Selenium VBA - loop to align new data with old data in worksheet

Js Smith

Board Regular
Jul 24, 2020
Office Version
  1. 2010
  1. Windows
Hi again, I have more troubles with loops. One of these days they will come easier!

Each record has a group of tables. I grab these tables (of varied lengths) and put them in Columns A-F (not shown to keep post shorter), this works great.
Each record has more tables after clicking a button. Clicking each of these button also works fine (thanks to @Anthony47!).

Where I am having trouble is writing these secondary tables so the align correctly.
I am trying to use the word "Status" in column A to align these tables with each record. (i.e., If the first time "Status" in column A3, then start dumping the 'extra' tables in K3, the second time "Status" is in A30 so go to K30, next is in A54 so go to K54, etc..

Part of the problem is I'm nesting loops in loops and getting myself lost. Right now, using last row to sort of get in the ballpark but the misalignment grows as it moves down the sheet.

VBA Code:
    szoom = "0.10" 
    bot.ExecuteScript (" = '" & szoom & "'")                       ' so all the buttons are visible & I don't get errors
Set iObj = bot.FindElementsByXPath("//*[@class='btn btn-primary btn-small margin10-r']")
Debug.Print "iObj count=" & iObj.Count

Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03"))

For K = 1 To iObj.Count

    bot.FindElementsByXPath("//*[@class='btn btn-primary btn-small margin10-r']")(K).Click
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03"))
Dim TArr2, LR As Long

   LR = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp).Row              ' <--- using this as a work around for now.  I'd like it to loop, find each row of cells with word "Status" in column A , then offset the column to K

Set TBColl2 = bot.FindElementsByTag("table")

RNum = LR + 5: CNum = 11

For I = 1 To TBColl2.Count

    TArr2 = TBColl2(I).AsTable.Data
    RNum = RNum + 1
    If (UBound(TArr2) * UBound(TArr2, 1)) > 0 Then
        Cells(RNum + 1, CNum).Resize(UBound(TArr2), UBound(TArr2, 2)).Value = TArr2
    End If
    RNum = RNum + UBound(TArr2) + 1

Next I
       Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03"))
Next K

I am not allowed to install apps on work pc so took a picture of a sample of what I'm trying to do in case my text was not clear. Having a hard time writing tis one out clearly. LOL



  • Capture.PNG
    43.2 KB · Views: 20
So you fill a certain set of tables in columns A:F
Now the problem is that you have a second set of tables and need to align them with the first set; you deem that looking at STATUS: in column A should do the job. Correct?

However in your code there is a loop (For I = 1 To TBColl2.Count / Next I) and this suggests that there is more that one table to keep aligned on the same STATUS Row. Is this correct (A), or indeed TBColl2 will contain always only 1 table (B), or (in case that TBColl2 contains more than 1 table) only the first one has to be copied to the worksheet (C)?
In case that the answer is B or C (ie only 1 table has to be copied onto the worksheet), then the code could be:
Dim TArr2, LR As Long
Dim StaPos As Variant       'this Replaces RNum

For K = 1 To iObj.Count
    bot.FindElementsByXPath("//*[@class='btn btn-primary btn-small margin10-r']")(K).Click       '???? See note1
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03"))
'    LR = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp).Row              ' <--- using this as a work around for now.  I'd like it to loop, find each row of cells with word "Status" in column A , then offset the column to K
    Set TBColl2 = bot.FindElementsByTag("table")
'    RNum = LR + 5: CNum = 11
    StaPos = Evaluate("=SMALL(if(A1:A10000=""STATUS:"",ROW(A1:A10000),""""),K)")        '++
    Debug.Print K, StaPos                                                               '++
    If Not IsError(StaPos) Then                                                         ‘++
        CNum = 11                                                                       '++
        For I = 1 To 1                                                                  'MM
            TArr2 = TBColl2(I).AsTable.Data 
    '        RNum = RNum + 1
            If (UBound(TArr2) * UBound(TArr2, 1)) > 0 Then
                Cells(StaPos, CNum).Resize(UBound(TArr2), UBound(TArr2, 2)).Value = TArr2   'MM
            End If
    '        RNum = RNum + UBound(TArr2) + 1
        Next I
    End If                                                                               ‘++
'No comment on the next 2 lines, don’t know what they are for:
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03"))
Next K
The lines that have an apostrophe at the beginning are to be deleted; those marked ++ have been added, and those marked MM have been modified with respect to the code you published.

Note1: shouldn’t this line be instead iObj(I).Click ?
Upvote 0
Hi @Anthony47 !

