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I have reached a complicated point in my project, so complicated that not only do I know where to begin, but I fear I won't be able to explain it throughly, so my apologies. I hope someone is willing to patiently guide me. I have provided access to a sample workbook for reference (without code).
With a range of cells on my worksheet (T9:AT9), I have 6 grouped shapes - a rounded rectangle (srv_btn) with a textbox (srv_tb) superimposed over it - that act as interactive buttons. Lets refer to this range as the "working range". These groups (buttons) are named in sequential order as "btn_serv_#" where number is unique between 1 and six. In my worksheet initiation code, using a loop of 1-6, each button is formatted to it's default state, and it's previously assigned macro is stripped.
Within my code, the user can click on a button, and code will then format it to it's "selected" state, and the appropriate macro for the button is assigned. The formatting and macro assignment is done with a common procedure based on variables carried over from unique button click code.
With just one working range (working range 1), this code, although not pretty or efficient, works OK. The anticipated problem comes not when I wish to to be able to copy the working range with its buttons and paste it as a new working range (working range 2 - 12). If I copy and paste traditionally, the shape names I believe copy over identically as well. So now, as an example, btn_srv_1 is duplicated. If I were to do this 11 times, I would have 12 instances of btn_srv_1.
I need to figure out a vba solution of copying and pasting and renaming each of it's components uniquely. I still need access to the previous buttons as they were originally presented. But I'm not sure how to use code to identify and apply common macros to a growing list of buttons.
One idea I had was to copy and paste the remaining working ranges (12 in total), manually rename all 77 grouped objects and their components uniquely, perhaps btn_srv_1-1, btn_serv_2-1 etc, and then "hide" the unused working ranges until a need to expose them. But this would mean then I need to write an additional 77 unique macros each referencing a unique "serv_btn" variable. I think that would work basically, but I would love to learn how to streamline it.
Thank you all in advance for reading this, and pondering over a solution and sharing your ideas. I am grateful.
With a range of cells on my worksheet (T9:AT9), I have 6 grouped shapes - a rounded rectangle (srv_btn) with a textbox (srv_tb) superimposed over it - that act as interactive buttons. Lets refer to this range as the "working range". These groups (buttons) are named in sequential order as "btn_serv_#" where number is unique between 1 and six. In my worksheet initiation code, using a loop of 1-6, each button is formatted to it's default state, and it's previously assigned macro is stripped.
Sub reset_svr_buttons()
With ws_gui
For sbtn = 1 To 7
ssbtn = "btn_srv_" & sbtn
Set shp = .Shapes(ssbtn)
With shp
.OnAction = "" 'removes macro assignments
End With
Next sbtn
'change rectange line colour
For sbtn = 1 To 7
ssbtn = "srv_btn_" & sbtn
Set shp = .Shapes(ssbtn)
With shp
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbWhite
.Line.Weight = 0.25
.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(209, 239, 250)
End With
'change font colour
.Shapes("srv_tb_" & sbtn).TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(209, 239, 250)
Next sbtn
End With
End Sub
Within my code, the user can click on a button, and code will then format it to it's "selected" state, and the appropriate macro for the button is assigned. The formatting and macro assignment is done with a common procedure based on variables carried over from unique button click code.
Sub btn_pl()
Dim srvtext As String, srvsel As String, serv_btn As String, ultrigger As Boolean
srvtext = "PL"
serv_btn = "srv_btn_1"
If ws_gui.Shapes(serv_btn).Fill.ForeColor = vbWhite Then
ui1 = MsgBox("Was this just spot plowing?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo)
If ui1 = vbNo Then
srvsel = "PL "
srvsel = "[PL] "
End If
sp = InStr(serv_str, srvtext)
sp = Mid(serv_str, sp - 1, 1)
If sp = "[" Then
srvsel = "[PL] "
srvsel = "PL "
End If
End If
btn_svcformat srvtext, srvsel, serv_btn, ultrigger
End Sub
Sub btn_bl()
Dim srvtext As String, srvsel As String, serv_btn As String, ultrigger As Boolean
srvtext = "BL"
serv_btn = "srv_btn_2"
If ws_gui.Shapes(serv_btn).Fill.ForeColor = vbWhite Then
ui1 = MsgBox("Was this just spot blowing?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo)
If ui1 = vbNo Then
srvsel = "BL "
srvsel = "[BL] "
End If
sp = InStr(serv_str, srvtext)
sp = Mid(serv_str, sp - 1, 1)
If sp = "[" Then
srvsel = "[BL] "
srvsel = "BL "
End If
End If
btn_svcformat srvtext, srvsel, serv_btn, ultrigger
End Sub
Sub btn_wd()
Dim srvtext As String, srvsel As String, serv_btn As String, ultrigger As Boolean
