Find all or certain formulas in a Workbook


Well-known Member
Nov 7, 2011
Office Version
  1. 2007
  1. Windows
I decided to create a script that would search a workbook for formulas that contain a certain word or just all formulas due to This thread.

The following code will ask for a workbook to look for formulas in each worksheet of the workbook.

After opening the workbook selected, it will search all worksheets for formulas & if formulas are found in a worksheet, it will produce 2 worksheets. One sheet will be the summary of the sheets that contain formulas, the ranges of formulas on those sheets, & the # of formulas found on those sheets, the other sheet will display every single formula found, sheet that it was found in, & the cell address of the sheet that it was found in.

VBA Code:
Sub FindFormulas()
    Dim StartTime                           As Double
    Dim ArrayRow                            As Long
    Dim SheetFormulaCount                   As Long, SheetsWithFormulasCount            As Long
    Dim cel                                 As Range, FormulaSearchRange                As Range
    Dim FileToCheck                         As String
    Dim SearchWord                          As String
    Dim SheetWithSearchedFormulas           As String, SummarySheetOfAllFormulasFound   As String
    Dim HeaderTitlesToPaste                 As Variant
    Dim SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray   As Variant, TempArray                       As Variant
    Dim wsDestination_1                     As Worksheet, wsDestination_2               As Worksheet
    Dim wSheet                              As Worksheet
    SheetWithSearchedFormulas = "Found Formulas"                                                    ' <--- Set this to the name of the sheet that you want the found formulas to be displayed
    SummarySheetOfAllFormulasFound = "Summary"                                                      ' <--- Set this to the name of the sheet that you want the summary of all formulas
'                                                                                                   '           found to be displayed
'   \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
    SearchWord = "="                                                                                ' <--- Set this to what type of formula you want to find ... "=" will find all formulas
'                                                                                                   '           Another Example:    SearchWord = "Round" will find formulas that contain "Round"
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False                                                              ' Turn off ScreenUpdating
    FileToCheck = Application.GetOpenFilename()                                                     ' Ask user for the file to check formulas in
    If FileToCheck = "False" Then Exit Sub                                                          ' If user cancelled then Exit Sub
    Workbooks.Open (FileToCheck)                                                                    ' Open the file selected by the user
    FileToCheck = Mid(FileToCheck, InStrRev(FileToCheck, "\") + 1)                                  ' Save just the filename & extension after last '\' in string to FileToCheck
    StartTime = Timer                                                                               ' Start the stopwatch
    HeaderTitlesToPaste = Array("Formula Found", "Sheet Name Containing Formula", "Cell Address")   ' Header to write to wsDestination_1
    On Error Resume Next                                                                            ' If error occurs because the sheet doesn't exist, skip error & continue
        Set wsDestination_1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SheetWithSearchedFormulas)                        '   Check if the chosen sheet name to put the results into already exists
        Set wsDestination_2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SummarySheetOfAllFormulasFound)                   '   Check if the chosen sheet name to put the results into already exists
    On Error GoTo 0                                                                                 ' Return error handling back to Excel
    If Not wsDestination_1 Is Nothing Then                                                          ' If chosen sheet name already exists then ...
        wsDestination_1.UsedRange.ClearContents                                                     '   Clear the previous results on the sheet
    Else                                                                                            ' Else ...
        ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(Before:=Sheets(1)).Name = SheetWithSearchedFormulas                 '   Create the destination sheet at the beginning of the workbook
        Set wsDestination_1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SheetWithSearchedFormulas)                        '   Assign the chosen sheet name to put the results into to wsDestination_1
    End If
    If Not wsDestination_2 Is Nothing Then                                                          ' If chosen sheet name already exists then ...
        wsDestination_2.UsedRange.ClearContents                                                     '   Clear the previous results on the sheet
    Else                                                                                            ' Else ...
        ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(Before:=Sheets(1)).Name = SummarySheetOfAllFormulasFound            '   Create the destination sheet at the beginning of the workbook
        Set wsDestination_2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SummarySheetOfAllFormulasFound)                   '   Assign the chosen sheet name to put the results into to wsDestination_2
    End If
    wsDestination_1.Range("A1:C1").Value = HeaderTitlesToPaste                                      ' Copy some headers to wsDestination_1
    ReDim TempArray(1 To Rows.Count - 1, 1 To 3)                                                    ' Establish TempArray row size & column count
    ReDim SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray(1 To 500, 1 To 3)                                       ' Establish SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray to handle up to 500 sheets, we can adjust this
'                                                                                                   '       to a smaller actual # needed later
    ArrayRow = 0                                                                                    ' Initialize ArrayRow
    SheetsWithFormulasCount = 0                                                                     ' Initialize SheetsWithFormulasCount
    For Each wSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets                                                    ' Loop through each sheet in the workbook
