Before I start pauring over your latest, and very appreciated code, let me answer your question about my possible desire for an ojext(???, ???) syntax. It is more an artifact of my ability to visualize the unit data stored in a single worksheet than anything else.
If you look this snapshot of my original proposal for storing the data in a 'Unit' object.
Quote: From my Earlier Post about how I might set up 'Unit' worksheet
Each 'Unit' is stored as an .xls file in a course folder as outlined above. Each 'Section' is stored as a worksheet in the 'Unit' file as shown below. Each 'Piece' is represented by a Column. Each 'Use' is represented by a Row.
Unit 3.xls |
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
1 | Title | Section 1 | | | ID | 1 | 2 |
2 | Line | 1 | | | Txt | Txt P-1 | Txt P-2 |
3 | DisplayHeader | TRUE | | | Retired | FALSE | FALSE |
4 | CenterHeader | TRUE | | | LastTerm | 2004-2005 | 2004-2005 |
5 | Exclude | FALSE | | | LastUse | 5/21/2005 | 5/21/2005 |
6 | | | | | Created | 5/1/2002 | 5/1/2002 |
7 | | | | | LastModified | 5/1/2002 | 5/1/2002 |
8 | | | | | | | |
9 | Day | Section | Term | Order | | | |
10 | 7/15/2006 | Per 1 | 2006-2007 | 1 | | Specific Use Info Goes in these Cells | |
11 | 7/16/2006 | Per 1 | 2006-2007 | 1 | | | |
12 | 7/17/2006 | Per 3 | 2006-2007 | 1 | | | |
My desire is to be able to store basic information about the 'Piece', which generally would not change much over time, in properties of the 'Piece' object. I would also like to be able to store some information about the particular use of the 'piece' object in 'use' objects. Each Use will be unique by the (Day, Section) combination. (not to be confused with 'Section', in fact let's call this section Period)
Now that I'm thinking about it, they should be two distinct objects. Day and Period.
Where 'Use' is renamed to 'Day' and one more level of objects, 'Period' is added. 'Period' would contain a property for the Txt value of the 'Piece' at the time 'Period' was recorded, and a property for any "use Specific" information.
(These objects are getting past the point where I could set up a spreadsheet as outlined above, but we are worrying about binding data later. And this object method seems like an unbelievably powerful tool compared to my previous attempts at this project)
Let me give you a concreate Example:
Book1 |
| A | B | C | D |
1 | 'CoursePlanningSystem' | I | | |
2 | 'Course' | Teach a Physics 1 Class | | |
3 | 'Unit' | Which has a Unit on Gravity | | |
4 | 'Section' | Which has a Section called Objectives | | |
5 | 'Piece' | One Objective is: Students should know why things fall | | |
6 | 'Day' | This Lesson Takes Place on : 7/27/2006 | | |
7 | Period' | One of My Periods Is: Period 1 | | |
Do these end goals impact this object structure?
I envision storing the data in the objects we have been framing. As we continue to frame out these objects, it is useful to look up at the next step, which would be to interact with these objects. The primary mode of interaction would be a form containing the information pertaining to a particular 'Lesson' which consists of the 'Section' objects and their child 'Pieces'. I envision being able to Set up a 'Lesson' Object that consists of the appropriate objects we have beeen building, So I'm not that concerned. The one feature that concerns me slightly is the ability to display, 'Piece' objects on this form in a desired order. (might order be a property of my newly conceived 'Period' object.)
I am not trying to jump the gun, I was just trying to give you a sense of exactly what I am trying to accomplish. Thank you for your help, and if you have the opportunity to fish, fish. I've got time. I figure if I spend some time each day, I should have a fully functional system in place before the school year starts. I will take work through your most recent code and post back sometime today.
~ Dan