***WINNERS ANNOUNCEMENT*** June/July 2008 Challenge of the Month

Use the following function to extract the word from the phrase then use the vlookup formula to get the corresponding name.

Public Function instring(phrase, keyword)
Dim c As Range
For Each c In Range(keyword.Address)
If InStr(1, phrase, c.Value, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then instring = c.Value
Next c
End Function

Re: June/July 2008 Challenge of the Month

Dear Berry,
can u plz expalin this formula.
expecially 2^15 this part.

I'm not Barry, but I will take a stab at explaining his brilliance (someone correct me if I mess anything up). This formula makes use of not one, but several obscure facets of Excel so it's easier to understand if you break it out into pieces and digest one piece at a time.

First, let's talk about SEARCH. A lot of us are already familiar with SEARCH; the SEARCH function returns the character position where a search value (“find_text”) is found at. So if you enter:
=SEARCH("Bar","Foo Bar Baz Bar")
SEARCH will return 5. This is because the first character of the first instance of Bar occurs at the 5th character of "Foo Bar Baz Bar" (“within_text”). The third argument of SEARCH won’t matter to this discussion so I am going to ignore that for now. Pretty simple so far, right?

Ok so let’s dig a little deeper. What few people know is that the first parameter of SEARCH can take multiple find_text values. What!? It's true. If you pass the "find_text" an Array or a Range, SEARCH will check each entry against the "within_text" to see if any cell/element in the “find_text" Range/Array is found. Pretty neat right? There is a catch though: The return value comes in an array.

Allow me to illustrate. If you enter
=SEARCH({"Baz","Bar"},"Foo Bar Baz")
you would get a result (in the form of an array) reading: {9,5}. This is because "Baz" was found at the 9th character while "Bar" was found at the 5th.

So what can you do with that? Of course if you enter the formula in a cell, you will only see "9". This is because a cell may only have one value. If a value is an array, the cell will treat the first element of the array as it’s value. However, any formula capable of receiving an array as a parameter can work with the full array.

For example: INDEX returns the Nth element of an array. If you had an array: {6,3,9}
returns 3 (the 2nd element).
=INDEX(SEARCH({"Baz","Bar"},"Foo Bar Baz"),2)
returns 5 as this is the second element of the array returned by SEARCH.

Got all that? Eyes glazed over yet?


Now that you know the pertinent details of SEARCH, let’s consider what we need to know about LOOKUP.

The first thing to know about lookup (this is important) is that if LOOKUP can't find the lookup_value, it uses “the largest value in the array that is less than or equal to lookup_value”. Read it again, I’ll wait.

OK,so this means if you enter
the return value will be 4. 4 is an exact match for 4, so 4 is returned. If you were to enter
the return value will be 2. 2 is the greatest number in the array smaller than 4. So the return value is 2. This specific principle will be why you see the magic 2^15. More on that later.

Moving on. LOOKUP can take a third argument called “result_vector”. This argument is also an Array/Range. If the third argument of LOOKUP is used, rather than returning the “the largest value in the array that is less than or equal to lookup_value” LOOKUP returns the element of the "result_vector" having the same index as the element found in the "lookup_vector". Did your mind just boggle? I’ll give an example:
returns 2. 4 is an exact match for 4, found at the 3rd element of the lookup_vector parameter. Because the lookup_value was found at the 3rd position of the look_vector, the return[/] value is the 3rd position of the return_vector. In this case that value is 2.

If you were to look up 3 instead of 4 the found element would be 2 (because there is no 3) so the return value would be... 7.

Alrighty, now that you know how all the pieces work, let's put it all together. To refresh your memory, here is Barry's very elegant formula again:
For the purposes of this explanation I will assume you pasted this formula into cell B2 of the example file and copied down.

Notice that SEARCH is looking for any/all of the colors in column D. You can also see that because each formula evaluates only one cell, SEARCH is looking for those colors in just the cell next to the formula. SEARCH will check the phrase for any color, and will return an array filled with the results. The results for B3 would look something like this: {14,#Value!,#Value!,#Value!,...}. Blue will be found at the 14th character, but every other color searched for will not be found (thus #Value!). This array will now be passed into LOOKUP as the “lookup_vector” argument.

