I am trying to design a user form for data entry based on the worksheet column heads which have 34 columns. Somehow, I have managed to develop user form and assigning dynamic controls like text boxes, multiple combo boxes, labels referring to columns in the first row of a sheet. I also have dynamically added the command buttons using the array function.
The worksheet data loads to the user form with the last filled row on the user form activate event. However, I am not able to assign codes to the respective button-click events. I have tried various modes, but it didn’t work. Any help with codes for each button will help to complete my project.
The codes which I am using are as follows.
Dim BtnArr As Variant
BtnArr = Array("Add Entry", "Edit Entry", "Delete Entry", "Next Entry", "Previous Entry", "First Row", "Last Row", "New Entry")
StartPos = rMaxHeight + 10
WidthPos = 20
For k = LBound(BtnArr) To UBound(BtnArr)
Set btn = Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1")
With btn
.Caption = BtnArr(k)
.Name = BtnArr(k)
.Left = WidthPos
.Top = StartPos
.Width = 80
End With
WidthPos = WidthPos + 150
Set objMyEventClass.btEvents = btn
'Set ButArray(k).btEvents = btn
Set btEvents = New Collection
Set btEvents.BtnArr = btn
btEvents.Add btEvent(k)
Next k
End Sub
Private Function LoadData()
Dim cRow As Long
Dim ctr As MsForms.Control
Set wKS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Vendor Master")
With wKS
i = 1
For Each ctr In frmVendorMaster.Controls
If TypeName(ctr) = "TextBox" Or TypeName(ctr) = "ComboBox" Then
ctr.value = .Cells(LastRow, i).value
i = i + 1
End If
End With
End Function
The class module code
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents btEvents As MsForms.CommandButton
Public WithEvents MyCombo As MsForms.ComboBox
Private Sub Add_Entry_Click()
‘stuff to transfer user form data to last empty row
End Sub
Private Sub btEvents_EditEntry_click()
‘stuff to transfer user form data to the selected row
End Sub
Private Sub btnClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
I am trying to design a user form for data entry based on the worksheet column heads which have 34 columns. Somehow, I have managed to develop user form and assigning dynamic controls like text boxes, multiple combo boxes, labels referring to columns in the first row of a sheet. I also have dynamically added the command buttons using the array function.
The worksheet data loads to the user form with the last filled row on the user form activate event. However, I am not able to assign codes to the respective button-click events. I have tried various modes, but it didn’t work. Any help with codes for each button will help to complete my project.
The codes which I am using are as follows.
Dim BtnArr As Variant
BtnArr = Array("Add Entry", "Edit Entry", "Delete Entry", "Next Entry", "Previous Entry", "First Row", "Last Row", "New Entry")
StartPos = rMaxHeight + 10
WidthPos = 20
For k = LBound(BtnArr) To UBound(BtnArr)
Set btn = Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1")
With btn
.Caption = BtnArr(k)
.Name = BtnArr(k)
.Left = WidthPos
.Top = StartPos
.Width = 80
End With
WidthPos = WidthPos + 150
Set objMyEventClass.btEvents = btn
'Set ButArray(k).btEvents = btn
Set btEvents = New Collection
Set btEvents.BtnArr = btn
btEvents.Add btEvent(k)
Next k
End Sub
Private Function LoadData()
Dim cRow As Long
Dim ctr As MsForms.Control
Set wKS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Vendor Master")
With wKS
i = 1
For Each ctr In frmVendorMaster.Controls
If TypeName(ctr) = "TextBox" Or TypeName(ctr) = "ComboBox" Then
ctr.value = .Cells(LastRow, i).value
i = i + 1
End If
End With
End Function
The class module code
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents btEvents As MsForms.CommandButton
Public WithEvents MyCombo As MsForms.ComboBox
Private Sub Add_Entry_Click()
‘stuff to transfer user form data to last empty row
End Sub
Private Sub btEvents_EditEntry_click()
‘stuff to transfer user form data to the selected row
End Sub
Private Sub btnClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub