I've got a vlookup function driven by the result of a simple equation.
=IF(C36="","---",VLOOKUP(C18/C39,'Engine & Configuration'!D1:G24,2,TRUE))
The issue I have is that I want the result to return the CLOSEST match, not an exact or rounded up match. For example, is my "C18/C39" equation returns a value of 1.000039, I want it to match with "1" in the array and not with 1.25. The FALSE option will not work because exact matches will be very rare.
The values in the array are not whole numbers, so I don't believe a ROUNDUP type code will help.
=IF(C36="","---",VLOOKUP(C18/C39,'Engine & Configuration'!D1:G24,2,TRUE))
The issue I have is that I want the result to return the CLOSEST match, not an exact or rounded up match. For example, is my "C18/C39" equation returns a value of 1.000039, I want it to match with "1" in the array and not with 1.25. The FALSE option will not work because exact matches will be very rare.
The values in the array are not whole numbers, so I don't believe a ROUNDUP type code will help.
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