
Active Member
Jan 29, 2004
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I have 2 Excel workbooks. One is a Power Query, getting data from a website, and in the second workbook, I need to capture the history of data query from the first. This may seem confusing so a better explanation is in order.

The Power Query workbook (USDtoCZKForecast-2021pq.xlsx) looks to USD/CZK Forex Rate Forecast, Dollar to Koruna Predictons by days: 2021

Every day this website gets exchange rate data for an entire year, but each day it drops off the previous day’s data thus unless that previous data is somehow saved in a workbook it is lost. This only occurs for the current month, in this case, because it is February then February’s previous day’s data is lost on the data refresh. March through December remains intact because it is future data and remains until the next month comes into view as the current month, e.g. March.

This is what I want the second workbook to do. On a daily basis as I open USDtoCZKForecast-2021pq.xlsx and refresh the Power Query tab, called 2021pq, and prior to the 2021pq data refresh, I want the previous day’s values to get inserted, copied into the second workbook, 02-USDtoCZKHistory-Feb.xlsx.

Further explanation regarding USDtoCZKForecast-2021pq.xlsx is due. The 2021pq Tab only refreshes data for months subsequent to the current month as seen in the XL2BB view of same. This means then that a subsequent Power Query is needed for the current month, which I have named UpcomingDays, which incidentally is what this website calls this set of data. It is this set of queried data that drops off the previous day’s data and is why I want to have a second workbook capturing this data before it is lost.

Any help will be greatly appreciated as I have scoured the web looking for something to incorporate but no luck. I have viewed YouTubes and other information sites regarding VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, & INDIRECT or any combination thereof and still come up empty-handed. It all is so confusing.

An XL2BB view of each workbook follows. I do not know why some are shown with lines thru the data.
These next four are from USDtoCZKForecast-2021pq.xlsx

2DateAverage RateMinimum RateMaximum RateMIN & MAX AverageCZK Per Min/Max Average RateCZK Per Min RateCZK Per Max Rate
32021 February21.377021.290021.465721.377958,578.86 Kč58,338.11 Kč58,819.60 KčRateMinimum RateMaximum Rate
4Wednesday-03 Feb 202121.375021.337021.414021.375558,572.40 Kč58,466.90 Kč58,677.89 KčRate: 21.375Min: 21.337Max: 21.4142021 February
5Thursday-04 Feb 202121.394021.354021.436021.395058,625.83 Kč58,513.48 Kč58,738.18 KčRate: 21.394Min: 21.354Max: 21.4362021 February
6Friday-05 Feb 202121.394021.351021.436021.393558,621.72 Kč58,505.26 Kč58,738.18 KčRate: 21.394Min: 21.351Max: 21.4362021 February
7Saturday-06 Feb 202121.398021.351021.444021.397558,632.68 Kč58,505.26 Kč58,760.10 KčRate: 21.398Min: 21.351Max: 21.4442021 February
8Sunday-07 Feb 202121.383021.326021.436021.381058,587.47 Kč58,436.76 Kč58,738.18 KčRate: 21.383Min: 21.326Max: 21.4362021 February
9Monday-08 Feb 202121.437021.372021.505021.438558,745.03 Kč58,562.81 Kč58,927.25 KčRate: 21.437Min: 21.372Max: 21.5052021 February
10Tuesday-09 Feb 202121.387021.319021.461021.390058,612.13 Kč58,417.58 Kč58,806.68 KčRate: 21.387Min: 21.319Max: 21.4612021 February
11Wednesday-10 Feb 202121.338021.259021.416021.337558,468.27 Kč58,253.17 Kč58,683.37 KčRate: 21.338Min: 21.259Max: 21.4162021 February
12Thursday-11 Feb 202121.357021.255021.453021.354058,513.48 Kč58,242.21 Kč58,784.76 KčRate: 21.357Min: 21.255Max: 21.4532021 February
13Friday-12 Feb 202121.357021.252021.463021.357558,523.07 Kč58,233.99 Kč58,812.16 KčRate: 21.357Min: 21.252Max: 21.4632021 February
14Saturday-13 Feb 202121.362021.237021.492021.364558,542.26 Kč58,192.88 Kč58,891.63 KčRate: 21.362Min: 21.237Max: 21.4922021 February
15Sunday-14 Feb 202121.346021.215021.486021.350558,503.89 Kč58,132.60 Kč58,875.19 KčRate: 21.346Min: 21.215Max: 21.4862021 February
16Monday-15 Feb 202121.400021.246021.551021.398558,635.42 Kč58,217.55 Kč59,053.30 KčRate: 21.400Min: 21.246Max: 21.5512021 February
17Tuesday-16 Feb 202121.350021.186021.527021.356558,520.33 Kč58,053.14 Kč58,987.53 KčRate: 21.350Min: 21.186Max: 21.5272021 February

