Saving a sheet as a PDF and preserving links to pages in the sheet


MrExcel MVP
Oct 15, 2007
A common problem when saving a sheet (or multiple sheets or the entire workbook) as a PDF file, using ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, is that Excel doesn't preserve the links to cells as links to pages in the PDF. The code below is a solution to this problem.

Notes -
  1. The code uses the Acrobat API and therefore Acrobat Pro must be installed. The Acrobat API is not available if the free Adobe Reader or another PDF reader is installed.
  2. The code uses late binding of the Adobe Acrobat Type Library (acrobat.tlb) and therefore no references are required in the VBA project.
  3. The type of link/hyperlink handled by the code are links to 'Place in This Document', inserted via the Insert -> Link dialogue. It doesn't handle cell formula links created with the HYPERLINK function.
  4. The code expects the links to be on "Sheet1", to cells on the same sheet. It creates 2 PDFs in the same folder as the workbook. "Sheet1.pdf" is simply the sheet saved as a PDF using ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF. The code reads that file, adds the required links (using the Acrobat addLink function) and saves the modified file as "Sheet1 with page links added.pdf".
  5. The code handles horizontal and vertical page breaks on "Sheet1".
Acrobat API references -

HTML - Acrobat JavaScript API Reference — Acrobat-PDFL SDK: JavaScript Reference

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Public Sub Save_Sheet_As_PDF_With_Links_To_Pages()

