Good Morning!
Last night, I turned off all the auto update features and did some dragging and dropping, and managed to create a 'podcast' folder under my ipod's icon in itunes (what an imouthful at the iend ithere).
After chaecking my ipod, the podcasts were now in the correct places, but still only playing audio...!
Then came the breakthrough...but you'll have to watch my soon-to-be-produced podcast to find the answer!
Only Kidding!
Under 'Video Settings' are 3 options for TV Out, TV Signal and Widescreen. Turns out that if you have TV Out set to 'ON', then you will only get audio. I switched it to 'OFF' and whaddya know? I CAN SEE THE VIDEO!!!!! HURRAH!!!
Bill and Tracy, thank you both very much for your help on this one. I guess that I still have more to learn...!