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I have been using the following code successfully to return any cell references in a formula that are "not allowed". Is there a way to adapt it so that it returns the values in the cell references that are "not allowed" rather than the cell references themselves?
Original code provided by Peter_SSs at
Sub HelperCells(fCell As String, rCell As String) '
Dim xRegEx As Object, xMatch As Object, d As Object
Dim allowed As String, Sheetname As String, s As String
Dim addresses As String
Dim c As Integer
Dim r As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim addaray As Variant
allowed = "C9,E9,G9,C10,E10,G10,C11,E11,G11," & _
Sheetname = ActiveSheet.Name & "!"
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set xRegEx = CreateObject("VBSCRIPT.REGEXP")
With xRegEx
.Pattern = "('?[a-zA-Z0-9\s\[\]\.]{1,99})?'?!?\$?[A-Z]{1,3}\$?[0-9]{1,7}(:\$?[A-Z]{1,3}\$?[0-9]{1,7})?"
.Global = True
For Each xMatch In .Execute(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Range(fCell).Formula, ":", ","), "$", ""), " ", ""), Sheetname, ""))
If InStr(1, "," & allowed & ",", "," & xMatch & ",") = 0 And Not d.Exists(CStr(xMatch)) Then
s = s & ", " & xMatch
d(CStr(xMatch)) = 1
End If
Next xMatch
End With
addresses = Mid(s, 3)
If addresses = "" Then
addresses = addresses
addresses = "=SUM(" & Mid(s, 2) & ")"
End If
Range(rCell).Value = addresses
addaray = Split(addresses, ",")
End Sub
Original code provided by Peter_SSs at

Identifying cell references used in a formula
Cell F20 contains a formula such as =D7+D8+D9, =D7+D8+2100, or SUM(D7:D9). I want to test FORMULATEXT(F20), the actual formula in F20, to determine (TRUE or FALSE) if all cell references used are within the range D6:D14. For example, D7+D8+D9 would return TRUE. But D7+D8+K9 or D7+D8+D50 would...