This may get long. Apologies in advance and hopefully the moderator will not scold me. Unfortunately I can't get the program to upload the mini-sheet granted by IT dept.

The task is to scrap a website so an end user doesn't have to do a bunch of manual work and the only tools allowed are this brain, excel, a selenium plugin and whatever free resources I can find. This is the basic setup:
  • The website is secured
  • The page I'm on has a list of forms, the number of forms will vary from one to 20+
  • Each form has nine tables and a button
  • The button goes to another form with info related to it's parent form
  • This form has 3 more tables
I couldn't figure out how to just get the data in a formatted way so I settled on getting the tables.

Again, many apologies for this being so long but I don't know how to explain this better and sometime you just need to see a sample. 🤷‍♀️

VBA Code:
Sub TestTbls

Dim bot As New ChromeDriver, Assert As New Assert, By As New Selenium.By, tbl As Selenium.TableElement

Dim TBColl, TBColl2 As Object, I, j As Long, iObj As Object, K As Integer


Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03"))                ‘ <- the network is very slow, these are everywhere to avoid errors
myUrl = bot.url                  ‘ <- these are to keep me from getting lost in the loops
Dim TArr

Set TBColl = bot.FindElementsByTag("table")

RNum = 1: CNum = 1

For I = 1 To TBColl.Count
TArr = TBColl(I).AsTable.Data
RNum = RNum + 1
If (UBound(TArr) * UBound(TArr, 1)) > 0 Then
Cells(RNum + 1, CNum).Resize(UBound(TArr), UBound(TArr, 2)).Value = TArr
End If

RNum = RNum + UBound(TArr) + 1
Next I

Dim s As String
For Each c In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
s = c.Value
If Trim(Application.Clean(s)) <> s Then                                         ‘ <- cleaning up extra spaces in the data
s = Trim(Application.Clean(s))
c.Value= s
End If

myUr02 = bot.url
szoom = "0.10"                           ' < - ensure all the buttons to count are visible
bot.ExecuteScript (" = '" & szoom & "'")

Set iObj = bot.FindElementsByXPath("//*[@class='btn btn-primary btn-small margin10-r']")
Debug.Print "iObj count=" & iObj.Count ‘<- the number of buttons = number of loops

Dim TArr2, LR As Long
Dim StaPos As Variant

For K = 1 To iObj.Count
bot.FindElementsByXPath("//*[@class='btn btn-primary btn-small margin10-r']")(K).Click
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03"))

Set TBColl2 = bot.FindElementsByTag("table")
StaPos = Evaluate("=SMALL(IF(A1:A10000=""Status"",ROW(A1:A10000),""""),K)") ‘<- used the word Status since it appears once per table set and is in the desired position
Debug.Print K, StaPos    ‘<- immediate window shows Error 2029  the formula works fine as =SMALL(IF(A1:A10000="Status",ROW(A1:A10000),""),2) in the worksheet

If Not IsError(StaPos) Then
CNum = 11

For I = 1 To 1
TArr2 = TBColl2(I).AsTable.Data
If (UBound(TArr2) * UBound(TArr2, 1)) > 0 Then
Cells(StaPos, CNum).Resize(UBound(TArr2), UBound(TArr2, 2)).Value = TArr2
End If
Next I
End If

bot.FindElementByXPath("//*[@id='rightpanel']/div/div/form/div[1]/h4/span/button").Click ‘ <- Back Button to get to right spot for the next loop
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03"))

Next K

End Sub

This is a modified copy (removed all the proprietary words, data, etc.) of the Form with the three tables, the larger form is very similar

<form novalidate="" name="PRMHistoryForm" class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-scope">
      <input type="hidden" id="permissionMap" value="" autocomplete="off">

<span style="display:none" id="redirectPRMHistory"></span>

    <div class="header margin20-b">
            ER - PRM History <!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><span ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false" class="pull-right ng-scope" style="margin-top: -5px;">
                <!-- <button ng-if="isEREditAllowed === 'Y'" ng-click="vm.editPRM()" class="btn btn-primary">Edit</button> -->
                <button type="button" ng-click="vm.goToERHistoryPage()" class="btn">Back</button>
            </span><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false -->
            <!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true -->