        If wSheet.Name <> SheetWithSearchedFormulas Then                                            '   If sheet name <> to the name of our SheetWithSearchedFormulas then ...
            On Error Resume Next                                                                    '       If there are no formulas found on the sheet, skip error that would occur on the next line
                Set FormulaSearchRange = wSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)          '           Set FormulaSearchRange to the range of formulas detected
            On Error GoTo 0                                                                         '       Return error handling back to excel
            If Not FormulaSearchRange Is Nothing Then                                               '       If we found at least one formula on the sheet then ...
                SheetsWithFormulasCount = SheetsWithFormulasCount + 1                               '           Increment SheetsWithFormulasCount
                SheetFormulaCount = Range(FormulaSearchRange.Address(0, 0)).Cells.Count             '           Count the total # of formulas found on the sheet
                SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray(SheetsWithFormulasCount, 1) = wSheet.Name         '           Save the sheet name to SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray
                SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray(SheetsWithFormulasCount, 2) = _
                        FormulaSearchRange.Address(0, 0)                                            '           Save the formula ranges found to SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray
                SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray(SheetsWithFormulasCount, 3) = SheetFormulaCount   '           Save the total # of formulas found on the sheet to SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray
                For Each cel In FormulaSearchRange                                                  '           Loop through each cell that contains a formula
                    If InStr(1, cel.Formula, SearchWord, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then                    '               If SearchWord is found in the found formula then ...
                        ArrayRow = ArrayRow + 1                                                     '                   Increment ArrayRow
                        TempArray(ArrayRow, 1) = Mid(cel.Formula, 2, (Len(cel.Formula)))            '                   Save the formula minus the '=' sign into column A of TempArray
                        TempArray(ArrayRow, 2) = wSheet.Name                                        '                   Save the sheet name into column B of TempArray
                        TempArray(ArrayRow, 3) = cel.Address(0, 0)                                  '                   Save the cell address into column C of TempArray
                    End If
                    If ArrayRow = UBound(TempArray, 1) Then                                         '               If the TempArray is full then ...
                        wsDestination_1.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(TempArray, 1), _
                                UBound(TempArray, 2)) = TempArray                                   '                   Write the TempArray to wsDestination_1
                        wsDestination_1.Columns("A").Resize(, 5).EntireColumn.Insert                '                   Insert 5 columns to the beginning of wsDestination_1
                        wsDestination_1.Range("A1:C1").Value = HeaderTitlesToPaste                  '                   Copy some headers to wsDestination_1
                        ArrayRow = 0                                                                '                   Reset Arrayrow
                        ReDim TempArray(1 To Rows.Count - 1, 1 To 3)                                '                   Clear TempArray
                    End If
                Next                                                                                '           Loop back
            End If
        End If
        DoEvents                                                                                    '   Allow Break in the program if desired
    Next                                                                                            ' Loop back
    Workbooks(FileToCheck).Close SaveChanges:=False                                                 ' Close the file that was opened without saving it
    TempArray = ReDimPreserve(TempArray, ArrayRow, 3)                                               ' Correct the row size of TempArray to actual # of used rows
    SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray = ReDimPreserve(SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray, _
            SheetsWithFormulasCount, 3)                                                             ' Correct the row size of SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray to actual # of used rows
    wsDestination_1.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(TempArray, 1), UBound(TempArray, 2)) = TempArray      ' Write the TempArray to wsDestination_1
    wsDestination_1.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit                                                  ' Autofit the data
    Application.Goto wsDestination_1.Range("A2")                                                    ' Select A2 on wsDestination_1
    ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True                                                                 ' Freeze row 1
    wsDestination_2.Range("A1:C1").Value = Array("Sheet Name", "Formula Ranges", "# of Formulas")   ' Copy some headers to wsDestination_2
    wsDestination_2.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray, 1), _
            UBound(SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray, 2)) = SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray       ' Write the SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray to wsDestination_2
    wsDestination_2.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit                                                  ' Autofit the data
    Application.Goto wsDestination_2.Range("A2")                                                    ' Select A2 on wsDestination_2
    ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True                                                                 ' Freeze row 1
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True                                                               ' Turn ScreenUpdating back on
Debug.Print "Script completed in " & Timer - StartTime & " seconds."                                ' Display Completion time to the 'Immediate' window (CTRL+G) in the VBE
MsgBox "Completed in " & Timer - StartTime & " seconds."                                            ' Display completion time to the pop up message box
End Sub

