Folks, yours truly is gonna start giving Excel seminars around the country. In order to get folks to perk up in their seats, I would like to create examples that strike close to home with as many people as possible. I would be much obliged for anyone that could help me generate these. If you could give information along these lines - that'd be just swell:
Again, much obliged fer any help y'all kin lend in this direction.
- Your industry - for example
- manufacturing
- service
- education
- government
- non-profit
- tourism
- so on and so forth
- Just a general description of where within the industry
- Plastics Manufacturing, or
- Electronics Manufacturing
- Service: Restaurants
- Service: Health Care
- Govt: Dept. of Motor Vehicles
- Govt: Ministry of Silly Walks
- Education: Elementary School
- Education: University
- you get the picture
- How you use Excel
- Creating pro forma invoices for export bids
- Reconciling Customer Returns
- Tracking Sales of Various Mixed Drinks
- Scheduling for Nurse's Station
- Minimum Wait Times for License Renewals
- Applications for Grants to Create New Silly Walks
- Template for Science Fair Projects
- Room Assignments in Dormitories
I would approach this in a slightly different way.
I would establish who is going to be attending the seminars - Small business users? eBusiness users? Teachers? Families? Individuals for career enhancement? Bespoke seminars (industry specific)? etc etc..
What level is the seminar aimed at - New user? Novice? Intermmediate? Advanced?
What are the 'goals' for the seminar - At the end of this seminar you will know how to......
You've covered all the bases in your list so with a little bit of thought on the part of the attendee they should be able to see how a dormitory allocation list could just as easily be a staff holiday roster (both involve assigning something to someone).
The danger you face is if everyone on this forum was in the service sector, you create service sector type examples which may have no relevance to your customers. They go away presuming Excel is a service sector programme.
As long as you've covered each feature of Excel that you set out to cover then you have achieved your goal. The actual data/example you use to highlight that feature is not really important.