    Dim PDDoc As Object 'Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
    Dim PDDocLink As Object 'Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
    Dim JSO As Object
    Dim JSOlink As Object
    Dim quads1 As Variant, quads2 As Variant, linkRect(0 To 3) As Double
    Dim PDFlink As Object
    Dim link As Hyperlink
    Dim linkOnPage As Long, prevLinkOnPage As Long, linkToPage As Long
    Dim word As String, wordIndex As Long
    Dim pageWordsCount As Long, pageWords() As String
    Dim linkWordsCount As Long, linkWords() As String
    Dim startPageWordsIndex As Long, p As Long
    Dim PDFinputFile As String, PDFoutputFile As String
    Dim PDFlinkFile As String
    Dim PDFsaveSheet As Worksheet, PDFlinkSheet As Worksheet
    With ActiveWorkbook
        'Full file names of the 2 PDF files created by this routine
        PDFinputFile = .Path & "\Sheet1.pdf"
        PDFoutputFile = .Path & "\Sheet1 with page links added.pdf"
        'The sheet containing links, to be saved as a PDF
        Set PDFsaveSheet = .Worksheets("Sheet1")
        'Add temporary sheet to which each link will be copied
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Set PDFlinkSheet = .Worksheets.Add(After:=.Worksheets(.Worksheets.Count))
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End With
    'Reset all hyperlinks on the PDF sheet and save it as a PDF - this is the input file
    Reset_All_Hyperlinks PDFsaveSheet
    PDFsaveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=PDFinputFile, _
        Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
    Set PDDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc") 'New Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
    If PDDoc.Open(PDFinputFile) Then
        Set JSO = PDDoc.GetJSObject
        With PDFsaveSheet
            prevLinkOnPage = 0
            'Loop through links on the sheet
            For Each link In .Hyperlinks
                If link.SubAddress <> "" Then
                    'Link is to 'Place in This Document'
                    'Get the worksheet page number that this link is on and the page number it links to
                    linkOnPage = GetPageNumber(link.Range)
                    linkToPage = GetPageNumber(Range(link.SubAddress))
                    'Debug.Print link.Range.Address; " Page ="; linkOnPage, link.Address, link.SubAddress, link.TextToDisplay, " Target Page ="; linkToPage
                    'Copy this link to the temporary sheet and save the sheet as a temporary PDF file.  This isolates the link's words, allowing the code to look for them
                    'on the page in the main PDF using the getPageNthWord method
                    PDFlinkFile = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "tempLink.pdf"
                    With PDFlinkSheet
                        link.Range.Copy .Range("A1")
                        .ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=PDFlinkFile, _
                                             Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=False, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
                    End With
                   'For the PDF page that this link is on, extract all the words into the pageWords array, but only if it's a different page number to the previous PDF page,
                   'to avoid repeating the same extraction
                   If linkOnPage <> prevLinkOnPage Then
                       pageWordsCount = JSO.getpageNumWords(linkOnPage - 1)
                       ReDim pageWords(0 To pageWordsCount - 1)
                       For wordIndex = 0 To pageWordsCount - 1
                          word = JSO.getPageNthWord(linkOnPage - 1, wordIndex, False) 'False: don't remove whitespace and punctuation from the word
                          word = Replace(word, vbCr, "")
                          word = Trim(Replace(word, vbLf, ""))
                          'Debug.Print wordIndex; ">" & word & "<"
                          pageWords(wordIndex) = word
                       prevLinkOnPage = linkOnPage
                    End If
                    'Extract all words from the temporary PDF into the linkWords array
                    'Set PDDocLink = New Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
                    Set PDDocLink = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
                    If PDDocLink.Open(PDFlinkFile) Then
                        Set JSOlink = PDDocLink.GetJSObject
                        linkWordsCount = JSOlink.getpageNumWords(0)
                        ReDim linkWords(0 To linkWordsCount - 1)
                        For wordIndex = 0 To linkWordsCount - 1
                           word = JSOlink.getPageNthWord(0, wordIndex, False) 'False: don't remove whitespace and punctuation from the word
                           word = Replace(word, vbCr, "")
                           word = Trim(Replace(word, vbLf, ""))
                           'Debug.Print wordIndex; ">" & word & "<"
                           linkWords(wordIndex) = word
                        Kill PDFlinkFile
                    End If
                    'Look for this link's words as sequential words in the pageWords array and get the index of the first word
                    startPageWordsIndex = FindSubArrayInMainArray(pageWords, linkWords)
                    If startPageWordsIndex >= 0 Then
                        'Found all this link's words on the PDF page
                        'Debug.Print "Found at " & startPageWordsIndex
                        'Definitions from "Adobe JavaScript for Acrobat API Reference"
                        'PDF -
                        'HTML -
                        '       An array of 8 x n numbers specifying the coordinates of n quadrilaterals in default user space. Each quadrilateral encompasses a word or group of
                        '       contiguous words in the text underlying the annotation. See the PDF Reference version 1.7 for more details. The quads for a word can be obtained
                        '       through calls to the Doc object getPageNthWordQuads method.
                        '       Gets the quads list for the nth word on the page. The quads property of the Annotation object can be used for constructing text markup, underline,
                        '       strikeout, highlight and squiggly annotations. See also getPageNthWord, getPageNumWords, and selectPageNthWord.
                        '       Note: This method throws an exception if the document security is set to prevent content extraction.
                        '       nPage       (optional) The 0-based index of the page. The default is 0, the first page in the document.
                        '       nWord       (optional) The 0-based index of the word. The default is 0, the first word on the page.
                        '       The quads list for the nth word on the page.
                        '       Adds a new link to the specified page with the specified coordinates, if the user has permission to add links to the document. See also getLinks,
                        '       removeLinks and the Link object.
                        '       nPage       The page on which to add the new link.
                        '       oCoords     An array of four numbers in rotated user space specifying the size and placement of the link. The numbers are the coordinates of the
                        '                   bounding rectangle in the following order: upper-left x, upper-left y, lower-right x and lower-right y.
                        '       The newly created Link object.

                        'Get quads of first and last words of the display text from the PDF page. quads1 and quads2 are arrays of 8 numbers, specifying the 4 coordinates
                        'of the bounding box of the specified word index number.  If the display text is only 1 word then quads1 and quads2 will contain the same coordinates.
                        quads1 = JSO.getPageNthWordQuads(linkOnPage - 1, startPageWordsIndex)
                        quads2 = JSO.getPageNthWordQuads(linkOnPage - 1, startPageWordsIndex + UBound(linkWords))
                        'Transfer the coordinates of the upper-left of the display text's first word and the lower-right of the display text's last word to the linkRect array
                        'linkRect is an array of 4 numbers specifying the coordinates of the bounding rectangle for the link to be added on the PDF page in the
                        'following order: upper-left x, upper-left y, lower-right x and lower-right y
                        '   ===================PAGE===================
                        '   |                                        |
                        '   |                                        |
                        '   |   -------linkRect-------               |
                        '   |   |(x1,y1)             |               |
                        '   |   |first           last|               |
                        '   |   |             (x2,y2)|               |
                        '   |   ----------------------               |
                        '   |                                        |
                        '   |                                        |
                        '   |(0,0)                                   |
                        '   ===========================================
                        linkRect(0) = CLng(quads1(0)(0)) 'x1 (upper-left x)
                        linkRect(1) = CLng(quads1(0)(1)) 'y1 (upper-left y)
                        linkRect(2) = CLng(quads2(0)(2)) 'x2 (lower-right x)
                        linkRect(3) = CLng(quads2(0)(5)) 'y2 (lower-right y)
                        'Debug.Print linkRect(0); linkRect(1), linkRect(2); linkRect(3)
                        'Add link on the PDF page, around the word(s) bounded by the coordinates in the linkRect array and make it point to the link's destination page
                        PDFlink.setAction "this.pageNum = " & linkToPage - 1 & ";"
                        MsgBox "Excel link display text '" & link.TextToDisplay & "' not found on PDF page " & linkOnPage
                    End If
                End If
        End With