Now about that magic “2^15”: LOOKUP has the results of SEARCH to sift through, but what should we be looking up? Because the array is a result of the SEARCH function, we know that the array’s values will be limited to numbers or the #Value! Error. And we know we don’t care about the colors that aren’t found, so we are looking for a number.

Well, that’s all well and good, but of course we have no way of knowing what that number will be! The color could be found anywhere in the phrase! And this is why it’s important to know that when LOOKUP can't make an Exact match it will return the next largest number. So if we feed it number that is guaranteed to be bigger than anything in the array, LOOKUP will ignore the #Value! Errors and find the biggest number in the array as the match.

So how big a number do we need? SEARCH returns the character it found the find_text at. So it can’t return any number larger than the maximum length of a cell. The maximum length is 32,767 characters. You may recognize this number as 1 less than 2 to the 15th power (2^15=32,768). So if we sift through array returned by SEARCH for 32,768 SEARCH will return the biggest number in the array. This nicely filters out all of those #Value! entries the represent value not found. And ensures that the element returned defiantly represent a found value. (Barry’s a clever guy.) Now that we have a found element, LOOKUP will return the corresponding lookup vector which happens to be E$2:E$10... And Viola! The formula is compete.

What? What happens if you have multiple values in a phrase? Darn, I thought you would miss that. Because LOOKUP is returning the biggest number smaller than an impossibly large number the entry matched will always be the one with the largest number. Right? Right?! Well… No. The matching part is true, but there is a caveat. If you are using the vector implementation of LOOKUP (the one with 3 arguments) then there is one other thing you need to know.

The vector version of LOOKUP assumes the values it gets are pre-sorted in ascending order. LOOKUP then begins checking entries from the final element backwards until it encounters a value less than or equal to the lookup_value. Do you see what happens? Because all the values are going to be less than 32,768 LOOKUP will stop at the first non-error value it encounters. In other words it will always match the color listed last. No matter where in the find_text the color is found, if it is found, the color position in the array returned by SEARCH is pegged to the order of the range. Thus Red takes precedence over blue, yellow over red etc. So if you need to, you can raise a color's precedence changing the list's order.

So that's it. Barry’s elegant little one-liner took my about 3 pages to explain (and possibly only slightly coherently) thanks to the hour. But that's the explanation. The only thing I can think to add is that if you are using this formula in very many cells, I would hard-code 2^15 so Excel doesn’t have to do that same math over and over again.

Once again kudos to Barry for such an outstanding solution.
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Re: June/July 2008 Challenge of the Month

Here's one possibility.....


Barry please explain the concept of the above formula

i m lost :( especially the 2^15 one
Re: June/July 2008 Challenge of the Month

I recommend you have a read of the reply immediately above your question.
Re: June/July 2008 Challenge of the Month

LOOKUP then begins checking entries from the final element backwards until it encounters a value less than or equal to the lookup_value.

Oorang, I can't thank you enough.
That sentence answers a question that I have battled with for a long time.

I was always on the assumption that it reads from the first element to the last...It never crossed my mind that it reads the list backwards.
Yes, I know what you get when you assume.

With formulas like

I always wondered why it returns the last value in the list when the list is not sorted.
Since those formulas are so darn usefull, I just accepted it as fact that it works like that, but I never understood why.
Till now.

And now it makes perfect sense.

Thanks again..
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Re: June/July 2008 Challenge of the Month

Oorang, I can't thank you enough.
That sentence answers a question that I have battled with for a long time.

I was always on the assumption that it reads from the first element to the last...It never crossed my mind that it reads the list backwards.
Yes, I know what you get when you assume.

With formulas like

I always wondered why it returns the last value in the list when the list is not sorted.
Since those formulas are so darn usefull, I just accepted it as fact that it works like that, but I never understood why.
Till now.

And now it makes perfect sense.

Thanks again..

