Hi. So I have this web scrape code that pulls data from a work website using Internet Explorer. Works fine. However, when there is a lot of data it is slow. So I have been trying to convert it using Get request since it seems to be quicker. However, it pulls nothing. Running the code step by step it skips all lines after “For Each Div in Divs” and goes straight to End sub. Here are my the two codes. I thought I only changed what needed to in order to switch it form IE to Get request. Thank you in advance!
VBA Code:
Dim Document As HTMLDocument
Dim Div As IHTMLElement
Dim H3 As IHTMLElement
Dim Table As IHTMLElement
Dim TD As IHTMLElement
Dim TR As IHTMLElement
Dim Divs As IHTMLElementCollection
Dim Tables As IHTMLElementCollection
Dim TDs As IHTMLElementCollection
Dim TRs As IHTMLElementCollection
Dim Column As Integer
Dim Row As Integer
Dim Browser As InternetExplorer
Dim URL As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Setup")
Row = 1
Column = 1
Set ws = Sheets("PROCESS")
URL = "Work URL"
Set Browser = New InternetExplorerMedium
Browser.navigate URL
' Wait for page to load
Do While Browser.Busy Or Browser.readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE
' Scan the document
Set Document = Browser.Document
Set Divs = Document.getElementById("secondaryProductivityList").getElementsByTagName("div")
For Each Div In Divs
Set H3 = Div.getElementsByTagName("h3")(0)
If Not Div.className = "floatHeader" And Not H3 Is Nothing Then
ws.Cells(Row, 1).Value = H3.innerText
Row = Row + 1
Set Tables = Div.getElementsByTagName("table")
Set Table = Tables(0)
Set TRs = Table.getElementsByTagName("tr")
For Each TR In TRs
Column = 1
Set TDs = TR.getElementsByTagName("th")
For Each TD In TDs
ws.Cells(Row, Column).Value = TD.innerText
ws.Cells(Row, Column).Font.Bold = True
If TD.getAttribute("colspan") Then
Column = Column + TD.getAttribute("colspan")
Column = Column + 1
End If
Set TDs = TR.getElementsByTagName("td")
For Each TD In TDs
ws.Cells(Row, Column).Value = TD.innerText
Column = Column + 1
Row = Row + 1
End If
Row = Row + 1
Get Request Code
Dim Table As IHTMLElement
Dim Tables As IHTMLElementCollection
Dim Div As IHTMLElement
Dim Divs As IHTMLElementCollection
Dim H3 As IHTMLElement
Dim TR As IHTMLElement
Dim TRs As IHTMLElementCollection
Dim TD As IHTMLElement
Dim TDs As IHTMLElementCollection
Dim Row As Integer
Dim Column As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Setup")
Row = 1
Column = 1
Set ws = Sheets("PROCESS")
Dim H As Object, doc As New HTMLDocument
Set H = CreateObject("WinHTTP.WinHTTPRequest.5.1")
Debug.Print URL
H.SetAutoLogonPolicy 0
H.setTimeouts 0, 0, 0, 0
H.Open "GET", URL, False
If H.Status <> 200 Then
MsgBox H.Status & " - " & H.statusText
Exit Sub
End If
Debug.Print URL
doc.body.innerHTML = H.responseText
Set Divs =doc.getElementById("secondaryProductivityList").getElementsByTagName("div")
For Each Div In Divs
Set H3 = Div.getElementsByTagName("h3")(0)
If Not Div.className = "floatHeader" And Not H3 Is Nothing Then
ws.Cells(Row, 1).Value = H3.innerText
Row = Row + 1
Set Tables = Div.getElementsByTagName("table")
Set Table = Tables(0)
Set TRs = Table.getElementsByTagName("tr")
For Each TR In TRs
Column = 1
Set TDs = TR.getElementsByTagName("th")
For Each TD In TDs
ws.Cells(Row, Column).Value = TD.innerText
ws.Cells(Row, Column).Font.Bold = True
If TD.getAttribute("colspan") Then
Column = Column + TD.getAttribute("colspan")
Column = Column + 1
End If
Set TDs = TR.getElementsByTagName("td")
For Each TD In TDs
ws.Cells(Row, Column).Value = TD.innerText
Column = Column + 1
Row = Row + 1
End If
Row = Row + 1
End Sub
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