Hope you've liked my jokes 'cause their almost done!
PATIENT: Doctor, doctor, I've only got 59 seconds to live!
DOCTOR: Wait for me, I'll be with you in a minute.
The troops were being trained to jump from an airplane.
Rookie: "What if my parachute doesn't open?"
Instructor: "That is known as jumping to a conclusion."
Three slight deaf old friends met one day.
"Windy, yes?" said one.
"No, it's Thursday," said the second.
"Well, so am I," said the third. "Let's go and have a cup of tea."
DOCTOR: Do you have problems making up your mind?
PATIENT: Yes and no.
The guy in the repair shop said, "Here it is, Mr. Jones.
Your lawnmower is now in running condition. Just one precaution,
however. Don't ever lend it to a neighbor."
"That's just the problem," said Mr. Jones. "I am the
Agent (to writer): I've got some good news and some bad news.
Writer: First tell me the good news.
Agent: Paramount just loved your story, just ate it up.
Writer: That's fantastic. And the bad news?
Agent: Paramount is my dog.
Reassuring voice heard over the intercom of a jet plane:
"Ladies and gentlemen, please sit back and relax. This plane is
entirely automatic. Automatic pilot, automatic food services,
automatic landing devices. Nothing can go wrong ... Nothing can go
wrong ... Nothing can go wrong...."
Pilot: Pilot to control tower...pilot to control tower...I'm
now 300 miles from land ...at 600 feet and running out of
fuel...please give instructions...over."
Tower: Control tower to pilot...tower to pilot...repeat
after me...Our Father, who art in heaven
The pilot spoke on the intercom.
"Uh ... ladies and gentleman, I've got some bad news for
you: the aircraft's been struck by lightning.
"But I've also got some good news: we'll still be reaching
the airport on time.
"There's another bad news though, the cabin, wings, and tail
section will be arriving separately."
At the airport, a guy who was going to take the next plane to Dallas saw a scale. He put in a quarter, and a message popped out: You weigh 175 and you're on the way to Dallas.
Puzzled, the man placed another quarter, and the same message came out.
Really addled, he went into the men's room, combed his hair in a different way, and changed his sport jacket. He returned and tested the machine with another quarter.
This time the message was: You still weigh 175, and you just missed your flight to Dallas.
The pilot's voice from the intercom: "Ladies and gentlemen, We'll be arriving in two hours Please relax, Everything's fine and the weather's good and Oh my god...!"
The passengers were so terrified, They started praying and shouting.
"Sorry!" Said the pilot, "I spilled my coffee, You gotta see my pants..."
A passenger screamed: "You gotta see the back of mine!"
Where did you get those pants?
... the coat?
North Da-coat-a!
... the vest?
... the collar?
Two men were sleeping in a swamp. One man yelled: "An alligator just bit my foot off."
The other said: "Which one?"
"How should I know," wailed the first, "they all look alike?"
MAT: I'd like a pair of alligator shoes.
PIERRE: Oh, really? What size does your alligator wear?
FRED: Teacher, I'm a good student and I deserve better than a "D".
TEACHER: Okay, what grade would you like then?
FRED: Let's see--what's that letter that comes after "A" again?
Why is New Jersey known as 'The Garden State'?"
"Because everybody's guardin' their house, guardin' their
car, guardin' their kids ..."
Teacher: Please spell Tennessee.
Student: Okay. One-a-see, two-a-see, three-a-see...
Teacher: How do you spell Mississippi?
Student: River or state?
At an international engineering conference a Russian
questioned the man seated beside him where he came from.
"Why, I'm from the greatest country in the world," answered
the American proudly.
"Funny," observed his confused companion, "you don't sound
An American doughboy and a French poilu were parting at the
end of World War I.
"Au revoir!" said the poilu.
"What does that mean?" asked the doughboy.
"That's good-bye in French."
"Well, carbolic acid!" cried the doughboy.
"What does that mean?" the French soldier asked.
"That's good-bye in any language!" said the American.
I love being an American. That's why I wear Italian suits,
eat French food, drive a Japanese car, and on holidays put out an
American flag made in Korea!
"Doctor," the patient wailed, "you've removed my appendix
and my tonsils, but I still don't feel well!"
"Look, I've had enough out of you. . . ."
A conversation between two women in a high society party:
"My ancestry goes all the way back to Alexander the Great,"
said one lady. She then asked the second lady, "And how far
does your family go back?"
"I don't know," was the answer. "All of our records were
lost in the Flood."
"I wonder what our ancestors would think of our nation
"When I get to heaven, I'll ask them."
"What if they didn't go to heaven?"
"Then you ask them."
Farmer (to new hired hand)--"Where's that mule I told you
to take out and have shod?"
New Hand--"Did you say 'shod'? I thought you said 'shot.'
I've just been buryin' her."
A pilot said to the passengers: "I've got good news and bad news, The good news is that we are landing soon, The bad news is we're crash landing!"
"Honney," Said a polite girl to her fiance, "Do you smoke?"
"No," Replied her fiance, "Only sometimes when I'm drunk while gambling!"
Special Joke For The Forum:
A new member sent a private message to another member in MrExcel forum (They knew each other) saying "Hey Joe,I just joined MrExcel forum!"
So his friend sent him "
the new member replied "What does
WTF stand for??!"
"Oh!," wrote his friend, "It means
Well,Actually he meant "
P.S:All these jokes...Man,That was a
Knowing that
LOT stands for two:


(If you understand the joke then you'll surely laugh,or else you'd be thinking about it!)