Public Function ReDimPreserve(ArrayNameToResize, NewRowUbound, NewColumnUbound)
    Dim NewColumn                   As Long, NewRow                      As Long
    Dim OldColumnLbound             As Long, OldRowLbound                As Long
    Dim OldColumnUbound             As Long, OldRowUbound                As Long
    Dim NewResizedArray()           As Variant
    ReDimPreserve = False
    If IsArray(ArrayNameToResize) Then                                                                      ' If the variable is an array then ...
           OldRowLbound = LBound(ArrayNameToResize, 1)                                                      '   Save the original row Lbound to OldRowLbound
        OldColumnLbound = LBound(ArrayNameToResize, 2)                                                      '   Save the original column Lbound to OldColumnLbound
        ReDim NewResizedArray(OldRowLbound To NewRowUbound, OldColumnLbound To NewColumnUbound)             '   Create a New 2D Array with same Lbounds as the original array
        OldRowUbound = UBound(ArrayNameToResize, 1)                                                         '   Save row Ubound of original array
        OldColumnUbound = UBound(ArrayNameToResize, 2)                                                      '   Save column Ubound of original array
        For NewRow = OldRowLbound To NewRowUbound                                                           '   Loop through rows of original array
            For NewColumn = OldColumnLbound To NewColumnUbound                                              '       Loop through columns of original array
                If OldRowUbound >= NewRow And OldColumnUbound >= NewColumn Then                             '           If more data to copy then ...
                    NewResizedArray(NewRow, NewColumn) = ArrayNameToResize(NewRow, NewColumn)               '               Append rows/columns to NewResizedArray
                End If
            Next                                                                                            '       Loop back
        Next                                                                                                '   Loop back
        Erase ArrayNameToResize                                                                             '   Free up the memory the Original array was taking
        If IsArray(NewResizedArray) Then ReDimPreserve = NewResizedArray
    End If
End Function

Please let me know what you think.
Anyway to improve the results?

Please post what system you test it on also.

Excel Facts

Fastest way to copy a worksheet?
Hold down the Ctrl key while dragging tab for Sheet1 to the right. Excel will make a copy of the worksheet.
After testing this code, looking at the results, removing previously found formulas, something was amiss. :(

The results were not changing, after removing formulas & rerunning the code to update the formulas found, the results stayed the same.

It appears I forgot one line of code to reset the FormulaSearchRange after each sheet is checked in the workbook. :rolleyes:

Here is the updated code with the added line:

