One issue I can ask you help on is how to wrestle with/ where to store some preferences. I also want the ability to "export" a lessonplan to word. I want to be able to control how the lesson plan is presented. (both on a form and in the word document. I want to be able to control the order in which I present the Section, whether or not it contains a Header, Is the Header Bold, but most importantly the Sequence in which the Sections are presented. (and may need a few non generic sections, e.g. for Objectives, because the generic section object doesn't quite accomodate the the way we write objectives at this school) But if I have these additional specifically created objects. (which would be at an equal level on the tree of objects to the generic Section object) I want to be able to order them too. And I want to make sure these custom objects, there wouldn't be many, don't disrupt our object structure.