1Column1DateAverage rate (≈)Minimum rate (⇓)Maximum rate (⇑)

1DateRateMin RateMax Rate
202/03/2021Rate: 21.375Min: 21.337Max: 21.414
302/04/2021Rate: 21.394Min: 21.354Max: 21.436
402/05/2021Rate: 21.394Min: 21.351Max: 21.436
502/06/2021Rate: 21.398Min: 21.351Max: 21.444
602/07/2021Rate: 21.383Min: 21.326Max: 21.436
702/08/2021Rate: 21.437Min: 21.372Max: 21.505
802/09/2021Rate: 21.387Min: 21.319Max: 21.461
902/10/2021Rate: 21.338Min: 21.259Max: 21.416
1002/11/2021Rate: 21.357Min: 21.255Max: 21.453
1102/12/2021Rate: 21.357Min: 21.252Max: 21.463
1202/13/2021Rate: 21.362Min: 21.237Max: 21.492
1302/14/2021Rate: 21.346Min: 21.215Max: 21.486
1402/15/2021Rate: 21.400Min: 21.246Max: 21.551
1502/16/2021Rate: 21.350Min: 21.186Max: 21.527

These next four are from 02-USDtoCZKHistory-Feb.xlsx

DateAverage RateMinimum RateMaximum RateMIN & MAX AverageCZK Per Min/Max Average RateCZK Per Min RateCZK Per Max Rate
2021 February21.890221.788421.991721.890159,982.41 Kč59,703.89 Kč60,260.93 KčRateMinimum RateMaximum Rate
Monday-01 Feb 202121.237021.144021.337021.240558,202.47 Kč57,938.05 Kč58,466.90 KčRate: 21.237Min: 21.144Max: 21.3372021 February
Tuesday-02 Feb 202121.163021.059021.283021.171058,012.03 Kč57,705.13 Kč58,318.93 KčRate: 21.163Min: 21.059Max: 21.2832021 February
Wednesday-03 Feb 202121.067020.940021.214021.077057,754.46 Kč57,379.06 Kč58,129.86 KčRate: 21.067Min: 20.940Max: 21.2142021 February
Thursday-04 Feb 202121.061020.918021.233021.075557,750.35 Kč57,318.77 Kč58,181.92 KčRate: 21.061Min: 20.918Max: 21.2332021 February
Friday-05 Feb 202121.068020.900021.271021.085557,777.75 Kč57,269.45 Kč58,286.05 KčRate: 21.068Min: 20.900Max: 21.2712021 February
Saturday-06 Feb 202121.063020.865021.280021.072557,742.13 Kč57,173.54 Kč58,310.71 KčRate: 21.063Min: 20.865Max: 21.2802021 February
Sunday-07 Feb 202121.024020.806021.271021.038557,648.96 Kč57,011.87 Kč58,286.05 KčRate: 21.024Min: 20.806Max: 21.2712021 February
Monday-08 Feb 202121.016020.772021.294021.033057,633.89 Kč56,918.71 Kč58,349.07 KčRate: 21.016Min: 20.772Max: 21.2942021 February
Tuesday-09 Feb 202121.387021.319021.461021.390058,612.13 Kč58,417.58 Kč58,806.68 KčRate: 21.387Min: 21.319Max: 21.4612021 February
Wednesday-10 Feb 202121.338021.259021.416021.337558,468.27 Kč58,253.17 Kč58,683.37 KčRate: 21.338Min: 21.259Max: 21.4162021 February
Thursday-11 Feb 202121.357021.255021.453021.354058,513.48 Kč58,242.21 Kč58,784.76 KčRate: 21.357Min: 21.255Max: 21.4532021 February
Friday-12 Feb 202121.357021.252021.463021.357558,523.07 Kč58,233.99 Kč58,812.16 KčRate: 21.357Min: 21.252Max: 21.4632021 February
Saturday-13 Feb 202121.362021.237021.492021.364558,542.26 Kč58,192.88 Kč58,891.63 KčRate: 21.362Min: 21.237Max: 21.4922021 February
Sunday-14 Feb 202121.346021.215021.486021.350558,503.89 Kč58,132.60 Kč58,875.19 KčRate: 21.346Min: 21.215Max: 21.4862021 February
Monday-15 Feb 202121.400021.246021.551021.398558,635.42 Kč58,217.55 Kč59,053.30 KčRate: 21.400Min: 21.246Max: 21.5512021 February
Tuesday-16 Feb 202121.350021.186021.527021.356558,520.33 Kč58,053.14 Kč58,987.53 KčRate: 21.350Min: 21.186Max: 21.5272021 February
Wednesday-17 Feb 202121.519021.308021.757021.532559,002.60 Kč58,387.44 Kč59,617.77 KčRate: 21.519Min: 21.308Max: 21.7572021 February

2DateAverage RateMinimum RateMaximum RateMIN & MAX AverageCZK Per Min/Max Average RateCZK Per Min RateCZK Per Max Rate
32021 February21.559121.465821.649421.557659,071.40 Kč58,819.79 Kč59,323.01 KčRateMinimum RateMaximum Rate
4Thursday-04 Feb 202121.536021.497021.576021.536559,013.56 Kč58,905.33 Kč59,121.80 KčRate: 21.536Min: 21.497Max: 21.5762021 February
5Friday-05 Feb 202121.538021.497021.578021.537559,016.30 Kč58,905.33 Kč59,127.28 KčRate: 21.538Min: 21.497Max: 21.5782021 February
6Saturday-06 Feb 202121.550021.507021.597021.552059,056.04 Kč58,932.73 Kč59,179.34 KčRate: 21.550Min: 21.507Max: 21.5972021 February
7Sunday-07 Feb 202121.547021.496021.598021.547059,042.34 Kč58,902.59 Kč59,182.08 KčRate: 21.547Min: 21.496Max: 21.5982021 February
8Monday-08 Feb 202121.593021.533021.647021.590059,160.16 Kč59,003.97 Kč59,316.35 KčRate: 21.593Min: 21.533Max: 21.6472021 February
9Tuesday-09 Feb 202121.578021.512021.641021.576559,123.17 Kč58,946.43 Kč59,299.91 KčRate: 21.578Min: 21.512Max: 21.6412021 February
10Wednesday-10 Feb 202121.539021.467021.611021.539059,020.41 Kč58,823.12 Kč59,217.71 KčRate: 21.539Min: 21.467Max: 21.6112021 February
11Thursday-11 Feb 202121.545021.459021.630021.544559,035.48 Kč58,801.20 Kč59,269.77 KčRate: 21.545Min: 21.459Max: 21.6302021 February
12Friday-12 Feb 202121.547021.448021.645021.546559,040.97 Kč58,771.06 Kč59,310.87 KčRate: 21.547Min: 21.448Max: 21.6452021 February
13Saturday-13 Feb 202121.560021.446021.670021.558059,072.48 Kč58,765.58 Kč59,379.38 KčRate: 21.560Min: 21.446Max: 21.6702021 February
14Sunday-14 Feb 202121.557021.428021.682021.555059,064.26 Kč58,716.26 Kč59,412.26 KčRate: 21.557Min: 21.428Max: 21.6822021 February
15Monday-15 Feb 202121.602021.455021.750021.602559,194.41 Kč58,790.24 Kč59,598.59 KčRate: 21.602Min: 21.455Max: 21.7502021 February
16Tuesday-16 Feb 202121.587021.419021.745021.582059,138.24 Kč58,691.59 Kč59,584.89 KčRate: 21.587Min: 21.419Max: 21.7452021 February
17Wednesday-17 Feb 202121.548021.357021.722021.539559,021.78 Kč58,521.70 Kč59,521.86 KčRate: 21.548Min: 21.357Max: 21.7222021 February

1DateRateMin RateMax Rate
202/04/2021Rate: 21.536Min: 21.497Max: 21.576
302/05/2021Rate: 21.538Min: 21.497Max: 21.578
402/06/2021Rate: 21.550Min: 21.507Max: 21.597
502/07/2021Rate: 21.547Min: 21.496Max: 21.598
602/08/2021Rate: 21.593Min: 21.533Max: 21.647
702/09/2021Rate: 21.578Min: 21.512Max: 21.641
802/10/2021Rate: 21.539Min: 21.467Max: 21.611
902/11/2021Rate: 21.545Min: 21.459Max: 21.630
1002/12/2021Rate: 21.547Min: 21.448Max: 21.645
1102/13/2021Rate: 21.560Min: 21.446Max: 21.670
1202/14/2021Rate: 21.557Min: 21.428Max: 21.682
1302/15/2021Rate: 21.602Min: 21.455Max: 21.750
1402/16/2021Rate: 21.587Min: 21.419Max: 21.745
1502/17/2021Rate: 21.548Min: 21.357Max: 21.722
I don't know how to delete this question and yet redo it with another alternative request for action. So following is my redo.
Perhaps a simpler alternative would be to acquire data from an entire row using VLOOKUP or XLOOKUP?

This it seems could all happen in only one file 02-USDtoCZKHistory-Feb.xlsx using a Helper Sheet which contains an equals the date from the last row in the Power Query “FEBpq” with this Power Query always only getting the 14 days subsequent to today’s date as the term “Upcoming Days” indicates. So for example, today’s date is February 3 so the query for Upcoming Days only gets data for February 4 through February 17, with February 17 being the last row of data in the query.

So on the Helper Sheet is the formula =FEBpq2!A15 which then gets the date of the last row. Then the formula is to get all entries in that row that follows from seeing this date as indicated by =FEBpq2!A15. In this case for today, that date shown is Wednesday-17 Feb 2021 which is 14 days hence today February 3. The tricky part is getting the data from the last row in another sheet, FEBpq3, which is looking to sheet FEBpq2 which in turn gets its data from the query FEBpq.

This is the part I am having trouble understanding, see the attached XL2BB Views.

3FebruaryFebruaryWednesday-03 Feb 2021March
5Wednesday-17 Feb 2021
7Wednesday-17 Feb 2021

2DateAverage RateMinimum RateMaximum RateMIN & MAX AverageCZK Per Min/Max Average RateCZK Per Min RateCZK Per Max Rate
32021 February21.559121.465821.649421.557659,071.40 Kč58,819.79 Kč59,323.01 KčRateMinimum RateMaximum Rate
4Thursday-04 Feb 202121.536021.497021.576021.536559,013.56 Kč58,905.33 Kč59,121.80 KčRate: 21.536Min: 21.497Max: 21.5762021 February
5Friday-05 Feb 202121.538021.497021.578021.537559,016.30 Kč58,905.33 Kč59,127.28 KčRate: 21.538Min: 21.497Max: 21.5782021 February
6Saturday-06 Feb 202121.550021.507021.597021.552059,056.04 Kč58,932.73 Kč59,179.34 KčRate: 21.550Min: 21.507Max: 21.5972021 February
7Sunday-07 Feb 202121.547021.496021.598021.547059,042.34 Kč58,902.59 Kč59,182.08 KčRate: 21.547Min: 21.496Max: 21.5982021 February
8Monday-08 Feb 202121.593021.533021.647021.590059,160.16 Kč59,003.97 Kč59,316.35 KčRate: 21.593Min: 21.533Max: 21.6472021 February
9Tuesday-09 Feb 202121.578021.512021.641021.576559,123.17 Kč58,946.43 Kč59,299.91 KčRate: 21.578Min: 21.512Max: 21.6412021 February
10Wednesday-10 Feb 202121.539021.467021.611021.539059,020.41 Kč58,823.12 Kč59,217.71 KčRate: 21.539Min: 21.467Max: 21.6112021 February
11Thursday-11 Feb 202121.545021.459021.630021.544559,035.48 Kč58,801.20 Kč59,269.77 KčRate: 21.545Min: 21.459Max: 21.6302021 February
12Friday-12 Feb 202121.547021.448021.645021.546559,040.97 Kč58,771.06 Kč59,310.87 KčRate: 21.547Min: 21.448Max: 21.6452021 February
13Saturday-13 Feb 202121.560021.446021.670021.558059,072.48 Kč58,765.58 Kč59,379.38 KčRate: 21.560Min: 21.446Max: 21.6702021 February
14Sunday-14 Feb 202121.557021.428021.682021.555059,064.26 Kč58,716.26 Kč59,412.26 KčRate: 21.557Min: 21.428Max: 21.6822021 February
15Monday-15 Feb 202121.602021.455021.750021.602559,194.41 Kč58,790.24 Kč59,598.59 KčRate: 21.602Min: 21.455Max: 21.7502021 February
16Tuesday-16 Feb 202121.587021.419021.745021.582059,138.24 Kč58,691.59 Kč59,584.89 KčRate: 21.587Min: 21.419Max: 21.7452021 February
17Wednesday-17 Feb 202121.548021.357021.722021.539559,021.78 Kč58,521.70 Kč59,521.86 KčRate: 21.548Min: 21.357Max: 21.7222021 February

1DateRateMin RateMax Rate
202/04/2021Rate: 21.536Min: 21.497Max: 21.576
302/05/2021Rate: 21.538Min: 21.497Max: 21.578
402/06/2021Rate: 21.550Min: 21.507Max: 21.597
502/07/2021Rate: 21.547Min: 21.496Max: 21.598
602/08/2021Rate: 21.593Min: 21.533Max: 21.647
702/09/2021Rate: 21.578Min: 21.512Max: 21.641
802/10/2021Rate: 21.539Min: 21.467Max: 21.611
902/11/2021Rate: 21.545Min: 21.459Max: 21.630
1002/12/2021Rate: 21.547Min: 21.448Max: 21.645
1102/13/2021Rate: 21.560Min: 21.446Max: 21.670
1202/14/2021Rate: 21.557Min: 21.428Max: 21.682
1302/15/2021Rate: 21.602Min: 21.455Max: 21.750
1402/16/2021Rate: 21.587Min: 21.419Max: 21.745
1502/17/2021Rate: 21.548Min: 21.357Max: 21.722
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Figured out how to do this by myself. A bit different than my original and subsequent redo requests; however, actually turning out better than I expected.
Following then is the XL2BB view of my process that hopefully may benefit others.

2DateAverage RateMinimum RateMaximum RateMIN & MAX AverageCZK Per Min/Max Average RateCZK Per Min RateCZK Per Max RateRateMinimum RateMaximum Rate
3Thursday-18 Feb 202121.539021.319021.762021.540559,024.52 Kč58,417.58 Kč59,631.47 KčRate: 21.539Min: 21.319Max: 21.7622021 February
5Thursday-18 Feb 202121.539021.319021.762021.540559,024.52 Kč58,417.58 Kč59,631.47 KčRate: 21.539Min: 21.319Max: 21.7622021 February
7Thursday-04 Feb 2021March
10JanuaryJANHistFEBHistFormula breakdown:
11FebruaryFEBpq3FEBpq3=XLOOKUP (lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode])
13AprilAPRpqFEBpqlookup_value – the value you want to search;
14MayMAYlookup_array – the range or array where you want to search the value;
15JuneJUNreturn_array – the range or array from which you want the result;
16JulyJUL[if_not_found] – the value you want to display if there are no results found;
17AugustAUGHelpSht lookup_valueHelpSht A4[match_mode]
18SeptemberSEPFEBpq3 lookup_arrayFirstStep = A15:D150 – Exact Match (if no result found, then error)
19OctoberOCTFEBpq2 return_arrayCurrent = A17:M171 – Exact or next smaller (if no result found, then the next smaller value will be displayed)
20NovemberNOV2 – Exact or next larger (if no result found, then the next larger value will be displayed)
21DecemberDEC3 – Wildcards
23Narrative of the Order of the Query & Subsequent Sheet Update Process1 – to search from first
24Step 1First check to be sure FEBHist Sheet is updated to correct date before Query is run.-1 – to search from last
25Step 2Check If FEBHist needs updated, do so before Query is run, this should be a daily activity.2 – binary search ascending
26Step 3Next Run the Query.-2 – binary search descending
27Step 4Copy the result from Row 7, this Sheet, to the next available blank row in FEBHist
29Narrative of the Change of the Month From Previous to Next
30Step 1Before renaming worksheets copy FEBHist to USDtoCZK2021History.xlsx
31Step 2Select KUTOOLS PLUS, then the Worksheet dropdown
32Step 3In the Worksheet dropdown select Rename Worsheets…
33Step 4Select the 4 sheets indicated by the first 3 CAP letters of the month.
34Step 5Using the "From specific range" selection then point to the cell in column"C" containing the month needed.
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