VBA Code:
Sub FindFormulasV2()
    Dim StartTime                           As Double
    Dim ArrayRow                            As Long
    Dim SheetFormulaCount                   As Long, SheetsWithFormulasCount            As Long
    Dim cel                                 As Range, FormulaSearchRange                As Range
    Dim FileToCheck                         As String
    Dim SearchWord                          As String
    Dim SheetWithSearchedFormulas           As String, SummarySheetOfAllFormulasFound   As String
    Dim HeaderTitlesToPaste                 As Variant
    Dim SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray   As Variant, TempArray                       As Variant
    Dim wsDestination_1                     As Worksheet, wsDestination_2               As Worksheet
    Dim wSheet                              As Worksheet
    SheetWithSearchedFormulas = "Found Formulas"                                                    ' <--- Set this to the name of the sheet that you want the found formulas to be displayed
    SummarySheetOfAllFormulasFound = "Summary"                                                      ' <--- Set this to the name of the sheet that you want the summary of all formulas
'                                                                                                   '           found to be displayed
'   \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
    SearchWord = "="                                                                                ' <--- Set this to what type of formula you want to find ... "=" will find all formulas
'                                                                                                   '           Another Example:    SearchWord = "Round" will find formulas that contain "Round"
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False                                                              ' Turn off ScreenUpdating
    FileToCheck = Application.GetOpenFilename()                                                     ' Ask user for the file to check formulas in
    If FileToCheck = "False" Then Exit Sub                                                          ' If user cancelled then Exit Sub
    Workbooks.Open (FileToCheck)                                                                    ' Open the file selected by the user
    FileToCheck = Mid(FileToCheck, InStrRev(FileToCheck, "\") + 1)                                  ' Save just the filename & extension after last '\' in string to FileToCheck
    StartTime = Timer                                                                               ' Start the stopwatch
    HeaderTitlesToPaste = Array("Formula Found", "Sheet Name Containing Formula", "Cell Address")   ' Header to write to wsDestination_1
    On Error Resume Next                                                                            ' If error occurs because the sheet doesn't exist, skip error & continue
        Set wsDestination_1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SheetWithSearchedFormulas)                        '   Check if the chosen sheet name to put the results into already exists
        Set wsDestination_2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SummarySheetOfAllFormulasFound)                   '   Check if the chosen sheet name to put the results into already exists
    On Error GoTo 0                                                                                 ' Return error handling back to Excel
    If Not wsDestination_1 Is Nothing Then                                                          ' If chosen sheet name already exists then ...
        wsDestination_1.UsedRange.ClearContents                                                     '   Clear the previous results on the sheet
    Else                                                                                            ' Else ...
        ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(Before:=Sheets(1)).Name = SheetWithSearchedFormulas                 '   Create the destination sheet at the beginning of the workbook
        Set wsDestination_1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SheetWithSearchedFormulas)                        '   Assign the chosen sheet name to put the results into to wsDestination_1
    End If
    If Not wsDestination_2 Is Nothing Then                                                          ' If chosen sheet name already exists then ...
        wsDestination_2.UsedRange.ClearContents                                                     '   Clear the previous results on the sheet
    Else                                                                                            ' Else ...
        ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(Before:=Sheets(1)).Name = SummarySheetOfAllFormulasFound            '   Create the destination sheet at the beginning of the workbook
        Set wsDestination_2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SummarySheetOfAllFormulasFound)                   '   Assign the chosen sheet name to put the results into to wsDestination_2
    End If
    wsDestination_1.Range("A1:C1").Value = HeaderTitlesToPaste                                      ' Copy some headers to wsDestination_1
    ReDim TempArray(1 To Rows.Count - 1, 1 To 3)                                                    ' Establish TempArray row size & column count
    ReDim SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray(1 To 500, 1 To 3)                                       ' Establish SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray to handle up to 500 sheets, we can adjust this
'                                                                                                   '       to a smaller actual # needed later
    ArrayRow = 0                                                                                    ' Initialize ArrayRow
    SheetsWithFormulasCount = 0                                                                     ' Initialize SheetsWithFormulasCount
    For Each wSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets                                                    ' Loop through each sheet in the workbook
        If wSheet.Name <> SheetWithSearchedFormulas Then                                            '   If sheet name <> to the name of our SheetWithSearchedFormulas then ...
            On Error Resume Next                                                                    '       If there are no formulas found on the sheet, skip error that would occur on the next line
                Set FormulaSearchRange = wSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)          '           Set FormulaSearchRange to the range of formulas detected
            On Error GoTo 0                                                                         '       Return error handling back to excel
            If Not FormulaSearchRange Is Nothing Then                                               '       If we found at least one formula on the sheet then ...
                SheetsWithFormulasCount = SheetsWithFormulasCount + 1                               '           Increment SheetsWithFormulasCount
                SheetFormulaCount = Range(FormulaSearchRange.Address(0, 0)).Cells.Count             '           Count the total # of formulas found on the sheet
                SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray(SheetsWithFormulasCount, 1) = wSheet.Name         '           Save the sheet name to SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray
                SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray(SheetsWithFormulasCount, 2) = _
                        FormulaSearchRange.Address(0, 0)                                            '           Save the formula ranges found to SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray
                SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray(SheetsWithFormulasCount, 3) = SheetFormulaCount   '           Save the total # of formulas found on the sheet to SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray
                For Each cel In FormulaSearchRange                                                  '           Loop through each cell that contains a formula
                    If InStr(1, cel.Formula, SearchWord, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then                    '               If SearchWord is found in the found formula then ...
                        ArrayRow = ArrayRow + 1                                                     '                   Increment ArrayRow
                        TempArray(ArrayRow, 1) = Mid(cel.Formula, 2, (Len(cel.Formula)))            '                   Save the formula minus the '=' sign into column A of TempArray
                        TempArray(ArrayRow, 2) = wSheet.Name                                        '                   Save the sheet name into column B of TempArray
                        TempArray(ArrayRow, 3) = cel.Address(0, 0)                                  '                   Save the cell address into column C of TempArray
                    End If
                    If ArrayRow = UBound(TempArray, 1) Then                                         '               If the TempArray is full then ...
                        wsDestination_1.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(TempArray, 1), _
                                UBound(TempArray, 2)) = TempArray                                   '                   Write the TempArray to wsDestination_1
                        wsDestination_1.Columns("A").Resize(, 5).EntireColumn.Insert                '                   Insert 5 columns to the beginning of wsDestination_1
                        wsDestination_1.Range("A1:C1").Value = HeaderTitlesToPaste                  '                   Copy some headers to wsDestination_1
                        ArrayRow = 0                                                                '                   Reset Arrayrow
                        ReDim TempArray(1 To Rows.Count - 1, 1 To 3)                                '                   Clear TempArray
                    End If
                Next                                                                                '           Loop back
            End If
        End If
        DoEvents                                                                                    '   Allow Break in the program if desired
        Set FormulaSearchRange = Nothing                                                            '   Clear the FormulaSearchRange
    Next                                                                                            ' Loop back
    Workbooks(FileToCheck).Close SaveChanges:=False                                                 ' Close the file that was opened without saving it
    TempArray = ReDimPreserve(TempArray, ArrayRow, 3)                                               ' Correct the row size of TempArray to actual # of used rows
    SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray = ReDimPreserve(SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray, _
            SheetsWithFormulasCount, 3)                                                             ' Correct the row size of SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray to actual # of used rows
    wsDestination_1.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(TempArray, 1), UBound(TempArray, 2)) = TempArray      ' Write the TempArray to wsDestination_1
    wsDestination_1.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit                                                  ' Autofit the data
    Application.Goto wsDestination_1.Range("A2")                                                    ' Select A2 on wsDestination_1
    ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True                                                                 ' Freeze row 1
    wsDestination_2.Range("A1:C1").Value = Array("Sheet Name", "Formula Ranges", "# of Formulas")   ' Copy some headers to wsDestination_2
    wsDestination_2.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray, 1), _
            UBound(SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray, 2)) = SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray       ' Write the SheetNameAndAllFormulasRangeArray to wsDestination_2
    wsDestination_2.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit                                                  ' Autofit the data
    Application.Goto wsDestination_2.Range("A2")                                                    ' Select A2 on wsDestination_2
    ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True                                                                 ' Freeze row 1
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True                                                               ' Turn ScreenUpdating back on
Debug.Print "Script completed in " & Timer - StartTime & " seconds."                                ' Display Completion time to the 'Immediate' window (CTRL+G) in the VBE
MsgBox "Completed in " & Timer - StartTime & " seconds."                                            ' Display completion time to the pop up message box
End Sub

