Maybe we could try this one:
We say Mathematics is a Science as we use that word for the study of “it”, - where here “it” is referring to Mathematical things. Mathematical is what we refer to as the various concepts which start at the simplest addition and then go on to encompass the concepts, ideas and everything as yet the people studying Mathematics have up until now come up with.
( Sometimes Math or Maths is used as a slang or quick way of saying either mathematics or to refer to mathematical Things. )
So this
Mathematics is not a universal language, because it is not a language at all. Mathematics is one of the sciences. …
sounds OK.
From all we know about the Universe up until now we can use a Theory ( based on the ideas, for example, that if I am given and take / accept something, and then do the same again I have two of those things ). This Theory to prove that the Mathematical things, here for example addition, are universal, or appears to be so as far as we know.- We could extend the idea or Theory here to that of “Addition” to “Counting”, saying the two are related. ( I mean the Theory of “If I give or add something of the same type 2 times, then the count of the things I have is "2”, etc.. ) In the above example the count was 2 after I had taken and accepted 2 things of the same sort. For now that total concept is taken as Universal
I guess if we found somewhere where that did not work we would have to think again. Maybe somewhere in the Universe having / accepting something could be governed by a similar rule to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime Dictionary, and no matter how many times I take a particular thing I would still be left with just one of it. I might need to modify my concept of count then to give different Count Concepts. I could have two counts then, One of how many things I have, and one of how many things were given to me. It sounds absurd, but only because we have either not experienced that yet, or have not got a Theory to cover it.
Maybe God or the maker of the universe or Wotever ( Whatever ) just never got around to documenting it properly… or it got lost in the ever increasing ( if it does ) Universe. ( And BTW, if the universe is ever increasing then nothing I guess can be sure to be universal as the universe ‘aint ( isn’t ( is not ) ) finished yet, so we cannot be sure ‘till ( until ) it is.
_ ……………………………………….
As this is a
VBA Forum and the Lounge at that, just a fun example of something similar. This code confused me for a while, still does a bit..
Rich (BB code):
' ‹(o¿o)›
Option Explicit
' Count Wonk Doc.AElstein "wbcodes.xlsm"
Sub ModuleSheetsAddDelete() 'Different Count Concepts in universe
10 Dim CntS As Long, CntW As Long '
20 Let CntW = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count: Let CntS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count 'Both counts are the same originally ( If I have not added charts or diagrams )
' Add "Modules"
30 ThisWorkbook.Modules.Add 'A "Module" appears in the VB Editor VBAProject Window
40 ThisWorkbook.Modules.Add 'Another "Module" appears in the VB Editor VBAProject Window
50 Let CntW = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count: Let CntS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count 'Worksheets count stays the same: Sheet count goes up by 2
'Delete "Modules"
60 ThisWorkbook.Modules.Delete 'Seems to delete all the "Modules" we added.
'70 Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'Option to Stop me being warned about deleting a "Worksheet"!!!? ! - no worries - it only deletes the "Modules" that I just added
80 Let CntW = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count: Let CntS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count 'The "Counts" are back to the original
90 Application.DisplayAlerts = True
'Try to Delete "Modules" again
100 ThisWorkbook.Modules.Delete 'This errors, so presumably "Modules" Object is a "Code module"??_(o¿o)_** and we have none there to be deleted
End Sub
'Referrences used:
'http **-??_(o¿o)_// - Thread where shg and Rompry discussed old Code Modules...
'Count Wonk Doc.AElstein "wbcodes.xlsm"
The code I ran on a . xlsm Workbook with just a few Worksheets in it. I also had a few of what I thought we call “Modules” in it, ( - At least I put them there by “inserting” a “Module” )
Lines 30 and 40 result in something being shown in the VB Editor VBAProject Window that looks like a Module. ( twice in total ). Line 60 appears to delete “them” “2” things. Interestingly line 100 then errors even if I have lots of other “Modules” shown.
The answer seems to lie in the different “Count” Concepts I have in code “ Lines “ 20, 50 and 80. Modules seems to be an Object of a collection of things. These are in turn all within the collection Sheets object. Misleadingly these “Things” are shown identical to what most of us think is a “Module” like one wot ( What ) we insert. Misleadingly again, ( at least in my Excel, ( XL 2007 ( German ) ) ) the warning thrown up before I attempt to delete these “Things” refers to the “Things” as “Worksheets”. ( I guess it should refer to them as sheets, or wotever ( Whatever ) they are.
Maybe Bill gates or whoever never got around to documenting it properly or it got lost in the ever increasing universe of VBA. Unfortunately I lost the MrExcel Thread I lurked, ( where Rory explained this one to do with a throw back to old Code Modules ) in the ever increasing Universe of MrExcel Threads.
Alan Elston
( Doc AElstein )
---o00o---`(_)`---o00o--- ___o00o---`(_)`---o00o___ ஜ۩۞۩ஜ .. ‹(•¿•)›..
Similarly bad explained the
___ :
___ for putting 2 “
Lines “ of code on 1 “
Line “. I seem to have two concepts of lines here. In each of my code “
Lines “ numbered 20, 50 and 80 I have 2 code “
lines “ looking from the point of view of how the code is executed. But looking at how I am able to number the “ Lines “ I have only one code “
line “ per code “
line “. I mean this will not work
Rich (BB code):
20 Let CntW = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count:25 Let CntS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count
( And note the whole “
Line”, that is to say both “
lines” !? turn Red indicting where the error is, – again misleading as clearly the second bit of the “
Line” or second “
line” is in error )
So my concept of count must be modified to allow for two Line Count Concepts which will give me counts allowing for a difference in 3 in total for the entire code.