VBA to retrieve data


New Member
Jan 27, 2022
Office Version
  1. 365
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  2. MacOS

Is there vba to retrieve data from a specific row in Sheet2 (Based on cell f5) and back into the correct Cells in Sheet1 to allow a form to be completed by another person or updated, then resubmitted and overwrite the data that was there originally?

Hi Thank you for your help with this,

I have tried the code but keep getting this error every time.


Or when running the code in VB I automatically get this window?


Alright, see if this does what you want. There are three subs here.

The first will pull the record info from 'Data' when an ID is entered into F5 (E5 because it's a merged cell). If the ID cannot be found on 'Data' then it will prompt the user asking if it is a new ID or not. If not, then it clears the form. If it is a new ID, then it does not clear the form, and allows for data entry.

The second will add/update record info from 'Form' to 'Data' when the form is submitted. *If you are using an ActiveX Form Control button, then you must rename the button to match the sub name, or rename the sub name to match the button name. (It looks like you are using this type of button.)

The third is the clear form code but in it's own sub to keep the clutter down since it is used a couple times.

In each sub, I commented out the lines for fields 52 to 69 because your sample data did not include them, but your code does. So if you need them, just uncomment them. Also, your code currently does not include the two fields I highlighted in red above, so I still do not know where that data is supposed to come from.

Also, I imagine the errors you are encountering, are partly due to your cells being merged and you are not referencing the correct cells. And you are directly referencing sheet names as if they were variables.

VBA Code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim newID
Dim idRow As Long, i As Long
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet

Set ws1 = Sheets("Form")
Set ws2 = Sheets("Data")

Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

On Error GoTo ExitNow

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("E5:H5")) Is Nothing Then
    idRow = 0
    For i = 2 To ws2.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        If ws2.Range("B" & i) = Target Then
            idRow = i
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i
    If idRow > 0 Then
        ws1.Range("E4") = ws2.Range("A" & idRow) 'Date
        ws1.Range("E6") = ws2.Range("C" & idRow) '3
        'ws1.Range("H6") = ?? 'What about H6?
        ws1.Range("E7") = ws2.Range("D" & idRow) '4
        ws1.Range("E8") = ws2.Range("E" & idRow) '5
        ws1.Range("K9") = ws2.Range("F" & idRow) '6
        ws1.Range("K10") = ws2.Range("G" & idRow) '7
        ws1.Range("K12") = ws2.Range("H" & idRow) '8
        ws1.Range("D14") = ws2.Range("J" & idRow) '10
        ws1.Range("K14") = ws2.Range("K" & idRow) '11
        ws1.Range("D15") = ws2.Range("L" & idRow) '12
        ws1.Range("K15") = ws2.Range("M" & idRow) '13
        'Section b
        ws1.Range("D18") = ws2.Range("N" & idRow) '14
        ws1.Range("K18") = ws2.Range("O" & idRow) '15
        ws1.Range("D19") = ws2.Range("P" & idRow) '16
        ws1.Range("K19") = ws2.Range("Q" & idRow) '17
        ws1.Range("E21") = ws2.Range("R" & idRow) '18
        ws1.Range("K22") = ws2.Range("S" & idRow) '19
        ws1.Range("K23") = ws2.Range("T" & idRow) '20
        ws1.Range("E24") = ws2.Range("U" & idRow) '21
        ws1.Range("E25") = ws2.Range("V" & idRow) '22
        ws1.Range("E28") = ws2.Range("W" & idRow) '23
        ws1.Range("K30") = ws2.Range("X" & idRow) '24
        ws1.Range("E31") = ws2.Range("Y" & idRow) '25
        ws1.Range("K33") = ws2.Range("Z" & idRow) '26
        ws1.Range("E34") = ws2.Range("AA" & idRow) '27
        ws1.Range("E36") = ws2.Range("AB" & idRow) '28
        ws1.Range("K37") = ws2.Range("AC" & idRow) '29
        ws1.Range("K39") = ws2.Range("AD" & idRow) '30
        ws1.Range("E42") = ws2.Range("AE" & idRow) '31
        ws1.Range("E43") = ws2.Range("AF" & idRow) '32
        ws1.Range("E44") = ws2.Range("AG" & idRow) '33
        ws1.Range("E45") = ws2.Range("AH" & idRow) '34
        'Section c
        ws1.Range("C48") = ws2.Range("AI" & idRow) '35
        ws1.Range("H48") = ws2.Range("AJ" & idRow) '36
        ws1.Range("M48") = ws2.Range("AK" & idRow) '37
        ws1.Range("K51") = ws2.Range("AL" & idRow) '38
        ws1.Range("K52") = ws2.Range("AM" & idRow) '39
        ws1.Range("K53") = ws2.Range("AN" & idRow) '40
        ws1.Range("K56") = ws2.Range("AO" & idRow) '41
        ws1.Range("K57") = ws2.Range("AP" & idRow) '42
        ws1.Range("K58") = ws2.Range("AQ" & idRow) '43
        ws1.Range("K59") = ws2.Range("AR" & idRow) '44
        ws1.Range("K60") = ws2.Range("AS" & idRow) '45
        ws1.Range("E63") = ws2.Range("AT" & idRow) '46
        ws1.Range("K64") = ws2.Range("AU" & idRow) '47
        ws1.Range("E65") = ws2.Range("AV" & idRow) '48
        'ws1.Range("I65") = ?? 'What about I65?
        ws1.Range("E66") = ws2.Range("AW" & idRow) '49
        ws1.Range("K69") = ws2.Range("AX" & idRow) '50
        ws1.Range("K71") = ws2.Range("AY" & idRow) '51
        'Sample data did not include these fields
'        ws1.Range("K73") = ws2.Range("AZ" & idRow) '52
'        ws1.Range("K82") = ws2.Range("BA" & idRow) '53
'        ws1.Range("K84") = ws2.Range("BB" & idRow) '54
'        ws1.Range("K85") = ws2.Range("BC" & idRow) '55
'        ws1.Range("K86") = ws2.Range("BD" & idRow) '56
'        ws1.Range("K88") = ws2.Range("BE" & idRow) '57
'        ws1.Range("K89") = ws2.Range("BF" & idRow) '58
'        ws1.Range("K92") = ws2.Range("BG" & idRow) '59
'        ws1.Range("K93") = ws2.Range("BH" & idRow) '60
'        ws1.Range("K96") = ws2.Range("BI" & idRow) '61
'        ws1.Range("K98") = ws2.Range("BJ" & idRow) '62
'        ws1.Range("K109") = ws2.Range("BK" & idRow) '63
'        ws1.Range("K111") = ws2.Range("BL" & idRow) '64
'        ws1.Range("K112") = ws2.Range("BM" & idRow) '65
'        ws1.Range("K114") = ws2.Range("BN" & idRow) '66
'        ws1.Range("K116") = ws2.Range("BO" & idRow) '67
'        ws1.Range("K117") = ws2.Range("BP" & idRow) '68
'        ws1.Range("K118") = ws2.Range("BQ" & idRow) '69

        'Clear form if ID not found on Data sheet and not entering a new record
        newID = MsgBox("ID not found. Enter new record?", vbYesNo, "Unknown ID")
        If newID = vbNo Then
            Call FormClear
            GoTo ExitNow
        End If
    End If
End If

Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

VBA Code:
Private Sub SubmitButton_Click()
Dim idRow As Long, i As Long
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet

Set ws1 = Sheets("Form")
Set ws2 = Sheets("Data")


idRow = 0

For i = 2 To ws2.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    If ws2.Range("B" & i) = ws1.Range("E5") Then
        idRow = i
        Exit For
    End If
Next i

If idRow = 0 Then
    idRow = ws2.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
End If

