I can't for the life of my re-code a custom project of ours to deal with changes on the following website. I'm not 100% sure what the developer was going after in the code below, but maybe the site changed?? I removed part of the code that used to attempt to scrape whether the number is a cell or landline that doesn't appear to be available any longer. I hope I didn't mess anything up.
The code doesn't error. It's just that the result is ALWAYS the same data = "Call" << That's what it scrapes for every record now.
The following function queries a page like this 240-505-00## Silver Spring ✔ CALLER ID ✔ CALLER NAME check-caller.NET, from check-caller.net.
Using the html code there's two possible areas to scrape the data I need. (CITY)
1) <head>
<title>240-505-00## Silver Spring ✔ CALLER ID ✔ CALLER NAME check-caller.NET</title>
2)<div class="entry-content">
You want to know who called you? You want to know if the number 240-505-00## is safe or unsafe? check-caller.NET is a Real Time Directory with Caller ID lookup: White Pages & Yellow Pages. Add your feedback and your Voting about your call, please!
<br>Call from Silver Spring, MD / Maryland <div class="center">
If anyone knows the code to scrape the city from one or both locations above, please let me know.
Also posted: Web Scraping city code question, specific site
The code doesn't error. It's just that the result is ALWAYS the same data = "Call" << That's what it scrapes for every record now.
The following function queries a page like this 240-505-00## Silver Spring ✔ CALLER ID ✔ CALLER NAME check-caller.NET, from check-caller.net.
Rich (BB code):
Public Function checkcaller(ByVal x As Integer)
querys = "http://www.check-caller.com/1-" & ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PhoneToCity").Cells(x, 4).Value & ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PhoneToCity").Cells(x, 5).Value & "-" & ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PhoneToCity").Cells(x, 7).Value & "-index"
Dim table As MSHTML.HTMLTable
Dim tableCells As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
Dim imgs As Object, ink As Object
Set xhr = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
With xhr
.Open "GET", querys, False
If .ReadyState = 4 And .Status = 200 Then
Set HTML = New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
HTML.body.innerHTML = .responseText
End If
End With
citysss = HTML.getElementsByClassName("entry-content")(0).innerText
On Error Goto errngct
citys = Mid(HTML.getElementsByClassName("entry-content")(3).getElementsByTagName("td")(7).innerText, 1, InStr(1, HTML.getElementsByClassName("entry-content")(3).getElementsByTagName("td")(7).innerText, ",") - 3)
If err = 1 Then
sp = InStrRev(Mid(citysss, 1, InStr(1, citysss, ",")), " ")
sf = InStr(1, citysss, ",") - sp
citys = Mid(citysss, sp, sf)
End If
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PhoneToCity").Cells(x, 11).Value = citys
err = 0
If err = 1 Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PhoneToCity").Cells(x, 11).Value = "unknown"
End If
Set xhr = Nothing
Set HTML = Nothing
End Function
Using the html code there's two possible areas to scrape the data I need. (CITY)
1) <head>
<title>240-505-00## Silver Spring ✔ CALLER ID ✔ CALLER NAME check-caller.NET</title>
2)<div class="entry-content">
You want to know who called you? You want to know if the number 240-505-00## is safe or unsafe? check-caller.NET is a Real Time Directory with Caller ID lookup: White Pages & Yellow Pages. Add your feedback and your Voting about your call, please!
<br>Call from Silver Spring, MD / Maryland <div class="center">
If anyone knows the code to scrape the city from one or both locations above, please let me know.
Also posted: Web Scraping city code question, specific site