through the array from the first record aka "1" to the last.
We can get the last index number of the array using Ubound(array_name)
this makes sense, thank you
Upvote 0

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