    <div class="ER-history">
        <div class="gutter10">
            <div class="row-fluid" ng-show="vm.isEditMode === false || false === true || false === true">
                <table class="table table-condensed span6">
                        <th>ER Start Date<!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true --></th>
                        <!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><td ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false" class="ng-binding ng-scope">01/01/2024</td><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false -->
                        <!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true -->
                        <td colspan="2">
                            <!-- ngIf: PRMHistoryForm.ERBBEFFStartDateUI.$ && PRMHistoryForm.ERBBEFFStartDateUI.$dirty -->
                            <!-- ngIf: PRMHistoryForm.ERBBEFFStartDateUI.$error.required && PRMHistoryForm.ERBBEFFStartDateUI.$dirty -->
                            <!-- ngIf: PRMHistoryForm.ERBBEFFStartDateUI.$error.CANNotAllowed -->
                            <!-- ngIf: PRMHistoryForm.ERBBEFFStartDateUI.$error.BDateBeforStartDate -->


                <table class="table table-condensed span6">
                        <th>ER End Date<!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true --></th>
                        <!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><td ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false" class="ng-binding ng-scope">01/01/2024</td><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false -->
                        <!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true -->
                        <td colspan="2">
                            <!-- ngIf: PRMHistoryForm.ERBBEFFEndDateUI.$ && PRMHistoryForm.ERBBEFFEndDateUI.$dirty -->
                            <!-- ngIf: PRMHistoryForm.ERBBEFFEndDateUI.$error.required && PRMHistoryForm.ERBBEFFEndDateUI.$dirty -->
                            <!-- ngIf: PRMHistoryForm.ERBBEFFEndDateUI.$error.CANNotAllowed -->

            <!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><table class="table table-condensed ng-scope" ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false">
                        <th class="txt-center">Type</th>
                        <th class="txt-center">Name</th>
                        <th class="txt-center">Cat</th>
                        <th class="txt-center">PerID</th>
                        <th class="txt-center">BB EFF Date</th>
                        <th class="txt-center">Purchaser ID</th>

                    <!-- ngRepeat: en1 in vm.ER.en1DataDtoList | orderBy:[vm.relationshipOrderBy, 'PurchaserId'] --><tr ng-repeat="en1 in vm.ER.en1DataDtoList | orderBy:[vm.relationshipOrderBy, 'PurchaserId']" class="ng-scope">
                        <td class="txt-center ng-binding">Pers1</td>
                        <td class="txt-center ng-binding">A
                        <td class="txt-center ng-binding">Male</td>
                        <td class="txt-center ng-binding">N/A</td>
                        <td class="txt-center ng-binding">01/01/2024 - 01/01/2024</td>
                        <td class="txt-center ng-binding">10001</td>
                    </tr><!-- end ngRepeat: en1 in vm.ER.en1DataDtoList | orderBy:[vm.relationshipOrderBy, 'PurchaserId'] --><tr ng-repeat="en1 in vm.ER.en1DataDtoList | orderBy:[vm.relationshipOrderBy, 'PurchaserId']" class="ng-scope">
                        <td class="txt-center ng-binding"> Pers2</td>
                        <td class="txt-center ng-binding">B
                        <td class="txt-center ng-binding">Male</td>
                        <td class="txt-center ng-binding">N/A</td>
                        <td class="txt-center ng-binding">01/01/2024 - 01/01/2024</td>
                        <td class="txt-center ng-binding">10002</td>
                    </tr><!-- end ngRepeat: en1 in vm.ER.en1DataDtoList | orderBy:[vm.relationshipOrderBy, 'PurchaserId'] -->
            </table><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false -->

            <!-- ngRepeat: en1 in vm.ERCopy.en1DataDtoList | orderBy:[vm.relationshipOrderBy, 'PurchaserId']  --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true --><!-- end ngRepeat: en1 in vm.ERCopy.en1DataDtoList | orderBy:[vm.relationshipOrderBy, 'PurchaserId']  --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true --><!-- end ngRepeat: en1 in vm.ERCopy.en1DataDtoList | orderBy:[vm.relationshipOrderBy, 'PurchaserId']  -->

            <!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true && (vm.ER.planLevel === 'CAT1' || vm.ER.planType === 'D1l') -->
            <!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true && vm.ER.isItf -->
            <!-- ngIf: vm.ER.ERStatus === 'PEND' || vm.ER.ERStatus === 'PEND_CANLED' -->