If ws1.Range("E5") <> "" And ws1.Range("E6") <> "" Then
    ws2.Range("A" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E4") 'Date
    ws2.Range("B" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E5") 'ID
    ws2.Range("C" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E6") '3
    'What about H6? ws1.Range("H6") = ??
    ws2.Range("D" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E7") '4
    ws2.Range("E" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E8") '5
    ws2.Range("F" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K9") '6
    ws2.Range("G" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K10") '7
    ws2.Range("H" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K12") '8
    ws2.Range("J" & idRow) = ws1.Range("D14") '10
    ws2.Range("K" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K14") '11
    ws2.Range("L" & idRow) = ws1.Range("D15") '12
    ws2.Range("M" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K15") '13
    'Section b
    ws2.Range("N" & idRow) = ws1.Range("D18") '14
    ws2.Range("O" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K18") '15
    ws2.Range("P" & idRow) = ws1.Range("D19") '16
    ws2.Range("Q" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K19") '17
    ws2.Range("R" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E21") '18
    ws2.Range("S" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K22") '19
    ws2.Range("T" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K23") '20
    ws2.Range("U" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E24") '21
    ws2.Range("V" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E25") '22
    ws2.Range("W" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E28") '23
    ws2.Range("X" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K30") '24
    ws2.Range("Y" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E31") '25
    ws2.Range("Z" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K33") '26
    ws2.Range("AA" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E34") '27
    ws2.Range("AB" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E36") '28
    ws2.Range("AC" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K37") '29
    ws2.Range("AD" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K39") '30
    ws2.Range("AE" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E42") '31
    ws2.Range("AF" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E43") '32
    ws2.Range("AG" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E44") '33
    ws2.Range("AH" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E45") '34
    'Section c
    ws2.Range("AI" & idRow) = ws1.Range("C48") '35
    ws2.Range("AJ" & idRow) = ws1.Range("H48") '36
    ws2.Range("AK" & idRow) = ws1.Range("M48") '37
    ws2.Range("AL" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K51") '38
    ws2.Range("AM" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K52") '39
    ws2.Range("AN" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K53") '40
    ws2.Range("AO" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K56") '41
    ws2.Range("AP" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K57") '42
    ws2.Range("AQ" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K58") '43
    ws2.Range("AR" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K59") '44
    ws2.Range("AS" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K60") '45
    ws2.Range("AT" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E63") '46
    ws2.Range("AU" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K64") '47
    ws2.Range("AV" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E65") '48
    'What about I65? ws1.Range("I65") = ??
    ws2.Range("AW" & idRow) = ws1.Range("E66") '49
    ws2.Range("AX" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K69") '50
    ws2.Range("AY" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K71") '51
    'Sample data did not include these fields
'    ws2.Range("AZ" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K73") '52
'    ws2.Range("BA" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K82") '53
'    ws2.Range("BB" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K84") '54
'    ws2.Range("BC" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K85") '55
'    ws2.Range("BD" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K86") '56
'    ws2.Range("BE" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K88") '57
'    ws2.Range("BF" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K89") '58
'    ws2.Range("BG" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K92") '59
'    ws2.Range("BH" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K93") '60
'    ws2.Range("BI" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K96") '61
'    ws2.Range("BJ" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K98") '62
'    ws2.Range("BK" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K109") '63
'    ws2.Range("BL" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K111") '64
'    ws2.Range("BM" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K112") '65
'    ws2.Range("BN" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K114") '66
'    ws2.Range("BO" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K116") '67
'    ws2.Range("BP" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K117") '68
'    ws2.Range("BQ" & idRow) = ws1.Range("K118") '69
    Call FormClear
    MsgBox "Your data has successfully been submitted!", vbOKOnly, "Success!"
    MsgBox "Please ensure that the Date of MDT Review & the local identifier has been completed before trying to submit the data.", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Error: Required Fields Missing"
End If


End Sub

VBA Code:
Private Sub FormClear()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet

Set ws1 = Sheets("Form")
Set ws2 = Sheets("Data")

ws1.Range("E4").ClearContents 'Date
ws1.Range("E5").ClearContents 'ID
ws1.Range("E6").ClearContents '3
'ws1.Range("H6") = ?? 'What about H6?
ws1.Range("E7").ClearContents '4
ws1.Range("E8").ClearContents '5
ws1.Range("K9").ClearContents '6
ws1.Range("K10").ClearContents '7
ws1.Range("K12").ClearContents '8
ws1.Range("D14").ClearContents '10
ws1.Range("K14").ClearContents '11
ws1.Range("D15").ClearContents '12
ws1.Range("K15").ClearContents '13
'Section b
ws1.Range("D18").ClearContents '14
ws1.Range("K18").ClearContents '15
ws1.Range("D19").ClearContents '16
ws1.Range("K19").ClearContents '17
ws1.Range("E21").ClearContents '18
ws1.Range("K22").ClearContents '19
ws1.Range("K23").ClearContents '20
ws1.Range("E24").ClearContents '21
ws1.Range("E25").ClearContents '22
ws1.Range("E28").ClearContents '23
ws1.Range("K30").ClearContents '24
ws1.Range("E31").ClearContents '25
ws1.Range("K33").ClearContents '26
ws1.Range("E34").ClearContents '27
ws1.Range("E36").ClearContents '28
ws1.Range("K37").ClearContents '29
ws1.Range("K39").ClearContents '30
ws1.Range("E42").ClearContents '31
ws1.Range("E43").ClearContents '32
ws1.Range("E44").ClearContents '33
ws1.Range("E45").ClearContents '34
'Section c
ws1.Range("C48").ClearContents '35
ws1.Range("H48").ClearContents '36
ws1.Range("M48").ClearContents '37
ws1.Range("K51").ClearContents '38
ws1.Range("K52").ClearContents '39
ws1.Range("K53").ClearContents '40
ws1.Range("K56").ClearContents '41
ws1.Range("K57").ClearContents '42
ws1.Range("K58").ClearContents '43
ws1.Range("K59").ClearContents '44
ws1.Range("K60").ClearContents '45
ws1.Range("E63").ClearContents '46
ws1.Range("K64").ClearContents '47
ws1.Range("E65").ClearContents '48
'ws1.Range("I65") = ?? 'What about I65?
ws1.Range("E66").ClearContents '49
ws1.Range("K69").ClearContents '50
ws1.Range("K71").ClearContents '51

'Sample data did not include these fields
'ws1.Range("K73").ClearContents  '52
'ws1.Range("K82").ClearContents  '53
'ws1.Range("K84").ClearContents  '54
'ws1.Range("K85").ClearContents  '55
'ws1.Range("K86").ClearContents  '56
'ws1.Range("K88").ClearContents  '57
'ws1.Range("K89").ClearContents  '58
'ws1.Range("K92").ClearContents  '59
'ws1.Range("K93").ClearContents  '60
'ws1.Range("K96").ClearContents  '61
'ws1.Range("K98").ClearContents  '62
'ws1.Range("K109").ClearContents  '63
'ws1.Range("K111").ClearContents  '64
'ws1.Range("K112").ClearContents  '65
'ws1.Range("K114").ClearContents  '66
'ws1.Range("K116").ClearContents  '67
'ws1.Range("K117").ClearContents  '68
'ws1.Range("K118").ClearContents  '69

End Sub
Upvote 0
Hi Thank you for your help with this,

I have tried the code but keep getting this error every time.

View attachment 114753

Or when running the code in VB I automatically get this window?

View attachment 114752

I'm not sure why you are getting the first error. The second issue is because you are trying to run a "Worksheet_Change" event from the editor. It doesn't really work that way. Event code only runs when you trigger the event from the worksheet. Now I am trying to resolve another issue, I will let you know what I figure out.
Upvote 0
Does the first error highlight any lines in the code?

1st error - no, no lines are being highlighted, if I unmerge the Cell will it be easier to use just E5?
2nd error - resolved

Thank you
Upvote 0

1st error - no, no lines are being highlighted, if I unmerge the Cell will it be easier to use just E5?
2nd error - resolved

Thank you
No, I don't think that should matter, as the code is working just fine with merged cells on my end. There is likely something else going on.

Did you copy and paste all three pieces of code exactly as I posted them?

Do you have any other code besides what I gave you?

Did you put the code in the Sheet module or a standard module?
Upvote 0
Yes, I copied them and added them in to the Module 1 section.


No, I don't think that should matter, as the code is working just fine with merged cells on my end. There is likely something else going on.

Did you copy and paste all three pieces of code exactly as I posted them?

Do you have any other code besides what I gave you?

Did you put the code in the Sheet module or a standard module?
View attachment 114963
Upvote 0

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