I'd like to add my experience, if I may. I don't visit as much as some of you, and am nowhere near the level of expertise as a lot of you. But several very wonderful people have helped me out of bind and I have been most appreciative. I have always tried to research my problem first, and communicate what steps I have already taken, so as to show that I'm not looking for a 'handout'. However, I have seen many who just want the solution without any of the gruntwork. I've respected the people that have so diplomatically shown links to articles and previous posts that answer the question, as well as those so generous to just give the answer.
Certainly, I think it would be great if everyone would do their due diligence before asking the great minds here. However, I can imagine a day when I don't have the time, patience or lack of panic to do that myself, and I will be indebted to the kind soul who just gives me the answer.
In keeping with Karma, I will do the same, and ask no questions.
Once again, thank all of you who have shared your knowledge and experience with me and all the others who have benefited from this site. The site and all of you who contribute are an invaluable resource in my toolbelt.