It's highly probable that LOOKUP (and VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, MATCH with the match-type set to 1) does a binary search. Here a link that attempts to explain the mechanics:

http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=310278 (Post #7)

Situation III covers precisely the formulas in question.
I'm not Barry, but I will take a stab at explaining his brilliance (someone correct me if I mess anything up). This formula makes use of not one, but several obscure facets of Excel so it's easier to understand if you break it out into pieces and digest one piece at a time.

First, let's talk about SEARCH. A lot of us are already familiar with SEARCH; the SEARCH function returns the character position where a search value (“find_text”) is found at. So if you enter:
=SEARCH("Bar","Foo Bar Baz Bar")
SEARCH will return 5. This is because the first character of the first instance of Bar occurs at the 5th character of "Foo Bar Baz Bar" (“within_text”). The third argument of SEARCH won’t matter to this discussion so I am going to ignore that for now. Pretty simple so far, right?

Ok so let’s dig a little deeper. What few people know is that the first parameter of SEARCH can take multiple find_text values. What!? It's true. If you pass the "find_text" an Array or a Range, SEARCH will check each entry against the "within_text" to see if any cell/element in the “find_text" Range/Array is found. Pretty neat right? There is a catch though: The return value comes in an array.

Allow me to illustrate. If you enter
=SEARCH({"Baz","Bar"},"Foo Bar Baz")
you would get a result (in the form of an array) reading: {9,5}. This is because "Baz" was found at the 9th character while "Bar" was found at the 5th.

So what can you do with that? Of course if you enter the formula in a cell, you will only see "9". This is because a cell may only have one value. If a value is an array, the cell will treat the first element of the array as it’s value. However, any formula capable of receiving an array as a parameter can work with the full array.

For example: INDEX returns the Nth element of an array. If you had an array: {6,3,9}
returns 3 (the 2nd element).
=INDEX(SEARCH({"Baz","Bar"},"Foo Bar Baz"),2)
returns 5 as this is the second element of the array returned by SEARCH.

Got all that? Eyes glazed over yet?


Now that you know the pertinent details of SEARCH, let’s consider what we need to know about LOOKUP.

The first thing to know about lookup (this is important) is that if LOOKUP can't find the lookup_value, it uses “the largest value in the array that is less than or equal to lookup_value”. Read it again, I’ll wait.

OK,so this means if you enter
the return value will be 4. 4 is an exact match for 4, so 4 is returned. If you were to enter
the return value will be 2. 2 is the greatest number in the array smaller than 4. So the return value is 2. This specific principle will be why you see the magic 2^15. More on that later.

Moving on. LOOKUP can take a third argument called “result_vector”. This argument is also an Array/Range. If the third argument of LOOKUP is used, rather than returning the “the largest value in the array that is less than or equal to lookup_value” LOOKUP returns the element of the "result_vector" having the same index as the element found in the "lookup_vector". Did your mind just boggle? I’ll give an example:
returns 2. 4 is an exact match for 4, found at the 3rd element of the lookup_vector parameter. Because the lookup_value was found at the 3rd position of the look_vector, the return[/] value is the 3rd position of the return_vector. In this case that value is 2.

If you were to look up 3 instead of 4 the found element would be 2 (because there is no 3) so the return value would be... 7.

Alrighty, now that you know how all the pieces work, let's put it all together. To refresh your memory, here is Barry's very elegant formula again:
For the purposes of this explanation I will assume you pasted this formula into cell B2 of the example file and copied down.

Notice that SEARCH is looking for any/all of the colors in column D. You can also see that because each formula evaluates only one cell, SEARCH is looking for those colors in just the cell next to the formula. SEARCH will check the phrase for any color, and will return an array filled with the results. The results for B3 would look something like this: {14,#Value!,#Value!,#Value!,...}. Blue will be found at the 14th character, but every other color searched for will not be found (thus #Value!). This array will now be passed into LOOKUP as the “lookup_vector” argument.

Now about that magic “2^15”: LOOKUP has the results of SEARCH to sift through, but what should we be looking up? Because the array is a result of the SEARCH function, we know that the array’s values will be limited to numbers or the #Value! Error. And we know we don’t care about the colors that aren’t found, so we are looking for a number.