srvtext = "WD"
serv_btn = "srv_btn_3"
If ws_gui.Shapes(serv_btn).Fill.ForeColor = vbWhite Then
ui1 = MsgBox("Was this just spot widening?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo)
If ui1 = vbNo Then
srvsel = "WD "
srvsel = "[WD] "
End If
sp = InStr(serv_str, srvtext)
sp = Mid(serv_str, sp - 1, 1)
If sp = "[" Then
srvsel = "[WD] "
srvsel = "WD "
End If
End If
btn_svcformat srvtext, srvsel, serv_btn, ultrigger
End Sub
Sub btn_st()
Dim srvtext As String, srvsel As String, serv_btn As String, ultrigger As Boolean
srvtext = "ST"
serv_btn = "srv_btn_4"
If ws_gui.Shapes(serv_btn).Fill.ForeColor = vbWhite Then
ui1 = MsgBox("Was this just spot salting?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo)
If ui1 = vbNo Then
srvsel = "ST "
srvsel = "[ST] "
End If
sp = InStr(serv_str, srvtext)
sp = Mid(serv_str, sp - 1, 1)
If sp = "[" Then
srvsel = "[ST] "
srvsel = "ST "
End If
End If
btn_svcformat srvtext, srvsel, serv_btn, ultrigger
End Sub
Sub btn_sd()
Dim srvtext As String, srvsel As String, serv_btn As String, ultrigger As Boolean
srvtext = "SD"
serv_btn = "srv_btn_5"
If ws_gui.Shapes(serv_btn).Fill.ForeColor = vbWhite Then
ui1 = MsgBox("Was this just spot sanding?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo)
If ui1 = vbNo Then
srvsel = "SD "
srvsel = "[SD] "
End If
sp = InStr(serv_str, srvtext)
sp = Mid(serv_str, sp - 1, 1)
If sp = "[" Then
srvsel = "[SD] "
srvsel = "SD "
End If
End If
btn_svcformat srvtext, srvsel, serv_btn, ultrigger
End Sub
Sub btn_hs()
Dim srvtext As String, srvsel As String, serv_btn As String, ultrigger As Boolean
srvtext = "Hand Shovel"
srvsel = "HS "
serv_btn = "srv_btn_6"
btn_svcformat srvtext, srvsel, serv_btn, ultrigger
End Sub
Sub btn_pt()
Dim srvtext As String, srvsel As String, serv_btn As String, ultrigger As Boolean
srvtext = "Patrol"
srvsel = "PT "
serv_btn = "srv_btn_7"
btn_svcformat srvtext, srvsel, serv_btn, ultrigger
End Sub
Sub btn_svcformat(ByRef srvtext As String, srvsel As String, serv_btn As String, ultrigger As Boolean)
mbevents = False
If ws_gui.Shapes(serv_btn).Fill.ForeColor = vbWhite Then
'MsgBox wttext
With ws_gui.Shapes(serv_btn)
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(207, 244, 234) 'grey-blue
.Line.Weight = 0.75
.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(112, 163, 192) 'Palette C4R4
End With
serv_str = serv_str & srvsel
If InStr(srvsel, "ST") Then
With ws_gui.Range("AE9:AG9")
.Interior.Color = RGB(216, 241, 234)
.Locked = False
End With
End If
If InStr(srvsel, "SD") Then
With ws_gui.Range("AH9:AJ9")
.Interior.Color = RGB(216, 241, 234)
.Locked = False
End With
End If
ultrigger = True
'MsgBox "Default"
With ws_gui.Shapes(serv_btn)
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbWhite
.Line.Weight = 0.25
.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbBlack
If Len(serv_str) > 0 Then
ix = Len(srvsel) - 1 'length of button value8
str_ix = Left(srvsel, ix)
sp = InStr(serv_str, str_ix)
str_d = Mid(serv_str, sp + ix, 1)
str_d2 = str_ix & str_d
serv_str = Replace(serv_str, str_d2, "")
serv_str = Replace(serv_str, " ", " ")
If serv_str = " " Then serv_str = ""
End If
End With
If InStr(srvsel, "ST") Then
With ws_gui
.Range("AH9") = 0
.Range("AI9") = 0
With .Range("AH9:AJ9")
.Interior.Color = RGB(223, 227, 229)
.Locked = True
End With
End With
End If
If InStr(srvsel, "SD") Then
With ws_gui
.Range("AE") = 0
.Range("AF") = 0
With .Range("AE9:AG9")
.Interior.Color = RGB(223, 227, 229)
.Locked = True
End With
End With
End If
ultrigger = False
End If
With ws_gui
.Range("AJ24") = serv_str
'MsgBox wthr_str & " (" & Len(wthr_str) & ")"
End With
mbevents = True
End Sub
With just one working range (working range 1), this code, although not pretty or efficient, works OK. The anticipated problem comes not when I wish to to be able to copy the working range with its buttons and paste it as a new working range (working range 2 - 12). If I copy and paste traditionally, the shape names I believe copy over identically as well. So now, as an example, btn_srv_1 is duplicated. If I were to do this 11 times, I would have 12 instances of btn_srv_1.
I need to figure out a vba solution of copying and pasting and renaming each of it's components uniquely. I still need access to the previous buttons as they were originally presented. But I'm not sure how to use code to identify and apply common macros to a growing list of buttons.
One idea I had was to copy and paste the remaining working ranges (12 in total), manually rename all 77 grouped objects and their components uniquely, perhaps btn_srv_1-1, btn_serv_2-1 etc, and then "hide" the unused working ranges until a need to expose them. But this would mean then I need to write an additional 77 unique macros each referencing a unique "serv_btn" variable. I think that would work basically, but I would love to learn how to streamline it.
Thank you all in advance for reading this, and pondering over a solution and sharing your ideas. I am grateful.