            <table id="PRM-history-table" class="table table-striped table-condensed PRM-editable-table">
                    <thead id="PRM-history-head">
                            <th class="txt-center fitwidth">Month</th>
                            <th class="txt-center fitwidth">Gross PRM</th>
                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) --><th class="txt-center fitwidth ng-scope" ng-if="(PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable)">Group Max A1 </th><!-- end ngIf: (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) -->
                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) --><th class="txt-center fitwidth ng-scope" ng-if="(PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable)">Elected A1</th><!-- end ngIf: (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) -->
                            <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable)) -->
                            <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable)) -->
                            <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) -->
                            <th class="txt-center fitwidth">Net PRM</th>
                            <!-- ngIf: PurchaserERAppType -->
                            <!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false || PurchaserERViewSlcsp || PurchaserEREditSlcsp --><th class="txt-center fitwidth ng-scope" ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false || PurchaserERViewSlcsp || PurchaserEREditSlcsp">SLCSP</th><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false || PurchaserERViewSlcsp || PurchaserEREditSlcsp -->
                            <!-- ngIf: PurchaserEREH1prmum || PurchaserEREH1PrmumEditable --><th class="txt-center fitwidth ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="PurchaserEREH1prmum || PurchaserEREH1PrmumEditable">EH1 PRM   <br>(100 %)</th><!-- end ngIf: PurchaserEREH1prmum || PurchaserEREH1PrmumEditable -->
                    <tbody><!-- ngIf: vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList === undefined || vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList.length === 0 -->

                    <!-- ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><tr ng-repeat="PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month'" ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false" class="ng-scope">
                            <td class="txt-center ng-binding">January</td>

                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI --><td class="txt-center ng-scope" ng-if="($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI">
                                <a class="bootstrap-tooltip" bootstrap-tooltip="" rel="tooltip" href="javascript:void(0)" data-original-title="--not available--
                                    Not Applicable </a>
                            </td><!-- end ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))" colspan="1"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                          <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="!(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)" colspan="4"></td><!-- end ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && PurchaserERAppType && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && (PurchaserEREH1prmum || PurchaserEREH1PrmumEditable) && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                    </tr><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><tr ng-repeat="PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month'" ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false" class="ng-scope">
                            <td class="txt-center ng-binding">February</td>

                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI --><td class="txt-center ng-scope" ng-if="($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI">
                                <a class="bootstrap-tooltip" bootstrap-tooltip="" rel="tooltip" href="javascript:void(0)" data-original-title="--not available--
                                    Not Applicable </a>
                            </td><!-- end ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))" colspan="1"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                          <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="!(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)" colspan="4"></td><!-- end ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && PurchaserERAppType && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && (PurchaserEREH1prmum || PurchaserEREH1PrmumEditable) && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                    </tr><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><tr ng-repeat="PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month'" ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false" class="ng-scope">
                            <td class="txt-center ng-binding">March</td>

                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI --><td class="txt-center ng-scope" ng-if="($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI">
                                <a class="bootstrap-tooltip" bootstrap-tooltip="" rel="tooltip" href="javascript:void(0)" data-original-title="--not available--
                                    Not Applicable </a>
                            </td><!-- end ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))" colspan="1"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                          <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="!(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)" colspan="4"></td><!-- end ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && PurchaserERAppType && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && (PurchaserEREH1prmum || PurchaserEREH1PrmumEditable) && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                    </tr><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><tr ng-repeat="PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month'" ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false" class="ng-scope">
                            <td class="txt-center ng-binding">April</td>

                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI --><td class="txt-center ng-scope" ng-if="($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI">
                                <a class="bootstrap-tooltip" bootstrap-tooltip="" rel="tooltip" href="javascript:void(0)" data-original-title="--not available--
                                    Not Applicable </a>
                            </td><!-- end ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))" colspan="1"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                          <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="!(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)" colspan="4"></td><!-- end ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && PurchaserERAppType && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && (PurchaserEREH1prmum || PurchaserEREH1PrmumEditable) && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                    </tr><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><tr ng-repeat="PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month'" ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false" class="ng-scope">
                            <td class="txt-center ng-binding">May</td>

                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI --><td class="txt-center ng-scope" ng-if="($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI">
                                <a class="bootstrap-tooltip" bootstrap-tooltip="" rel="tooltip" href="javascript:void(0)" data-original-title="--not available--
                                    Not Applicable </a>
                            </td><!-- end ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))" colspan="1"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                          <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="!(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)" colspan="4"></td><!-- end ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && PurchaserERAppType && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && (PurchaserEREH1prmum || PurchaserEREH1PrmumEditable) && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                    </tr><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><tr ng-repeat="PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month'" ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false" class="ng-scope">
                            <td class="txt-center ng-binding">June</td>