        If PDDoc.Save(1, PDFoutputFile) Then
            MsgBox "Successfully saved " & PDFoutputFile, vbInformation, "Add Links to PDF"
            ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink PDFoutputFile
            MsgBox "Cannot save the output PDF document " & PDFoutputFile, vbExclamation, "Add Links to PDF"
        End If
    End If
    Set PDDocLink = Nothing
    Set PDDoc = Nothing
    'Delete the temporary sheet
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub

Private Sub Reset_All_Hyperlinks(ws As Worksheet)

    Dim link As Hyperlink
    'Reset colour of all hyperlinks on the specified worksheet to 'not visited'
    With ws
        'Debug.Print "Hyperlinks count ="; .Hyperlinks.Count
        For Each link In .Hyperlinks
            Reset_Hyperlink link
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub Reset_Hyperlink(link As Hyperlink)

    'Reset colour of specified hyperlink to 'not visited'
    With link
        'Debug.Print .Range.Address, .Address, .SubAddress, .ScreenTip, .TextToDisplay
        If .SubAddress <> "" Then
            If .ScreenTip <> "" Then
                .Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Range, Address:=.Address, SubAddress:=.SubAddress, ScreenTip:=.ScreenTip, TextToDisplay:=.TextToDisplay
                .Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Range, Address:=.Address, SubAddress:=.SubAddress, TextToDisplay:=.TextToDisplay
            End If
            If .ScreenTip <> "" Then
                .Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Range, Address:=.Address, ScreenTip:=.ScreenTip, TextToDisplay:=.TextToDisplay
                .Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Range, Address:=.Address, TextToDisplay:=.TextToDisplay
            End If
        End If
    End With

End Sub

'Based on
'with my changes to make it work for all cases

Private Function GetPageNumber(CallerCell As Range) As Long
    'Return the page number of the specified cell, accounting for horizontal and vertical page breaks on the cell's worksheet
    Dim VPBreak As VPageBreak
    Dim HPBreak As HPageBreak
    Dim VPBreakCount As Long
    Dim HPBreakCount As Long
    Dim PageNumber As Long
    With CallerCell.Worksheet
        VPBreakCount = 0
        For Each VPBreak In .VPageBreaks
            If VPBreak.Location.Column <= CallerCell.Column Then
                VPBreakCount = VPBreakCount + 1
                Exit For
            End If

        HPBreakCount = 0
        For Each HPBreak In .HPageBreaks
            If HPBreak.Location.Row <= CallerCell.Row Then
                HPBreakCount = HPBreakCount + 1
                Exit For
            End If

        Select Case .PageSetup.Order
            Case xlDownThenOver
                PageNumber = (.HPageBreaks.Count + 1) * VPBreakCount + HPBreakCount + 1
            Case xlOverThenDown
                PageNumber = .VPageBreaks.Count * HPBreakCount + VPBreakCount + 1
        End Select
        If .PageSetup.FirstPageNumber <> xlAutomatic Then
            PageNumber = PageNumber + .PageSetup.FirstPageNumber
        End If
    End With
    GetPageNumber = PageNumber
End Function

