I agree with Mark about the misuse of images. Images should be only used to display issues other than the contents and structure of the worksheet and its formulas.
I agree.
If Gibbs can't convince you, no one can!
How to inform members about how to upload a table?
AFAIK, there are 2 proper ways to post a table/range, i.e:
1. Copy-paste the table directly to the reply box (but without the column letter & the row number).
2. Using the xl2bb add-in.
But as discussed above, we often see that posters just upload an image to do that, which is not a good way because we can't copy the data to excel.
I think one of the reasons why posters do that is because they don't know the 2 proper ways I mentioned above.
So, just a suggestion, is it possible to show a message about how to do that in every thread? Maybe in the top area of the thread.
Or not in every thread but somewhere in/above the message box when they start a new thread, maybe after they choose "More options".
Important note: I'm a Gibbs fan