                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI --><td class="txt-center ng-scope" ng-if="($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI">
                                <a class="bootstrap-tooltip" bootstrap-tooltip="" rel="tooltip" href="javascript:void(0)" data-original-title="--not available--
                                    Not Applicable </a>
                            </td><!-- end ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))" colspan="1"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                          <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="!(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)" colspan="4"></td><!-- end ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && PurchaserERAppType && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && (PurchaserEREH1prmum || PurchaserEREH1PrmumEditable) && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                    </tr><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><tr ng-repeat="PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month'" ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false" class="ng-scope">
                            <td class="txt-center ng-binding">July</td>

                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI --><td class="txt-center ng-scope" ng-if="($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI">
                                <a class="bootstrap-tooltip" bootstrap-tooltip="" rel="tooltip" href="javascript:void(0)" data-original-title="--not available--
                                    Not Applicable </a>
                            </td><!-- end ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))" colspan="1"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                          <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="!(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)" colspan="4"></td><!-- end ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && PurchaserERAppType && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && (PurchaserEREH1prmum || PurchaserEREH1PrmumEditable) && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                    </tr><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><tr ng-repeat="PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month'" ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false" class="ng-scope">
                            <td class="txt-center ng-binding">August</td>

                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI --><td class="txt-center ng-scope" ng-if="($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI">
                                <a class="bootstrap-tooltip" bootstrap-tooltip="" rel="tooltip" href="javascript:void(0)" data-original-title="--not available--
                                    Not Applicable </a>
                            </td><!-- end ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))" colspan="1"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                          <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="!(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)" colspan="4"></td><!-- end ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && PurchaserERAppType && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && (PurchaserEREH1prmum || PurchaserEREH1PrmumEditable) && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                    </tr><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><tr ng-repeat="PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month'" ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false" class="ng-scope">
                            <td class="txt-center ng-binding">September</td>

                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI --><td class="txt-center ng-scope" ng-if="($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI">
                                <a class="bootstrap-tooltip" bootstrap-tooltip="" rel="tooltip" href="javascript:void(0)" data-original-title="--not available--
                                    Not Applicable </a>
                            </td><!-- end ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))" colspan="1"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                          <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="!(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)" colspan="4"></td><!-- end ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && PurchaserERAppType && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && (PurchaserEREH1prmum || PurchaserEREH1PrmumEditable) && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                    </tr><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><tr ng-repeat="PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month'" ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false" class="ng-scope">
                            <td class="txt-center ng-binding">October</td>

                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI --><td class="txt-center ng-scope" ng-if="($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI">
                                <a class="bootstrap-tooltip" bootstrap-tooltip="" rel="tooltip" href="javascript:void(0)" data-original-title="--not available--
                                    Not Applicable </a>
                            </td><!-- end ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))" colspan="1"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                          <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="!(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)" colspan="4"></td><!-- end ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && PurchaserERAppType && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && (PurchaserEREH1prmum || PurchaserEREH1PrmumEditable) && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                    </tr><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><tr ng-repeat="PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month'" ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false" class="ng-scope">
                            <td class="txt-center ng-binding">November</td>

                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI --><td class="txt-center ng-scope" ng-if="($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI">
                                <a class="bootstrap-tooltip" bootstrap-tooltip="" rel="tooltip" href="javascript:void(0)" data-original-title="--not available--
                                    Not Applicable </a>
                            </td><!-- end ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))" colspan="1"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                          <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="!(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)" colspan="4"></td><!-- end ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && PurchaserERAppType && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && (PurchaserEREH1prmum || PurchaserEREH1PrmumEditable) && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                    </tr><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><tr ng-repeat="PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month'" ng-if="vm.isEditMode === false" class="ng-scope">
                            <td class="txt-center ng-binding">December</td>

                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI --><td class="txt-center ng-scope" ng-if="($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI">
                                <a class="bootstrap-tooltip" bootstrap-tooltip="" rel="tooltip" href="javascript:void(0)" data-original-title="--not available--
                                    Not Applicable </a>
                            </td><!-- end ngIf: ($index+1) < vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth || ($index+1) > vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth || vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI == vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))" colspan="1"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                            <!-- ngIf: (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) &amp;&amp; !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI))"> </td><!-- end ngIf: ((PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERGroupMaxA1 || PurchaserERGroupMaxA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable)) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.isStDiscountEnabled) && (PurchaserERA1 || PurchaserERA1Editable) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                          <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: (vm.ER.StPRMCreditAmt !== undefined) && !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) --><td class="currency txt-center ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="!(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth &amp;&amp; ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth &amp;&amp; vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI)" colspan="4"></td><!-- end ngIf: !(($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI) -->

