I built a golf handicapping sheet for my league of 30 players, each player has a row for score entries for 100+ rounds. Each week I enter into row A Frank's score, from A1 across. If Frank doesn't play that week, the entry is "0". Row B contains formulas in each cell from B1 across that look at A and either return "" for a "0", or a value under 50 to tenths, i.e. 1.7, 18.0, 0.6, -2.5, 10.4, 7.0, 22.8, 18.1, etc., depending on score in A. From C20 across, I need to find the ave of the minimum 10 values in B, but always from only the most recent 20 values in B.
I have from MrExcel help last year:
But this doesn't look at only the most recent 20 values from which to pull the 10 minimums to ave.
I greatly appreciate any thoughts.
I have from MrExcel help last year:
But this doesn't look at only the most recent 20 values from which to pull the 10 minimums to ave.
I greatly appreciate any thoughts.