Well, that’s all well and good, but of course we have no way of knowing what that number will be! The color could be found anywhere in the phrase! And this is why it’s important to know that when LOOKUP can't make an Exact match it will return the next largest number. So if we feed it number that is guaranteed to be bigger than anything in the array, LOOKUP will ignore the #Value! Errors and find the biggest number in the array as the match.

So how big a number do we need? SEARCH returns the character it found the find_text at. So it can’t return any number larger than the maximum length of a cell. The maximum length is 32,767 characters. You may recognize this number as 1 less than 2 to the 15th power (2^15=32,768). So if we sift through array returned by SEARCH for 32,768 SEARCH will return the biggest number in the array. This nicely filters out all of those #Value! entries the represent value not found. And ensures that the element returned defiantly represent a found value. (Barry’s a clever guy.) Now that we have a found element, LOOKUP will return the corresponding lookup vector which happens to be E$2:E$10... And Viola! The formula is compete.

What? What happens if you have multiple values in a phrase? Darn, I thought you would miss that. Because LOOKUP is returning the biggest number smaller than an impossibly large number the entry matched will always be the one with the largest number. Right? Right?! Well… No. The matching part is true, but there is a caveat. If you are using the vector implementation of LOOKUP (the one with 3 arguments) then there is one other thing you need to know.

The vector version of LOOKUP assumes the values it gets are pre-sorted in ascending order. LOOKUP then begins checking entries from the final element backwards until it encounters a value less than or equal to the lookup_value. Do you see what happens? Because all the values are going to be less than 32,768 LOOKUP will stop at the first non-error value it encounters. In other words it will always match the color listed last. No matter where in the find_text the color is found, if it is found, the color position in the array returned by SEARCH is pegged to the order of the range. Thus Red takes precedence over blue, yellow over red etc. So if you need to, you can raise a color's precedence changing the list's order.

So that's it. Barry’s elegant little one-liner took my about 3 pages to explain (and possibly only slightly coherently) thanks to the hour. But that's the explanation. The only thing I can think to add is that if you are using this formula in very many cells, I would hard-code 2^15 so Excel doesn’t have to do that same math over and over again.

Once again kudos to Barry for such an outstanding solution.

I throughly read over and over again but still couldnt figure it out .
i am familiar with the lookup function . but this 2^5 and 32,767 characters made me lost again . How did we found 32767 characters ? was there the formula for it ? secondly please explain in more simple manner of 2^5 thingy.
my brain just stop working on it :( :(
Re: June/July 2008 Challenge of the Month

Barry please explain the concept of the above formula

i m lost :( especially the 2^15 one

The formula you are referring to:


has the same structure as one often runs up against:

[1] LOOKUP(9.99999999999999E+307,MatchReference,ResultReference)

Reference stands for a vector like A2:A10 or an array like {1,#N/A,2,5,2}.

This expression returns the value from ResultReference that corresponds to the last numeric value in MatchReference. Note that:

[2] LOOKUP(9.99999999999999E+307,Reference)

always returns the last numeric value if one is available. How this works is explained in Post #7 at the following link:


Also, note that 9.99999999999999E+307 is a big constant mentioned in Excel's Help under "limits." So, 2^15 plays the same role, and in that sense, it's an unfortunate variation.

Back to [1]... The Search bit


yields an array reference of ten items, consisting of the #VALUE! errors and integer numbers. When a search value from D2:D10 is not in A2, we get a #VALUE! error, otherwise the start position of that search value in A2. When LOOKUP with the big number looks at this reference, it gets last position (integer) value and fetches the value that corresponds to it from E2:E10.
^ is the power symbol
2 to the 15th power = 32768

Open up the calculator
press 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2
That results in 32768

That's how the Power works..

According to Excel Help Files, A cell can hold no more than 32767 characters.
Search returns the position # where the search value is found in the string.
If a string can only be 32767 characters long, then it is impossible for search to return a number larger than 32767.
so 32768 (2^15) is used to ensure the lookup value is larger than any possible result of the SEARCH function.

If the lookup value is larger than any value in the search range, then lookup returns the Next largest number value.
When the data is not sorted, that means it returns the last number value.
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