Board Regular
- Joined
- Oct 26, 2021
- Messages
- 131
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- Windows
Hi All,
Inherited this code from a colleague who's no longer with the business. Has always worked in the workbook he left it in. And I've successfully ported it to other workbooks in the past.
However in this latest workbook I'm importing it into I get an error on the ".Attachments.Add PdfFile" line. Name of the PDF is Range "Q2" which in this case is simply "test".
I'm convinced it's gotta be something to do with the title but like I say it's always worked in the past? Would appreciate it if anyone could help
Inherited this code from a colleague who's no longer with the business. Has always worked in the workbook he left it in. And I've successfully ported it to other workbooks in the past.
However in this latest workbook I'm importing it into I get an error on the ".Attachments.Add PdfFile" line. Name of the PDF is Range "Q2" which in this case is simply "test".
I'm convinced it's gotta be something to do with the title but like I say it's always worked in the past? Would appreciate it if anyone could help

VBA Code:
Sub email()
' email Macro
If MsgBox("This will automatically generate and send the PDF tab via email, are you sure you wish to proceed?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub
Dim IsCreated As Boolean
Dim i As Long
Dim PdfFile As String, Title As String
Dim OutlApp As Object
' Not sure for what the Title is
Title = Range("Q2")
' Define PDF filename
PdfFile = Range("Q2")
i = InStrRev(PdfFile, ".")
If i > 1 Then PdfFile = Left(PdfFile, i - 1)
PdfFile = PdfFile & ".pdf"
' Export activesheet as PDF
With Worksheets("PDF")
.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=PdfFile, Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
End With
' Use already open Outlook if possible
On Error Resume Next
Set OutlApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err Then
Set OutlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
IsCreated = True
End If
OutlApp.Visible = True
On Error GoTo 0
' Prepare e-mail with PDF attachment
With OutlApp.CreateItem(0)
' Prepare e-mail
.Subject = Title
.To = "" ' <-- Put email of the recipient here separated by a semi-colon
.CC = "" ' <-- Put email of 'copy to' recipient here
.Body = "Hi," & vbLf & vbLf _
& "Please find attached latest Events Validation Report. You will receive this report the first Friday of every month. Should you no longer wish to receive it please reply to the original sender ONLY. If you would like anyone person included on this email please reply to the original sender ONLY." & vbLf & vbLf _
& "Regards AD Team" & vbLf _
& Application.UserName & vbLf & vbLf
.Attachments.Add PdfFile
' Try to send
On Error Resume Next
Application.Visible = True
If Err Then
MsgBox "E-mail was not sent", vbExclamation
MsgBox "E-mail successfully sent", vbInformation
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End With
On Error Resume Next
' Delete PDF file
Kill PdfFile
On Error Resume Next
' Quit Outlook if it was created by this code
If IsCreated Then OutlApp.Quit
' Release the memory of object variable
Set OutlApp = Nothing
End Sub