Public Function ReDimPreserve(ArrayNameToResize, NewRowUbound, NewColumnUbound)
    Dim NewColumn                   As Long, NewRow                      As Long
    Dim OldColumnLbound             As Long, OldRowLbound                As Long
    Dim OldColumnUbound             As Long, OldRowUbound                As Long
    Dim NewResizedArray()           As Variant
    ReDimPreserve = False
    If IsArray(ArrayNameToResize) Then                                                                      ' If the variable is an array then ...
           OldRowLbound = LBound(ArrayNameToResize, 1)                                                      '   Save the original row Lbound to OldRowLbound
        OldColumnLbound = LBound(ArrayNameToResize, 2)                                                      '   Save the original column Lbound to OldColumnLbound
        ReDim NewResizedArray(OldRowLbound To NewRowUbound, OldColumnLbound To NewColumnUbound)             '   Create a New 2D Array with same Lbounds as the original array
        OldRowUbound = UBound(ArrayNameToResize, 1)                                                         '   Save row Ubound of original array
        OldColumnUbound = UBound(ArrayNameToResize, 2)                                                      '   Save column Ubound of original array
        For NewRow = OldRowLbound To NewRowUbound                                                           '   Loop through rows of original array
            For NewColumn = OldColumnLbound To NewColumnUbound                                              '       Loop through columns of original array
                If OldRowUbound >= NewRow And OldColumnUbound >= NewColumn Then                             '           If more data to copy then ...
                    NewResizedArray(NewRow, NewColumn) = ArrayNameToResize(NewRow, NewColumn)               '               Append rows/columns to NewResizedArray
                End If
            Next                                                                                            '       Loop back
        Next                                                                                                '   Loop back
        Erase ArrayNameToResize                                                                             '   Free up the memory the Original array was taking
        If IsArray(NewResizedArray) Then ReDimPreserve = NewResizedArray
    End If
End Function
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