Private Function FindSubArrayInMainArray(mainArray As Variant, subArray As Variant) As Long
    'Look for sequence of subArray elements in mainArray elements in the same order and, if found, return the index in mainArray where subArray was found, otherwise return -1
    Dim m As Long, s As Long
    FindSubArrayInMainArray = -1
    m = LBound(mainArray)
    s = LBound(subArray)
    While m <= UBound(mainArray) And s <= UBound(subArray)
        'Debug.Print s; ">" & subArray(s) & "<", m; ">" & mainArray(m) & "<", FindSubArrayInMainArray
        If subArray(s) = mainArray(m) Then
            If FindSubArrayInMainArray = -1 Then FindSubArrayInMainArray = m
            s = s + 1
            FindSubArrayInMainArray = -1
            s = 0
        End If
        m = m + 1
    If s <> UBound(subArray) + 1 Then FindSubArrayInMainArray = -1
End Function
I've been trying it but it is failing here for me

VBA Code:
PDFsaveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, FileName:=PDFinputFile, Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False

Do you think I need to add any particular library reference for it to work?

I'm working on a Mac with vba. No other option at this stage. Wondering if that will be the cause of the problem too. Permissions or impossible to do on a mac etc.

I do have a full Adobe licence, so I should have all the relevant permissions and plugins. Not entirely sure.

I don't think I have the latest version of excel running up to date either. Microsoft excel for mac version 16.55.
Desktop version of the app from 2021 (not 365 cloud)
Upvote 0
I've been trying it but it is failing here for me

VBA Code:
PDFsaveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, FileName:=PDFinputFile, Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False

Do you think I need to add any particular library reference for it to work?

I'm working on a Mac with vba. No other option at this stage. Wondering if that will be the cause of the problem too. Permissions or impossible to do on a mac etc.

I do have a full Adobe licence, so I should have all the relevant permissions and plugins. Not entirely sure.

I don't think I have the latest version of excel running up to date either. Microsoft excel for mac version 16.55.
Desktop version of the app from 2021 (not 365 cloud)
Have you changed the file location in PDFinputFile to make sure it's Mac-compatible? In the code above, John_w has used Windows path delimiters, which won't work with Macs, I think.
VBA Code:
PDFinputFile = .Path & "\Sheet1.pdf"
should be
VBA Code:
PDFinputFile = .Path & "/Sheet1.pdf"
I think... And the same for PDFoutputfile too, etc.
Upvote 0
That was it a simple solution - Thanks for looking at the problem for me. I thought I was asking for a lot there.
Now I run in to the problem though on the next line

VBA Code:
Set PDDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc") 'New Acrobat.AcroPDDoc

Again wondering if it is to do with my version of excel or a library reference that is needed.

Error says "ActiveX component can't create object" (error 429)

Fingers crossed someone looks at this.

John_w's macro could be a lifesaver for my workflow
Upvote 0
Now I run in to the problem though on the next line

VBA Code:
Set PDDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc") 'New Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
Again wondering if it is to do with my version of excel or a library reference that is needed.

Error says "ActiveX component can't create object" (error 429)

I found this post where the OP has the same problem of running a Windows Excel VBA macro which uses the Adobe Acrobat Type Library on a Mac:

My code uses late binding of the Adobe Acrobat Type Library, so even if you set a reference to that library (if that is even possible on a Mac - the OP was unable to) and change the code to use the library's class names:
VBA Code:
Dim PDDoc As Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
Set PDDoc = New Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
etc. I don't think the code would compile or run. Even with more changes, I don't know if the code will work on a Mac.

One reply mentions:
the Acrobat IAC documentation gives the Mac implementation, based on AppleScript. Entirely different API, not a drop in replacement.

In the Interapplication Communication with the Acrobat SDK (search for "acrobat sdk iac guide") documentation:

Pages 13-15 explain and show the differences between using the Acrobat API on Windows and Apple/AppleScript (i.e. Mac). It says:
  • In Apple events, you use the name of the object in a CreateObjSpecifier statement.
  • In AppleScript, you use the object name in a set ... to statement.
And for the PDDoc object used by the code snippet above, under the OLE automation class name column (i.e. Windows) it lists AcroExch.PDDoc and under Apple class event name it lists Document.

Sorry, but I don't have a Mac to investigate this problem and I've no idea how to apply the code changes needed for Apple/Mac.
Upvote 0
Yeep that looks like I have the same issue. That's too bad.
Thanks for finding it and for writing the script anyway. One day I'll get a windows PC just for this.
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