                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && PurchaserERAppType && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                        <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                            <!-- ngIf: ($index+1) >= vm.ERBBEFFStartMonth && ($index+1) <= vm.ERBBEFFEndMonth && (PurchaserEREH1prmum || PurchaserEREH1PrmumEditable) && vm.ER.ERBBEFFStartDateUI != vm.ER.ERBBEFFEndDateUI -->
                    </tr><!-- end ngIf: vm.isEditMode === false --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ER.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' -->

                <!-- #######################edit mode starts################### -->
                <!-- ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ERCopy.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ERCopy.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ERCopy.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ERCopy.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ERCopy.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ERCopy.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ERCopy.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ERCopy.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ERCopy.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ERCopy.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ERCopy.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ERCopy.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' --><!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true --><!-- end ngRepeat: PRM in vm.ERCopy.ERPRMDtoList | orderBy: 'month' -->
                <!-- #######################edit mode ends################### -->
                <!-- #######################edit mode ends################### -->
                <!-- #######################edit mode ends################### -->
                <!-- #######################edit mode ends################### -->

            <!-- ngIf: vm.isEditMode === true -->

            <div id="PRMOverrideResultModal" class="modal hide fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="PRMOverrideResultModalHeader" aria-hidden="true">

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My previous answer (post #2) was related on how finding the position for the second block of tables.
If the problem is instead getting the tables from the site then I cannot help, as this is typically a process that require inspecting the html code. Sorry...
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Ok @Anthony47

I thought it was just answering your questions on what I was trying to do and what was the source material, because my table code looked strange to you.
  • It's variable number records with nested forms
    • Each parent form is comprised of 9 short tables
      • I got these written in column A of the worksheet just fine
      • Conveniently, the word "Status" is one of these tiny tables and is at the top of each record.
    • Each child form is comprised of 3 short tables
      • I want these to write to Column K and align with the parent tables
      • Thought using the word "Status" would be a layup since it lives in the row(s) we want the child records to start
I can't figure out why your evaluate line throws an Error 2029 but the formula
Excel Formula:
works perfectly fine in the worksheet, so I cant use the code provided.
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I can't figure out why your evaluate line throws an Error 2029
I am sorry, but that line is wrong (my failure)
It had to be
VBA Code:
    StaPos = Evaluate("=SMALL(if(A1:A10000=""STATUS:"",ROW(A1:A10000),"""")," & K & ")")        '++
Upvote 0
Thanks @Anthony47 !

Unfortunately, that didn't work either. It gave an Error 2036.

I tried playing around on my own, using various double-quote patterns, to overcome the issue without success. Below are our attempts so far and the result:

VBA Code:
    StaPos = Evaluate("=SMALL(if(A1:A10000=""Enrollment Status"",ROW(A1:A10000),""""),K)")      ' <------ Error 2029   '++
    StaPos = Evaluate("=SMALL(if(A1:A10000=""STATUS:"",ROW(A1:A10000),"""")," & K & ")")     ' <------ Error 2036       '++
    StaPos = Evaluate("=SMALL(if(A1:A10000=""STATUS:"",ROW(A1:A10000),""""),"" & K & "")")                                     ' <------ Error 2015     (+JS)
    StaPos = Evaluate("=SMALL(if(A1:A10000=""STATUS:"",ROW(A1:A10000),"""")," & Chr(34) & K & Chr(34) & ")")      ' <------ Error 2036     (+JS)
    StaPos = Evaluate("=SMALL(if(A1:A10000=""STATUS:"",ROW(A1:A10000),""""),Chr(34) & K & Chr(34))")                   ' <------ Error 2029     (+JS)
    StaPos = Evaluate("=SMALL(if(A1:A10000=""STATUS:"",ROW(A1:A10000),""""),Chr(34)& Chr(34) & K & Chr(34)& Chr(34))")        ' <------ Error 2029    (+JS)

Seems like it should work on paper. I have no idea! 🙃
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I got it! It was the data, not the code. I saw it when I was looking at my post form earlier today.

Added some lines to normalize the string in the search then tweaked the second set of tables For statement to read

VBA Code:
        For i = 1 To TBColl2.Count

and it works!

Thanks @Anthony47!!!
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Glad that you solved the problem, and thank you for the feedback
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